"One Thousand Cranes"

Chapter 5
Dusk Kisses Peonies

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

dusk kisses peonies

with the last light of day —

tucked in for the night


Author Notes Peonies are plants or shrubs that have large, showy flowers. It's the state flower of Indiana. Most peonies thrive in cold climates.

Contemporary Haiku: has one to four lines, 17 syllables or LESS. No rhymes. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash or ellipsis (~ .... ) Images are taken from human nature or nature.

the haiku
source: Modern

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 7
Flower Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Ekphrastic poem is inspired by a picture or work of art

flower moon
balances on cherry blossoms —
boughs bounce in the breeze


Author Notes KIGO Spring (cherry blossoms)

Contemporary Haiku: one to four lines, 17 syllables or LESS. No rhymes. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. These poems utilize a caesura (pause) The essence of haiku is cutting (KIRU) represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a (KIREJI) dash or ellipsis (~ .... ) Images are taken from human nature or nature.

Here is an example:

in the woodpile
the broken ax handle

the haiku
source: Modern

May's full Flower Moon reaches peak illumination at 7:14 A.M. (EDT) on Wednesday, May 26.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 8
Scattered White Blossoms

By Gypsy Blue Rose

scattered white blossoms

where car and bike collided —

flower basket by her side

Author Notes This poem is fictional but on Saturday I was in a car accident. Made me think about the fragility of life.

KATAUTA is a Japanese poem that follows a 5/7/7 syllable count and form. more information about Sedoka and Katauta

In 1912, the people of Japan sent more than 3,000 cherry trees to the United States as a gift of friendship. They were planted in Washington, DC.

The significance of the cherry tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. The blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. Though pages of haiku can be read in a few moments, a quick read doesn�??�?�¢??t do these little gems justice. A haiku is kind of like having a tiny diamond in your hand as opposed to, say, a huge chunk of quartz. Examine�??�?�¢?�??�?�¦see what meaning you can find.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 9
Spring Haiku

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

springtime —

angel trumpets blossom 

to the rhythm of life


Author Notes Angel Trumpets species are amongst the most toxic of ornamental plants

EKPHRASTIC POEM It's a vivid description of a picture or a painting.

HAIKU is a Japanese short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition. The poem is written in three lines with 17 syllables and 5/7/5 form. English haiku doesn't have to be 5/7/5, just 17 syllables OR LESS and as brief as possible. Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables.

The essence of haiku is represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash to pause a moment of introspection.

source of 5/7/5 syllables rule ***
source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America ***

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 10
Old Teapot Waits

By Gypsy Blue Rose

old teapot waits

for grandma's tender hands —

long after she's gone

Chapter 12
Book of Love Poems

By Gypsy Blue Rose

book of love poems

holds your precious flowers —

pages soaked in tears

Author Notes Senryu is a Japanese short poetic form similar to haiku but focuses on human nature and it doesn't require a season word (kigo). It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS, usually in three lines. It can be satirical or humorous; on the other side, it can be serious expressing misfortunes, hardships, and woe of humanity. It goes back to late 18th century Japan.
source: wikipedia
collection of senryu

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 13
Bevy of Doves

By Gypsy Blue Rose

bevy of doves

dilly dally by clear creek —

killing thyme


Author Notes A group of doves is called: bevy, cote, flight, dule

doves eat fresh thyme among other things

Contemporary Haiku: one to four lines, 17 syllables or LESS. No rhymes. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. These poems utilize a caesura (pause) The essence of haiku is cutting (KIRU) represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a (KIREJI) dash or ellipsis (~ .... ) Images are taken from human nature or nature.

Here is an example:

in the woodpile
the broken ax handle

the haiku
source: Modern

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 14
Dead Flowers

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

dead flowers embrace 

earth in last gesture of love —

seedlings wait for spring


Author Notes Fiction

JISEI HAIKU (death poem), is a genre of Japanese poetry that offers a reflection on the imminent death of the author. Please, focus on nature, try to free your mind from all you know about death from our Western World notion. Jisei originated in Zen Buddhism. It uses metaphoric references such as sunsets, autumn, or falling cherry blossom that suggest the transience of life. Jisei is a farewell poem to life to see source click here *** to see source click here ***** The poem's structure is 5/7/5 or LESS. Jisei Haiku poems are typically graceful, natural, and emotionally neutral.

If you would like to join our Haiku Club, please click on the CLUBS link and look for the haiku club. You may send me a message if you need help or have questions.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 15

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

Moonbeam sneaks through my window 

entwined in a cold breeze

and jasmine’s musky fragrance

reminiscent of mom’s scent —

I drown in wistfulness


Author Notes KANSHI POEM refers to works by Japanese poets written in classical Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in the Heian Era (794-1185), Kanshi is written in 5 to 7 syllables and 4 to 8 lines. KANSHI RESOURCES: wikipedia ****** Tokyo Weekender ****** Simply Haiku ******

This week's event for the Japanese Poetry Club is KANSHI POEMS. If you would like to join the club, Click Here and Click on Japanese Poetry Club

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 16
Last Goodwill Boxes

By Gypsy Blue Rose


last goodwill boxes

of mom’s things on wet sidewalk —

smell of winter rain



Author Notes HUMANITY HAIKU focuses on humanity kigo (season word) not to be confused with Senryu that doesn't have a Kigo. It's a Japanese short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition. FORM: In Japanese, haiku is written in three lines 5/7/5. In English, it's 17 syllables or less, as brief as possible.

