- My Mental Cooling Pond by QC Poet
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Cold Water Free Verse Prompt Entry
Me and You - 40+ years of Poems V2
: My Mental Cooling Pond by QC Poet

Cold water runs, flows, rushes, pools and it streams,
It can be poured all over us to vanquish our wildest dreams!
Will this then keep you awake or just add to your screams?
When nothing is washing out, is what it was, or what it seems?

Streaming cold waters rise, flow, and then drop,
As its watery circles growing larger start to dance and hop!
Pooling then cooling, set a drift they spin and they flop,
Now alive cunning and running its bubbles bursting pop.

Where does this wet refreshing element get such a great power?
To cool us down think things calmly through and don't go sour,
Heated reactions can burn us down within any living hour!
Cooler heads don't need to angerily react or to cower.

We're free to leap into a cool mental pool and be relieved of its duress,
Absorbing the waters soothing refreshing powers and caress.
Release dammed up pressures and steam from all daily stress,
A reinvigorating respite before returning to Life's crazy run a way express!


Author Notes
My Mental Cooling Pond
By; George Martinez
A Cold Water Free Verse Prompt Submission

Cold water is the topic this time: What feelings do you associate with cold water? Maybe it's a refreshing cold glass of water on a hot day, or maybe you imagine the feelings associated with being plunged into the icy river in the winter.
No deadline

Photo Credit; Author's, Location of photo is Buena Ventura State Beach, California.


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