Tell A Story In A Poem

Poetry Contest
In this contest you are challenged to write a poem that tells a story and also rhymes. Please note in the example below how the poem follows a specific rhyme scheme (aa,bb).

An example:
    I'll tell you the story of Cloony the Clown (a)
    Who worked in a circus that came through town. (a)
    His shoes were too big and his hat was too small, (b)
    But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all. (b)
    He had a trombone to play loud silly tunes, (a)
    He had a green dog and a thousand balloons. (a)
    He was floppy and sloppy and skinny and tall, (b)
    But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all. (b)

    Cloony The Clown
    by Shel Silverstein
    (see full poem below.)

This type of rhyme scheme lends itself well to storytelling (specifically storytelling for children) but you are not required to follow this rhyme scheme. Another example using the "abab" rhyme scheme.

    Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock. (a)
    "Now they are all on their knees," (b)
    An elder said as we sat in a flock (a)
    By the embers in hearthside ease. (b)

    We pictured the meek mild creatures where (a)
    They dwelt in their strawy pen, (b)
    Nor did it occur to one of us there (a)
    To doubt they were kneeling then. (b)

    So fair a fancy few would weave (a)
    In these years! Yet, I feel, (b)
    If someone said on Christmas Eve, (a)
    "Come; see the oxen kneel, (b)

    "In the lonely barton by yonder coomb (a)
    Our childhood used to know," (b)
    I should go with him in the gloom, (a)
    Hoping it might be so' (b)

    The Oxen by Thomas Hardy

You can tell a story of any type. It can be targeted at children or adults. Be dark or light. The only requirement is that there is a clear rhyme scheme and a story. Any rhyme scheme can be used. Contest judges will be considering the rhyme and storytelling qualities when picking the winners.

The winners will be selected by the Contest Committee. The committee will read and discuss the entries. A winner will be announced approximately one to two weeks after the deadline passes.

Cloony The Clown (in full)
by Shel Silverstein

I'll tell you the story of Cloony the Clown
Who worked in a circus that came through town.
His shoes were too big and his hat was too small,
But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all.
He had a trombone to play loud silly tunes,
He had a green dog and a thousand balloons.
He was floppy and sloppy and skinny and tall,
But he just wasn't, just wasn't funny at all.
And every time he did a trick,
Everyone felt a little sick.
And every time he told a joke,
Folks sighed as if their hearts were broke.
And every time he lost a shoe,
Everyone looked awfully blue.
And every time he stood on his head,
Everyone screamed, "Go back to bed!"
And every time he made a leap,
Everybody fell asleep.
And every time he ate his tie,
Everyone began to cry.
And Cloony could not make any money
Simply because he was not funny.
One day he said, "I'll tell this town
How it feels to be an unfunny clown."
And he told them all why he looked so sad,
And he told them all why he felt so bad.
He told of Pain and Rain and Cold,
He told of Darkness in his soul,
And after he finished his tale of woe,
Did everyone cry? Oh no, no, no,
They laughed until they shook the trees
With "Hah-Hah-Hahs" and "Hee-Hee-Hees."
They laughed with howls and yowls and shrieks,
They laughed all day, they laughed all week,
They laughed until they had a fit,
They laughed until their jackets split.
The laughter spread for miles around
To every city, every town,
Over mountains, 'cross the sea,
From Saint Tropez to Mun San Nee.
And soon the whole world rang with laughter,
Lasting till forever after,
While Cloony stood in the circus tent,
With his head drooped low and his shoulders bent.
And while the world laughed outside.
Cloony the Clown sat down and cried.

The winner takes away a $100 cash prize. All writers will receive feedback for their submission.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Friday, July 31, 2009.

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