The essence of haiku is represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash to pause for introspection, usually at end of the second line.

source of 5/7/5 syllables rule ***
source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America ***

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Artwork by Itsendy Deh

Chapter 18
Fireflies Flutter

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:A Group of Fireflies is called a Sparkle (for rules, please check my author notes)

fireflies flutter

amidst dewy reeds —

blossoms in the spotlight



Author Notes A group of fireflies is called a light posse or a sparkle.

KIGO spring for blossoms

HAIKU is a Japanese short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition. FORM: In Japanese, haiku is written in three lines 5/7/5. In English, it's 17 syllables or less, as brief as possible.

The essence of haiku is represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash to pause for introspection, usually at end of the second line.

source of 5/7/5 syllables rule ***
source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America ***

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


picture from pinterest

Chapter 21
Orange Fire Daisies

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes


orange fire daisies

on her fawn-shade kimono —

harvest moon



Author Notes Fawn is a shade of beige. Fire is a shade of orange.

This week we are learning about HUMANITY HAIKU. click here to find the haiku club

KIGO: harvest moon for autumn

Humanity Haiku category focuses on aspects of human beings. It's not to be confused with Senryu which doesn't have a kigo (season word) Humanity kigo list includes: clothes; food and beverages; work and school; sports; recreation; the arts; illness; travel; communications; and moods. click here to see List of Kigo

HAIKU is a Japanese short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition. FORM: In Japanese, haiku is written in three lines 5/7/5. In English, it's 17 syllables or less, as brief as possible.

The essence of haiku is represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash to pause for introspection, usually at end of the second line.

source of 5/7/5 syllables rule ***
source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America ***

My haiku was inspired by a painting by Otake Aya (Ekphrastic)

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 22
Living The Dream

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Bright scarlet ibis, 

swept up by silver moonlight, 

onto wishful sky.

Dueling creatures of the night, 

sing sweet symphonies, 

to lull maiden into dreaming,

of faraway lands. 

Where bright scarlet ibis fly, 

among beautiful maidens. 


Author Notes This week's event in the Japanese Poetry Club is to write a CHOKA. It's a form of Japanese court poetry of the 6th to 14th century consisting of (5-7 5-7 5-7- 5-7-7) syllables pattern. There are other variants of this pattern but I will keep it simple for this event. It was composed mainly to commemorate public events The total length of the poem is indefinite.

Artwork by chie-yoshii

Thank you very much. I appreciate that you took the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy hugs

Chapter 24
The Last Light of Day

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the last light of day 

drenches golden blades of wheat —

obscured miracle 


Author Notes Obscure miracle as in a beautiful sunset in a dark night or as in not seen by human eyes but still beautiful.

5/7/5 poem is similar to haiku but has different rules. 5/7/5 poem's rules are simple: syllables count and grammatically connected lines.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 25
Calla Lilies

By Gypsy Blue Rose


pink calla lilies 
gently catch April raindrops
from lush cotton candy clouds



Author Notes 5/7/7 katuata for the 3 lines contest
KATAUTA is an unrhymed Japanese form consisting of 19 syllables with a 5/7/7 pattern. They are usually humorous but don't have to be. A pair of Katauta is called a sedoka. click here for more info

Thank you very much for your review


Chapter 26
Slanted Moonbeams

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes


slanted moonbeams

bathe the empty nursery —

dreams not carried to term


Author Notes Fictional

SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku but focuses on human nature and it doesn't require a season word (kigo). It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS. No rhymes but alliteration, personification, metaphor, etc ... are okay. It can be humorous or serious. It goes back to late 18th century Japan. *** source: wikipedia *** collection of senryu

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 27
Gnarled Hands

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Gnarled hands hold the book of poems
      her husband wrote for her years ago. 

She keeps his last red rose
      between its worn yellow pages.

The petals’ scent preserved
      amidst the rhythm of his words.

Author Notes Fictional

SIJO is a traditional three-line Korean poetic form written in three lines, each averaging 14-16 syllables. Each line is written in four groups of syllables that should be clearly differentiated from the other groups, yet still, flow together as a single line.
The syllables count are an average of 14 to 16 syllables:
--The first line is written in (approximately) 3-4-4-4 states the theme of the poem
--The second line is (approximately) 3-4-4-4 is an elaboration of the first line's theme
--The third line is divided into two sections.
--The first section is (approximately) 3-5 counter-theme
--the second part is (approximately) 4-3 conclusion
The counter-theme is called the 'twist,' which is usually a surprise in meaning, sound, or another device.

