Holiday Limerick Contest

Poetry Contest
The topic for this poetry contest is: Holiday Limerick Contest

I was GOING to write "Christmas Limerick" but it would be fun to read Hannukah, or Winter Solstice limericks too! Does anyone celebrate Kwanzaa?

Limericks are humorous poems. Some of the most famous limericks are bawdy/raunchy ones, but that's not a rule for limericks. In fact, the guy who is famous for limericks -- Edward Lear -- wrote them for a children's book called _The Book of Nonsense_.

Anyway, limericks....
They are five lines long.
They have a rhyme scheme of A-A-B-B-A.
They tend to have anapestic meter. In other words. the syllables are stressed like this:
Two unstressed syllables followed by a STRESSED syllable.

Here's an example of a limerick:

There once was a woman named Aster
Who urged her poor hubby, "Go faster!"
But try as he might
They still had a fight,
And "Date Night" was just a disaster.

When writing your limerick, consider the topic (Holidays). The poem doesn't have to be raunchy. It is better though if a limerick is humorous.

Did you know that creating a contest costs $3? I didn't know that until today! It's still worth it to see what all you come up with! I'm required to set a cost for entry. So I set it at the lowest cost which is $3 to enter.

The winners' prizes are formed from the accumulation of the entry fees.
First prize: 50% of prize pool
Second prize: 25% of prize pool
Third prize: 25% of prize pool

Allez écrivez!

When voting for the winner, please consider the topic - Holidays.

A limericks' structure includes

1. five lines
2. rhyming structure of A-A-B-B-A
3. usually anapestic meter (la-la-LA)
4. Three beats of meter in lines 1, 2, and 5
5. Two beats of meter in Lines 3 and 4
6. Often humorous
7. Sometimes raunchy

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 54.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Saturday, December 24, 2022.

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