- Truth Lies Obscuredby LisaMay
This work has reached the exceptional level
Daily 5-7-5 simplicities for April Na-Po-Wri-Mo
A Window On My World
: Truth Lies Obscured by LisaMay


Data entry work:

number-crunching statistics

figuring it out.

Diagnoses, prognoses,

and such extrapolations:

more names for ‘guesswork’?

With analysis,

losses and gains projections

magnify our doubts.

How to handle facts

when we don’t know what they are:

public misinformed. 

Truth will often lie

obscured by others with a

private agenda.


Author Notes
Author's Note:
In these times when it is so easy to fake news, or even call it fake when it is true, how can we gauge what is reliable? Can we trust supposedly knowledgeable sources? What is 'expert' opinion based on? Are strings being pulled, pockets lined, and manipulations of public freedom happening for ulterior purposes? By whom? Where? Why? The conspiracy whisperers are finding their voices. They always do.

And why do they say there are millions of PPE items (personal protective equipment) but frontline staff are running out of them? And just how many people have actually died in China? And just how long, really, is a piece of string?


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