Chapter 28
Skipping Stones With Dad

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

as sun shimmers over warm lake, I reminisce —
skipping stones with dad

now, I watch him struggle to breathe in ICU —
my heart skips a beat


Author Notes 12/5 POEM - a new form created by Gypsy Blue Rose. The poem is inspired by Japanese poetry. It's imagistic and intuitive. In the first line (12 syllables) write a visual phrase about nature or human nature. In the second line write a juxtaposition pivotal phrase in relation to the first line. You may write one stanza of 12/5 alone or repeat as many times as you like.

If you would like to join the Haiku Club click here and look for it on the list of clubs. Let me know if I can help.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 29
Tableau (Outside the Airport)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

outside the airport

Taliban soldiers

push Afghan allies

back into stone age —

women disappear

beneath blue burkas


Author Notes TABLEAU, is a poetry form created by American poet, Emily Romano in October of 2008, consists of one or more verses, in 6 lines and 5 syllables per line. It can be rhymed or free verse The title should contain the word tableau. The word tableau means picture or representation, a picture should come to mind as the poem is read.

The Taliban is a religious-political movement and military organization in Afghanistan, regarded by multiple governments and organizations as terrorists.

The Taliban have been condemned internationally for the harsh enforcement of their interpretation of Islamic law, which has resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans. While the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, they banned activities and media including paintings, photography, and movies. They also prohibited music using instruments. The Taliban prevented girls and young women from attending school, banned women from working jobs outside of healthcare (male doctors were prohibited from treating women), and required that women be accompanied by a male relative and wear a burqa at all times when in public. If women broke certain rules, they were publicly whipped or executed.

The Fall of Kabul was the capture of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, by Taliban forces on 15 August 2021. It was the culmination of a military offensive that began in May 2021 against the Afghan government. The capture took place hours after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. Most of the provincial capitals of Afghanistan had fallen in succession in the midst of a US troop withdrawal that started on 29 February 2020 and is projected to be completed by 31 August 2021. Wikipedia

Chapter 30

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes



gray fog lingers, 

thick and wet in silence,

witness of life’s inequities —

in tears.

Author Notes AMERICAN CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables count in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed and about any subject. It was created by American poet, Adelaide Crapsey in 1915. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling. more information

*Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much as haiku and tanka. more information

Chapter 32
Gusty Bay Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

gusty bay wind
hums through sand reeds —
tree's standing ovation


Author Notes Aeolian ( ee-oh-lee-uhn wind is the sound produced by wind when it encounters an obstacle.

Standing Ovation (oh-vey-shuhn) = an enthusiastic reception marked by loud applause.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's ego and views. FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines (5/7/5), in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don't need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum.
HAIKU SOURCES -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

KIGO for wind is spring

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 33
Winter Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

May winter winds 
carry my ashes across 
blue oceans and sky, 
so when my children look for me, 
they’ll find me in the clouds and seas.

I’ll be shining 
with the summer sun, 
and with the harvest moon, 
on dew dripping down 
spring cherry blossoms. 

Most of all,
I’ll be in my children’s hearts, 
till the end of time.


Author Notes Jisei is a poem written in zen style by the poet before their own death. These poems reflect the final reflections of one's life. It was generally a tradition with zen monks but were written by poets as well. These poems originated in Japanese, Chinese and Korean cultures as far back as the 7th Century, and can be written in any poetry form, but were traditionally written in tanka or haiku style. for more information click here
for more information click here

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 34
Fasten to Symphony

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

fasten to symphony
oriver’s rushing life  —
my soul moves on


Author Notes This poem is based on the Zen philosophy because jisei poems were created by zen monks. Life and Death are one, a continuum, and they are not separated and there is no dividing line between them.

Jisei is a poem written by the poet before their own death. These poems reflect the final reflections of one's life. It was generally a tradition with zen monks but was written by poets as well. These poems originated in Japanese, Chinese and Korean cultures as far back as the 7th Century, and can be written in any poetry form, but were traditionally written in tanka or haiku style. for more information click here
for more information click here


Holding back the night
with it's increasing brilliance
the summer moon.
---Written by Yoshitoshi.
On a journey, ill;
my dream goes wandering
over withered fields
--written by Matsuo Basho

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 35
After the Funeral

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

after the funeral,
girl embraces mom’s nightgown —
scent of yearning


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku is written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS in a shot/long/short form. Senryu tends to be about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't include a kigo (season word).

for more information click here

collection of senryu

The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Picture by Fazlur Rahman

Chapter 36
Lady Jasmine

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:New Poetic Form created by Gypsy Blue Rose

Tell me about the charm, 
      of elms promenade, 
with their branches swaying, 
      to breeze’s rhythm. 
As the clear creek whispers 
      beneath the old bridge. 

