- It Takes Effortby LisaMay
This work has reached the exceptional level
Daily 5-7-5 simplicities for April Na-Po-Wri-Mo
A Window On My World
: It Takes Effort by LisaMay

Slouching in peejays, 

my solo motivation 

does not work for me.

I tick myself off.

Don’t let crisis go to waste

my checklist of chores.

Marathon effort

to overcome lethargy.

Time’s running away.

Mental gymnastics

to keep my brain elastic.

A run? Too drastic!

Gardening workout –

rake and hoe, both on the go;

squat, lift, sweep, dig deep.

Now I want to sleep,

exhausted by this effort.

Should have just said: “Eff it!”



Author Notes
Author's Note:
peejays = pyjamas
I have become a victim to Parkinson's Law ("Work expands to fill the time available for its completion"). This means that if you give yourself a week to complete a two-hour task, then (psychologically speaking) the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week. Under lockdown, given that we don't know when this will be over, time is an unknown duration and procrastination can set in. However, I DID MOW THE LAWN today!!


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