Your Right's Are My Wrong?
I Mask So We Can Live Strong!
You're Singing Sad Songs?
Author Notes
Your Right's Are My Wrong?
By; George Martinez
(A,K.A) QC Poet
A 5-7-5 Syllable Poem Entry
A 5-7-5 follows the structure of a Haiku but without any limitation to the topic. While a Senryu, is primarily concerned with human nature. A Haiku, primarily concerned with physical nature.
A 5-7-5 poem is a free form with the only limitation being the syllable count.
So have fun with the 5-7-5 poetry type. But it must follow the proper syllable count. A 5-7-5 poem has three lines. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again.
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Deaths Continue to Rise, as States Begin to Test Reopening?
No Cure has Been Developed for this Virus Yet - Some Symptom Mitigation Drug Trials are Underway.
Apparently When it comes to Deaths and Taxes - Collecting Money to Run this Administration Takes Precedence.
As You Cry;
Poor Me, Poor Me!
Poor Me ~ One, To Remember Your Bye?