Nearby, Lady Jasmine 
      wears white gardenias, 
that drizzle their sweet scent,
      midst her ample breast, 
bouncing to the rhythm 
      of hypnotic hips. 



Author Notes SYLLABIC SEXTET is a six-line stanza that consists of 6/5/6/5/6/5 syllables form. It never rhymes and the lines are grammatically connected. Any subject. Poetic devices are allowed: Imagery, metaphor, personification, simile. Stanzas may be repeated as many times as desired. Created by Gypsy Blue Rose.

-- Sextet means any group or set of six.
-- Painting by Stephen Mackey, A Scented Mourner

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 37
Dark Evening

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for cinquain-tanka new contest

In this dark evening,
      even moonflowers
      hide from summer rain,
lulled by creek’s whispers, 
      and heron’s roh-rohs.



Author Notes -- The personification of moonflowers is allowed with Cinquain Tanka

-- Moonflower is a night-blooming flower

--Herons, during breeding, greet their partner with squawking roh-roh-rohs when arriving at the nest.

CINQUAIN-TANKA is a combination of a cinquain poem and a tanka. It's written using 5 lines with 5 syllables on each line. "Cinq" is French for the number 5. Tanka is a Japanese poem with five lines too. I created this new poem form. It never rhymes. You can use any subject.

Line one: 5 syllables
Line two: 5 syllables
Line tree: 5 syllables
Line four: 5 syllables
Line five: 5 syllables

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Chapter 39

By Gypsy Blue Rose

      where my childhood 
      still plays on your beach,
      hiding behind the reeds,
      where my first love sleeps.

I carry your light and scent,
and piled on your sand,
      I keep memories,
      of love, sorrow, and games,

      as you come close ... 
      and then go away.

You haunt my dreams like a man,
      soaked in Old Spice and breeze,
      who I miss and need.




And when the grim reaper,
      comes looking for me,
      push my boat into the sea,
      and let the stormy winds,
      thrust my white wings,
      between the beach and the sky.
                                        e …

I was born in the Mediterranean.


Author Notes I was born in Spain near the Mediterranean Ocean.

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


Chapter 40
After He Left

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

walks on our beach
after you left —

breaking waves


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku is written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS in a shot/long/short form. Senryu tends to be about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't include a kigo (season word).

for more information click here

collection of senryu

The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem.


Chapter 41
Wherever You Go

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:New Form created by Gypsy Blue Rose

beyond the beyondness, 
jagged clouds trudge along, 
with weeping drizzle rain,
falling haphazardly, 

over thirsty mountains,
and dried up plump-top trees.



Author Notes Haphazardly = Randomly

Jagged clouds are called Stratocumulu, gray and white low-level patches lined up in rows or spread out with light drizzle of rain.

SIX FEET UNDER is a new form created by Gypsy Blue Rose. It consists of six lines with six syllables in each line. Lines connect grammatically. Never rhymes. Any subject. Any Title. Six feet under is a phrase used for dead and buried.

Line 1: 6 syllables
Line 2: 6 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 6 syllables
Line 5: 6 syllables
Line 6: 6 syllables

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 42
Twenty-Five Hundred

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:In Honor of the Ukrainians and Worldwide Mercenaries Soldiers Fighting the Russians

Two Neptune missiles  
charged in the dismal Black Sea

hit Russian Moskva 
aiming to sink fast and deep

with sailors and all  
into the ocean, was sunk 

twenty-five hundred 
soldiers that never gave up 

they stood for freedom  
willing to die for their land 

they had fought so well 
avoiding the jaws of death

where life is true hell 
as brave soldiers plunged ahead 

twenty-five hundred 
souls stood for bombed motherland 

mid childless mothers 
and dead men with bounded hands 

in the raped seaports 
the hazy ashen smoke rose

swallowed Russians horde 
that killed many valiant men

who were outnumbered
but all with honor did fight




Author Notes *It's hard to tell how many Ukrainian soldiers have died because many have disappeared.

"Half a league, half a league/Half a league onward/All in the valley of Death/ Rode the six hundred/Forward, the Light Brigade!/Charge for the guns!/he said/Into the valley of Death/ Rode the six hundred....." --The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- click here to read the complete poem

My poem was inspired by the Russia and Ukraine War of 2022 and the similarities with the Crimean War of 1853 to 1856. for more info on Crimean War click here

The Russian soldiers' siege of the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol has culminated in the last stand by 2,500 Ukrainian troops, including 400 foreign mercenaries, who are outnumbered six to one. Regardless, the brave Ukrainian soldiers vow to fight to the end and not surrender. Recently, the Ukrainian troops sunk Russia's most important warship, the Moskva. Russians didn't take it well. to read the New York Times article click here

The CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE on October 25, 1854, was a disastrous British cavalry charge against heavily defended Russian troops at the Battle of Balaklava during the Crimean War (1853-56). The suicidal attack was made famous by Alfred, Lord Tennyson in his 1855 poem of the same name.
Poem: The Charge of the Light Brigade BY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON
JIYU-SHI (means freestyle) is a Japanese freestyle poetry introduced to American poetry between 1912 to 1926. The only rule is to write in 5/7 stanzas, you can write as many stanzas as you like. I recommend keeping complete thoughts in each line and connecting the lines grammatically for excellent flow. click here to read more

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 43
Gray Smoke in the Horizon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

gray smoke in the horizon –  
      thoughts of … ‘men can’t cry’  

irritated eyes tear up – 
      as soldiers advance 

a mother howls from anguish – 
      that come from her gut

bloody fingers from digging – 
      a grave for her son 


Author Notes The soldiers mentioned in the poem are Ukrainians

WARNING is very hard to watch

A few weeks ago, I watched a video that made me cry so hard. I don't think I will ever forget it. The picture is of Iryna Kostenko, a heartbroken Ukrainian mother from Kyiv, buried her son, Oleksei, 27, in their garden who was gunned down by Russian forces. She told BBC News: "The pain is so bad. Now I'm all alone. My son was young, 27 years old. He wanted to stay alive. I covered the grave with a blanket to protect it from the dogs. He isn't in a coffin, I had to roll him in a carpet. I lost everything."

IMAYO is an 8 -lines Japanese poem that has 7 syllables on the first line and 5 syllables on the second line (7/5). There is a caesura ( pause ~ ) between the first 7 syllables line and the final 5 syllables line (7~5). With IMAYO you can use any subject. It never rhymes.
click here for more information
click here for more information
Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 44
~ Bevy of Doves ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Bevy of doves perched  
      on sweet wisteria boughs  

as cool spring rain drips
ver the old man’s garden

where he sits daily  
      to reminisce about life 

and his sweet, Jasmine
      the love of his life, now dead
but not departed 

      she lives in fragrant flowers

the laughter of kids 
      and love in his beating heart



Author Notes Wisteria is a flower native to Asian countries but found around the world. Some species are popular ornamental plants that grow in late Spring or early Summer. Wisteria brachybotrys "Shiro-Beni" Smells sweet but other species smell bad.

Bevy - a group of doves

Painting by Kawase

JIYU-SHI is a Japanese freestyle poetry introduced to American poetry between 1912 to 1926. You write 5 syllables on the first line and 7 syllables on the second lines ( 5/7 stanzas), you can write as many stanzas as you like. Never rhymes. Keep complete thoughts in each line and connect the lines grammatically.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Chapter 46
Frosted Dew Glistens

By Gypsy Blue Rose

frosted dew glistens

by the light of hunter moon —

white egret takes flight




Author Notes Hunter Moon = This moon happens in October when the game is fattened up for winter. Now is the time for hunting and laying in a store of provisions for the long months ahead.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or not direct words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's ego and views. FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don't need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum ..

HAIKU SOURCES -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 47
* Murder of Crows *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Murder of crows caw,
      on bared bough, overseeing
the old farmer’s crops.
      Ripe with sour sweat and worries,
after reaping grains,
      before hungry crows descend.



Author Notes A murder of crows is a group of crows.

Crows are members of the family of ravens, magpies, and blue jays. Loud, rambunctious, and very intelligent, crows are most often associated with fear and loathing. They are considered pests by farmers. Many people fear them because of their black feathers and are often associating them with death. But research demonstrated that crows are actually very social and caring creatures, and also among the smartest animals on the planet. Crows can talk in the same way as parrots do, they are pretty good at mimicking human speech.

JIYU-SHI is a Japanese freestyle poetry introduced to European and American poetry between 1912 to 1926. The only rule is to write in 5/7 stanzas, you can write as many stanzas as you like. I recommend keeping complete thoughts in each line and connecting the lines grammatically for excellent flow. click here to read Wikipedia, you have to scroll down to Modern and Contemporary section towards the end)

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 48
Empty Promises

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Per Monostich rules, the title is different than the poem but offers better understanding

Empty Promises 

she throws their golden bands into the lake and water rings ripple into eternity


Author Notes Monostich is a poem that is only one line.

The title often plays an important part in the poem since the poem itself is so short.

Some one line poems can be read as one unbroken line without forced pauses or pauses as with one-line haiku.

Monostich was created in Russia in 1894 and Modern Monostich in North America in the 1970s. American haiku masters, William Higginson demonstrated that haiku is similar to the monostich form. click here to read wikipedia = read here to read simply haiku, monostich samples

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 49
The Last Thing I Do

By Gypsy Blue Rose

may the last thing 
I do in life 
be to watch 
the sunset in your eyes 



Author Notes JISEI is a poem written by the poet before their own death. These poems are the final reflections of one's life. It was generally a tradition with zen monks but they were written by all kinds of poets as well. These poems originated in Japanese, Chinese and Korean cultures as far back as the 7th Century, and can be written in any poetry form, but were traditionally written in tanka or haiku style. for more information click here = for more information click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

picture from google's public domain

Chapter 50
Zig Zag Creek

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

zig zag creek 

meanders through lush forest –

fluid choir



Author Notes ---This week in our Haiku Club we are working on Ekphrastic Haiku.

---Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture or painting.

---HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poetâ??s views, the poet is the OBSERVER.

FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry donâ??t need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum...

CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

picture from

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 52
Seeing Through Cracks of Gold

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

mirror reflects
imperfections she cuddles 
in her broken heart 

who’s the woman 
in front of her?
stranger, friend, or foe?

far from models
parading on starvation catwalks —
clothes on hangers

she’s beautiful
in her mother’s eyes —
seeing through cracks of gold

Author Notes Wabi-Sabi = In traditional Japanese aesthetics (philosophy dealing with the beautiful and the ugly applicable to fine arts, with a view of critical judgments). WABI-SABI is a worldview centered on the acceptance of imperfection. It is prevalent throughout all forms of Japanese art. It is a concept derived from Buddhist teachings. Characteristics of wabi-sabi include asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, and the appreciation of both natural objects and the forces of nature. click here if you want to read more

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy Blue Rose
"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from google public domain

Chapter 54
Blue Chiffon Roses

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

blue chiffon roses
grow around his grave
watered with river of tears



Author Notes The top picture is a blue chiffon rose, bottom picture is a blue rose, both from google public domain.

EKPHRASTIC poem is a vivid description of a PICTURE OR PAINTING.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count but is as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

The 'Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is an excellent deciduous shrub that grows in late summer and early autumn they originated in China and India. They do well in containers.

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 56
Melancholic Gray Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:In honor of the victims of the Texas school shooting.

melancholic gray sky 
clings to the mourning class 
that stands ‘round small caskets
amidst politicians, 
some useless policemen, 
and destroyed families.


Author Notes On May 24, 2022, 18-year-old Salvador Rolando Ramos fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers, and wounded seventeen other people, at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety told reporters that the incident commander on the scene made the "wrong decision" to wait 45 minutes before breaching the classroom doors. Some of the children called 911 asking to send the police before they were killed.

SIX FEET UNDER is a new form created by Gypsy Blue Rose. It consists of six lines with six syllables in each line. The topic is death. Six feet under is a phrase used for the buried dead. You may write more than one.

Line 1: 6 syllables
Line 2: 6 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 6 syllables
Line 5: 6 syllables
Line 6: 6 syllables

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 57
After The Cool Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

after the cool rain,

wet earth's sweet aroma swells —

bluebell bends to smell



Author Notes wet earth smell is called petrichor


Definition: haiku is a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition.

The essence of haiku is cutting (KIRU) represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a (KIREJI) dash or ellipsis (~ ... )

KIGO (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a (SAIJIKI) an extensive list of season terms. if you wish to read a saijiki

Chapter 58
The Joker

By Gypsy Blue Rose


in the dark hallways

of your mind where madness reigns

innocence whimpers 


Author Notes I watched the Joker yesterday and it was the best film I've seen in a long time. Joaquin Phoenix won the best actor award for his excellent portrayal of the Joker. I have read comic books and watched batman movies but I didn't know that The Joker, Arthur Fleck, suffered from chronic depression. He was terribly abused as a young child by his mother's boyfriends. He was found handcuffed to a radiator starving, bruised, and with head trauma. Arthur spent some time in a mental hospital. He was discharged, his doctor prescribed seven different medications that didn't work and attended therapy sessions. Due to social program cuts, he lost the therapy and the medication. The system had failed him and he rebelled against it. Not to say that people with mental problems should be excused of crimes but I felt sorry for Arthur and understood why he turned to crime. I think that is the way his character was written.

Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as The Joker.

Thank you for reading my poem.

Chapter 59
The Wishing Fountain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

wishing fountain 
by the cancer center —
full of coins


Author Notes Senryu is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two.

The best senryu avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.

FORM Japanese senryu is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 60
Summer Storm

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the haiku club, check my author notes

summer storm —
little girl holds her breath
between lightning and thunder


Author Notes *Thunder is the sound and lightning is the glow.

*Lightning can kill people (3,696 deaths were recorded in the U.S. between 1959 and 2003) or cause cardiac arrest.

*If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder you'll get the distance in miles to the lightning: 5 seconds = 1 mile, 15 seconds = 3 miles, 0 seconds = very close. Keep in mind that you should be in a safe place while counting.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya / Kawazu tobikomu / Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond / a frog leaps in / the sound of water. (2/4/5)

AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES click here to read TEN HAIKU TIPS --- click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES --- click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES --- click here to read MASTER, MATSUO BASHO Haiku Collection --- click here to read HAIKU MASTER MATSUO BASHO HISTORY --- click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES --- click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 61
Crimson Poppies

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the Japanese poetry club, check my author notes

crimson poppies bask
in the warm summer sun —
crickets nap beneath red parasols


Author Notes "Warm summer sun,
Shine kindly here ... " - Mark Twain

--crickets sleep during the day and are awake at night... nocturnal insects
--parasols provide shade and look like umbrellas, (in Spanish means ... "for-the-sun")

