Reviews from

Slowing Down the Speed of Life

A look at priorities in abaa rhyme

27 total reviews 
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good for you for taking charge of your life. Sometimes it seems we are so busy trying to keep up that we miss the experiences that truly matter. This poem is a wonderful declaration of putting priorities in the right place and running your life your way. You have stated it very well.

Checking Maureen's page, it appears she is still in the hospital but on the mend. She is truly the Celtic warrior and her family is so super to keep us updated.

Good luck to your son and I hope all works out so that you do have a wonderful relationship.

Bless you.

 Comment Written 16-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 17-Sep-2014
    Thank you. Glad there is good news about Maureen, my friend~Debbie
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree most heartly with this poem. Who will care about an unmade bed, a few dirty dishes in the sink or weeds in the flower bed for that matter? Who will care when we are gone?
My thought is that I will not clean for company, I will wait till the slobs go home then I will clean.
Nice poem. Kudos.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2014
    I read somewhere when company is coming to clean the toilet and the phone. Those are the two things people tend to notice. Thank you for the kind review, my friend~Debbie
reply by patcelaw on 15-Sep-2014
    Never heard about cleaning the phone, but now with cell phones we just keep them in our pockets so doesn't matter. Toilets are a must for me.
Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In choosing how I spend my time,
and by claiming my life as mine,
I find the time to play with rhyme
while striving for a life sublime.
This is the very thing I woke up wondering about....I have been pouring myself in writing lately. No undies in my hubby's drawers yesterday :o)
Praying for your son
God bless

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2014
    Thank you, my friend~Debbie
Comment from Jackarrie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just love your poem, it could have been me writing it. as I have the very same sentiments. I use technology as an advantage to my life, I may be somewhat addicted to Fanstory, but doing my best to curb this. My house is clean but not very tidy, I used to worry about it but not now. time is precious there are not enough time in the day for what I want to do, and of course depending on energy etc.

In choosing how I spend my time,
and by claiming my life as mine,
I find the time to play with rhyme
while striving for a life sublime.

Very well written, Mary

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2014
    Thank you, my friend~Debbie
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have been worried about Maureen myself. I am glad things have worked out for the best for your son. Prayers have been answered. My prayer is that, in time, he will return. My son did and even apologized for all he put us through.

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    I hope this does turn out for the best for him. He needed some kind of help before this and hopefully this is his chance to turn around and get life straightened all. I had to really go to bat for him to get the sentence suspended.

    Maureen's profile has some info on it. Take care, my friend_Debbie
Comment from Charlieboy123
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Vary well writing with the pen and expressed with a matching photo! It's nice to see fellow poets work of art, work of heart. Pulls on my heart strings.

For me to live is Christ Jesus.

J. Just & true in all His ways.

E. Eternal in all His days.

S. Son of God Savior of man.

U. Ultimate Champion.

S. Soon coming King of kings.

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    Thank you, my freind~Debbie
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wish your son well. I love the theme of your words and long for going back to a simpler time. I too,sometimes do not answer the phone. The rush rush of today's world is so unhealthy. Your words are full of wisdom and good advice.

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    Thank you so very much, my friend for your kind review~Debbie
Comment from Lovely red head
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Life seems to move soooo fast. I live like this most of the time. Dishes in the sink the bed unmade but my daughter and I have time to ride the bikes or swim at the Y. Life is short and your poem reminded me of this. Than you.

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 Comment Written 12-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    Thank you, you, my friend~Debbie
Comment from Jumbo J
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debbie,
you certainly hit the nail right on the head with this poem... you know... I used to be that guy who had to have the yard and gardens looking perfect... that's until life situations smack you in the back of the head and your priorities change... I watch people running around like chooks with their heads cut off racing to do things quicker, but actually taking more time than needed to perform the task... more hurry less speed one would think.. Anyway, lawns can wait, come to think of it anything can wait, I have nothing but--time or at least I think I have.

I loved what you have created here within these words... time to slow down and smell the roses... kick back, rest and observe my thoughts... smile))))))).

With our thoughts we create,
the real objective,
James xx


P.S. So glad to here your son gets to have another chance at succeeding in life... but the choice is his... so I wish him and you nothing but the best for a future in happiness, whether that be together or not only time will tell... but you know where my heart lies... be well my dear friend.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    Yes, we all need to slow down a bit. As for my son, this is his chance to change. If I had wanted, they would have put him in jail fow two years. I hope he appreciates the fact that I got him out of it. Perhaps that will help heal our relationship. Thank you so much, dear friend~Debbie xx
Comment from tedanytime
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Writer does more than "play" with verse!
These lines reflect an artists heart and mastery of poetic form.
True praise is deserved...

yes, who will care about dust bunnies 100 years from now?

work done with hands or heart or mind has a reward within the artist that others cannot know...

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2014
    Thank you so very much, my friend for your kind review~Debbie