Reviews from

Buyers' Remorse

Don't cry over spilt milk

4 total reviews 
Comment from sunnilicious
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good entry. Well thought out and clearly written. Trump didn't win by a landslide, but he's the president. We must respect him. Also, you met the contest syllable-count requirements. Good luck in the 2-4-6 Contest.

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2017

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2017
    Thank you for your excellent comments and good wishes, Sunniicious.
Comment from smileycloud
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

you have done very well meeting the contest entry prompt
I do not understand American politics no matter how many stories poems or news articles I read so I will certainly not endeavor to comment on the subject
crikey, I don't even understand our own politics here LOL but
the content verbally is very good
good luck in the contest
have a smiley day

 Comment Written 28-Sep-2017

reply by the author on 28-Sep-2017
    G'day, Lorraine,

    I took a peek at your profile to see where in the world someone so far removed from "politics" can be.

    I was kind of surprised to see you're an Aussie, because Australia and her neighbors, along with so much of the rest of the world, are in grave danger, not only from environmental devastation, but from the growing threat of nuclear annihilation from the bloodthirsty North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

    I wrote my poem in what I hoped would not be seen as an attack on US President Trump, but as something for the thoughtful reader to contemplate - that most American voters, regardless of their previous political loyalties, have come to realize his election was a dangerous gamble, and they now regret it.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my work, Lorraine, and I hope it has given you some food for serious thought.

reply by smileycloud on 29-Sep-2017
    I think your poem was very thought provoking
    I can apologise but you had no way of knowing
    I CHOOSE to turn off to the drama queen kind of politics that hit us in the face on a much lower level every moment of every daymy jovial positive nature is being murdered with their negative evilness
    but I am so prayerful and conscious of the trouble that these evil degenerates are causing
    I have been through 3 lots of life threatening cancer and the nightmare of chemotherapy and my sister and husband both cancer survivors and my brother a paraplegic due to a heart operation 20 years ago another friend now with leukemia and chemo
    I worked like a slave 3 and 4 jobs at a time for 50 years never once neglected taxes or what the government asked never once disobeyed their laws
    but as a old pensioner now I am told that politicians that want to blow us all up are worth more money than us to buy bread and milk than the backbones of the country and the young men and women who died and got cripppled to protect us against these evil dumb creeps who are power mongres with war games
    what do we do to get them to be decent loving kindhearted people?
    don;t even get me started on these evil people causing cancers with their rocket afterburns and nuclear waste
    they cant treat the earth properly how in heavens name do they expect to not ruin space and the moon as well
    just how many planets do they want to stuff up?


    I want laughter in my last years

    thank you though for your concern for what looked like indifference on my part
    I have done my very best to treat every human and animal and the earth with gentle caring respect
    I worked many years in aged care and we all come to the same conclusion we cannot improve the big wide world only our little corner
    it is a shame but those big bugs of pure evil are the only ones who can turn about face and start treating the world right
    we do not even have a say about their ways of life
    no choice but to give up
    if anyone does start to repirmand evildoers then a whole other war like situation arises
    there are no answers untill people change their hearts and we cannot do that
    I have prayed begged worked all I can and it did not change these people one iota

    I am happy to rest now
    I am pleased that there are vigilant people out there doing what they can for us by "worrying"
    I hope all their worrying stress does not bring them to their knees with ill health or even cancers
    You had no way of knowing just how much I used to care
    now I pray for the this I cannot change or fix
    Thank you for listening
reply by the author on 29-Sep-2017
    Thanks for your heartfelt reply, Lorraine. I agree that you have earned the right to allow your mind to enjoy the rest of your life however you wish it to.

    The comments in your review might have been written by a youngster, choosing to close her eyes to the troubled planet, in favor of her private dreamworld. That clearly is not you, and never was.

    Keep enjoying FS in unfailing health and the best of spirits.

reply by smileycloud on 29-Sep-2017
    thank you dear fs friend
    stay safe
    you had no way of knowing my situation
Comment from Mimi Linny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Super 2-4-6 piece to enter into the contest! The flow is great and context: Very well thought out! You've done a great job. Photo does appear neutral, too! Much luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 28-Sep-2017

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2017
    Thanks for your most complimentary comments, Mimi. Much apppreciated..
Comment from fayesh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If it weren't for the accompanying photo, could your poem stand by itself? You have the rhymed words. I think you need to change the title to "Trump" so if the photo is not there, the poem will stand alone.

 Comment Written 28-Sep-2017

reply by the author on 28-Sep-2017
    I'm surprised you didn't realize that he poem does work without the photo. If you re-read it, I think you'll agree that it could only be about Donald Trump. In fact, at first I was not going to use a photo, but to show that the poem is not anti-Trump or pro-Trump, I chose a picture that I think appears neutral.

    Fayesh, I hope you can see that what i said is accurate. I will appreciate it if you decide to revise your 4-star rating. Thank you.