- Hatredby tempeste
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Personification of an emotion
Hatred by tempeste
Personification of an Emotion poem writing prompt entry

Hatred is my name
and my only aim is to cause pain.

I'm  a hungry beast
in search of its daily pound of meat,
oh, what a feast.

I like to hurt, cause blood to spurt
I throw dirt, that's my dessert.

I pollute and drain your spirit
poison and tarnish your soul
I delight in seeing people fight.

My mental venom
eats nations from inside.
I find joy when I destroy,
war and carnage are my doings
death and ruin are my brings.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem where an emotion is turned into a real person could it be Linda Lust or prince Terror can be funny scary sad anything you like have fun.

Author Notes
To throw dirt ..on someone ..malicious .. spiteful and deliberately harmful talk


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