TERCET is brief poem composed of three lines, forming a stanza or a complete poem. Like in a haiku, poets use minimal language to convey an idea or paint a picture. The effect is a memorable poem that invites the reader to fill in the blanks. The tercet lines are connected grammatically for a better flow. You can use alliteration, metaphor, and personification. Free verse or rhyme. click here to read RULES ---- click here to read DEFINITION

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 62

By Gypsy Blue Rose

oblivious to passersby,
homeless man sleeps on the sidewalk —
getting the cold shoulder


Author Notes TERCET is brief poem composed of three lines, forming a stanza or a complete poem. Like in a haiku, poets use minimal language to convey an idea or paint a picture. The effect is a memorable poem that invites the reader to fill in the blanks. The tercet lines are connected grammatically for a better flow click here to read RULES �¢??----- click here to read DEFINITION


One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 63
Rows of Golden Wheat

By Gypsy Blue Rose

rows of golden wheat
sewn tight over patch quilt hills —
tailorbirds thread through

Author Notes I aim to paint a picture with words.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don't need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum..
CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from googles public domain

Chapter 64
Shine On, You Crazy Diamond

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the poetry club, check my author notes

— old oak leaves cuddle wet soil —

with a shroud of jewel dewdrops 

like bright diamonds in the sun

— clear crystal beauty—


Author Notes "Remember when you were young
You shone like the sun
Shine on, you crazy diamond" --Pink Floyd

The Kouta ( short song) is a popular Japanese verse form of the Muromachi Period, 14th thru 16th century. The form is 4 lines 7/5/7/5 or 7/7/7/5 and the theme is usually love songs or life. Rhymed or unrhymed. click here to read more - href=>lick here to read more

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

The song "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" is a nine-part Pink Floyd composition written by David Gilmour, Roger Waters, and Richard Wright. It appeared on Pink Floyd's 1975 concept album Wish You Were Here. The song is written about and dedicated to Syd Barrett, who left the band in 1968 due to deteriorating mental health. to read full song lyrics

picture from google public domain

Chapter 65
The Rat

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please see my author notes

after shooing the rat away,
how lonely I feel
in this dark and cold night


Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 66
Flame Lilies

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please see my author notes

in the hottest part of day
sunbirds pollinate
flame lilies  


Author Notes Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba) is a flowering plant that grows in tropical jungles, forests, thickets, woodlands, grasslands, and sand dunes. This plant is poisonous, toxic enough to kill humans and animals if ingested. It has been used to commit murder, and to achieve suicide more info

Sunbirds are small passerine birds from the Old World. Found in Africa, Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and northern Australia. Sunbirds feed largely on nectar, more info

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 67
Dripping With Stars

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

skydome dripping with stars
over a single aspen leaf —


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet�??�?�¢??s views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don�??�?�¢??t need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum..
CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy Blue Rose
"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 68
Red Soil

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:In Honor of All Veterans

R e d  S o i l  in a strange land,

             where artillery-sounds

          echoes in wet rice fields.

Lives cut short …....... unjustly,

     as tear-creeks flow at home.

T h e   wind whistles ...Oorah!



Author Notes Six Feet Under is a new form created by Gypsy Blue Rose. It consists of six lines with six syllables in each line. The topic is death. Six feet under is a phrase used for the buried dead. You may write more than one.

Hoorah, is used as an expression of enthusiasm, battle cry or to respond to a verbal. greeting by the U.S. Marines.=== click here for more information

The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November, 1 1955 to the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. It was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies; South Vietnam was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. for more information click here

Top Picture: Weary Marines on 30 July 1967 in North Vietnam.
Bottom Picture: Lotus is Vietnam's national flower

Chapter 69
Seeds of Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Suppress river of tears,
I don’t want to cry today.
Nothing is going to change,
so why give a damn?
My thoughts ride,
aquamarine waves.
And my yearning glides
with the northern wind.
From my innermost gust,
seeds rain over arid land,
as I pray for sprouting buds, 
to grow in my mending heart.



Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

arid = without moisture; extremely dry

Girl picking flowers picture by John William Waterhouse

Chapter 70
Heron's Cries

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please see my author notes

heron’s familiar
roh-roh cries at end of day —

gathering dusk


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet�???�??�?�¢??s views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don�???�??�?�¢??t need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum..
CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

�???�??�?�¢??Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.�???�??�?�¢?? �???�??�?�¢?? Pablo Picasso

Chapter 71
On the Wings of a Muse

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the Japanese poetry club, check my author notes

on the wings of a muse,
poet’s inspiration settles on garden pillar –
writer’s block


Author Notes TERCET is brief poem composed of three lines, forming a stanza or a complete poem. Like in a haiku, poets use minimal language to convey an idea or paint a picture. The effect is a memorable poem that invites the reader to fill in the blanks. The tercet lines are connected grammatically for a better flow. You can use alliteration, metaphor, and personification. Free verse or rhyme. click here to read RULES

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 72
Crisp Wind Whistles

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the Japanese poetry club, check my author notes


Crisp wind whistles 
through trees
sprinkled with snow.

