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Viewing comments for Chapter 22 "All Good Things..."
A Day at Sea World

17 total reviews 
Comment from Stephy Jemmisparks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, I got it! I read "The Ransom of Red Chief" on the net, then I got it, Gayle. Yes, Danny needs Rudy, lol!
Love ,

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2008
    Oh Stephy, isn't that a cute story. So Danny is just like Red Chief. I'm so glad you liked that one, and mine too.

    Thanks so much for reading my work and for the wonderful support.

Comment from Domino
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Gayle. Can't remember if I said I don't read prose much, cos of a short attention span, so have missed out intermediate chapters and hope to catch up here.
Oh, no 'background', still, I'll have a go.
'the one with the good legs', 'double portion of with' -LOL
'Hospital coffee is so much worse than it's cracked up to be' - very clever play on words.
Was a bit worried about 'Tony' 'til realised he was a dog, LOL
Oh, damn - 'The End'
This is terrific vivid writing with great descriptions and character analysis. You sure have style.
No point (for me) reading other chapters. I'm like that with a movie, once I know the end. I'm now a fan, but as I said, I'm not a great reader, so can't promise to always review. I'll do my best. Not because of recent events, my humble opinion says your writing has CLASS.
Cheers, darling, Ray xx

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2008
    Well Ray, I can't thank you enough for the wonderful comments. You don't know what a boost it is to hear such a good report.

    You're just the tops, my friend.

Comment from bookishfabler
This work has reached the exceptional level

Like I promised, here you go.

He launched himself across the floor of the lounge and skidded to a stop at Jim's feet. Wagging his butt in frantic joy, he made woo-woo sounds and licked Jim's hand.
LOL. Good thing I know Tony is a dog, or this would be odd behavior.

I loved this story and the other before it. I hope you write another one.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2008
    LOL! Heidi! That is so right! I never realized that, what a hoot!

    Thanks for the HOLY COW a sixer! Man, what a doll you are. Thanks so much. I've so appreciated your comments and hope to start something new soon.

    Again, thanks so much!

Comment from Allezw2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lady Gayle,

So you had to bring in the restauranteer with the gourmet touches as contraband.

I feel for these poor people who set rules and then have to contend with unruly folk who beak them up like summer ice on the Yukon.

Up in life, "Life is the pursuit ... " now.

Interesting little charmer.

Up to no good as before. I think commas, dashes and parentheses are the author's call.

When did he catch his breath or is he still blue?

So call!


 Comment Written 26-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jun-2008
    Hey Wayne,

    I'd imagine he's still going strong! Poor Rudy!

    Thanks for the review and lovely stars.

reply by Allezw2 on 26-Jun-2008
    Once more into the breach!
Comment from davidray
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi again, Gayle.
I really enjoyed this piece. A terrific ending. Everything was top notch, not a thing to nag about. I migh thave to recheck in the morning, just to bug you. :)
Regarding the 2nd to last paragraph, I wouldn't worry about adding any commas.It works quite well the way it is. You're kickin' some serious butt!!

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 24-Jun-2008
    Hey David,

    I just knew you'd like that. Actually, Danny developed a following early on in the book and then got lost for obvious reasons. I couldn't figure out how to put the right ending on the book until he volunteered and then it was all over but the shouting.

    Do you remember the Ransome of Red Chief? A real hoot!

    Well, I have to go into the editing cave, from whence I often do not emerge for weeks, and then I'll get onto another story. But never fear, I'll be lurking...and reading!

Comment from Johnny Carwash
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent book and a very fitting conclusion. I'm going to miss this one, Gayle, as you're a very skilled storyteller. I know this genre was somewhat new to you, but you penned MADHOUSE wonderfully. Great job.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2008
    Oh Johnny, that makes me feel so good. It is new, for sure, but I really kind of like it! Next one out is a nice little teen romp with horses. Don't expect I'll be seeing you as much, but maybe you can stop in for a Hi every once in a while.

    It's been a blast!

Comment from Jonez08
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gayle first let me say congratulations on a fantastic ending. Awesome, awesome story. I love the ending with everyone together and all the excitement. I look forward to more of your work.


 Comment Written 23-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2008
    Hi Cassandra,

    This book made me some great new friends, you, for one, and I hope to see you when I resume the horse books. I'm gonna take a breather for a little while, but I'll be back soon.

    Big hugs,
Comment from Kym Jade
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First off the 2nd to last paragraph is fine like that it just fits for the way a teenager would go on.

Ella and Jim were very naughty to drink the wine after Jim having a head injury and anesthesia.

Loved the story ending with a party.

Your writing made this story come to life as if watching a movie. Hope there are going to be more adventures involving Jim, Lenny, Ella, Terry and the dogs.

Love and blessings.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2008
    Metcha Ladies,

    I know, they were naughty, but they just couldn't help it! I had a ball, too and hope to start on a new adventure with these guys in a little while. Next I have to finish Riding Blind...been ages on that one!

    Thanks for the love,
Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gayle, leave the commas out in the second to last paragraph. When I read it, it read fine without them. I went back and reread after seeing your comment and did not like what commas did to the second reading. Another great book. You rock, my friend. Rock on!

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2008
    Hey Jan,

    I didn't like the way it looked with the commas, either. Y'know, they're beginning to lose favor...the commas. Even the 'formal' writers acknowledge that while the old Chicago Manual is 'right' less is always better! LOL!

Comment from RenieReader
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, Gayle. Great job on this final chapter. Were some commas missing? I didn't even notice. You did this mystery stuff excellently. Way to go. You had me hooked all the way through. I loved it and would like to see you do more of this genre.

If there were any nits, ... I sure didn't notice.

Hugs and kudos,

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2008
    Hi Renie,

    I enjoyed writing this one, too. I now have to go back and add about 30K's tooo short now, and then it'll be ready to send out.

    Thanks so much for the support and kind comments. Means a lot coming from you.