Ice-crystal rays
cozy cabin.


Author Notes SEPTOLET is an American variation of haiku. The origin is French but otherwise unknown. It is an unrhymed poem that consists of fourteen words divided in two stanzas. Both stanzas deal with the same thought and create a picture with words. You may use art with your Septolet. The first letter of first word in each stanza begins with a capital letter. Align left. No rhyming words. Period at end of each stanza. No proper nouns. Give your poem a title. shadow -- all

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from google domain

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 73
Hiroshima Day

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If you want to join the Japanese poetry club, check my author notes

On hiroshima day,
       doves observe 
moment of silence. 

Even the raging wind 
dies down.



Author Notes The United States dropped an atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, on August 6, 1945, to bring the war to a speedy end instantly killing about 210,000 people. Hiroshima Day is observed in Japan every year on August 6th to promote peace politics. It has been seventy-six years since thousands of lives lost their breath in a second by a single atomic bomb.

SEPTOLET is an American variation of haiku. It's French but otherwise unknown. It is an unrhymed poem that consists of fourteen words divided in two stanzas. Both stanzas deal with the same thought and create a picture with words. You may use art with your Septolet. The first letter of first word in each stanza begins with a capital letter. Align left. No rhyming words. Period at end of each stanza. No proper nouns. Give your poem a title. shadow -- all -- septolet history

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." --Pablo Picasso

Chapter 74
Praying Monk

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

monk prays, 
where Mount Fuji lies at river’s edge –
deep in reflection

Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet�???�??�?�¢??s views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don�???�??�?�¢??t need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum..
CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

picture from

Chapter 75
A Fragile Butterfly

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

fragile butterfly
flutters above honey rose —
sweet encounter


Author Notes Honey Rose is a shade of orange

KIGO butterfly (choo, all spring). click here to read kigo list

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's ego and views. FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines (5/7/5), in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don't need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum.
HAIKU SOURCES -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from google public domain

Chapter 77
Night Sky on Silver Waves

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

night sky rides on silver waves
as boats dock in ~
flooded with moonlight



Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 78
Ethereal Clouds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Ethereal cotton-clouds 
      can hide the midday moon 
      amidst the cerulean blue sky.

Earth could lose its axis 
      crying crystal tears 
      meant to be diamonds. 

But the flames of our love 
      will never turn to embers.


Author Notes KANSHI are poetic works by Japanese poets written in classical Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in the Heian Era (794-1185), Chinese was the language of courts in Japan. Kanshi was practiced and enjoyed only by aristocrats. Though Japan went through a few different political systems, the form remained popular throughout Japanese history, especially among academics and intellectuals. The KANSHI FORM is written in 5 to 7 syllables and 4 to 8 lines more info from wikipedia -- more info from -- the

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

'Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.' -- Novalis

Chapter 81
Sugar Snap Peas

By Gypsy Blue Rose

sugar snap peas
seasoned with a touch of summer —
mom’s labor of love

Author Notes Cooking for family and friends is a way to show love.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5)

AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.". - Novalis

Chapter 82
Autumn's Crisp Breeze

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

Autumn’s crisp breeze
waltzes with fallen leaves —
sunset disco ball


Author Notes For the younger generation, a Disco Ball is a large decorative ball covered with small mirrored facets, suspended from the ceiling of a disco or club and rotated to reflect flashing lights. It was most popular in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, but it was invented in 1920. I used "waltzes " because it's a visual effect of leaves movement when caught in the breeze.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5)

AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" --Novalis

Chapter 83
A Gypsy Story

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

I grew up in Spain amidst ivy covered stone castles and old olive trees. Spain is rooted in rich history and a beautiful culture. At 10 years old, my mother died and my life changed drastically. At 16 years old, I moved to the United States where I married and had three children.

After 5 years, I got a divorce and since then, I raised my children by myself. 

I worked in several secretarial jobs until I went to college. Eventually, I received a Human Service Bachelor Degree.  Thereafter, I worked in the Teaching and Non-profit community services field.

Teaching was the best job I ever had.  Besides teaching, I love helping people so I got jobs as advocate/counselor for victims of rape and molest; also, helping homeless people by managing a community services center. 

All through my life I have expressed myself creatively using different types of media– painter, poet, new dance dancer, and spoken word (reading my poetry on stage). 

I found fanstory in 2015, and soon after I started writing haiku and found my passion for Japanese poetry.  I taught haiku in fanstory for a while and now I manage two Japanese Poetry clubs. I am grateful for our community, I have learned a lot,  and made some very good friends.


Author Notes I-NOVEL is a Japanese poetic form used to describe the author's autobiography. The first I-novels was created in 1906. There are several rules for I-Noven but for this Japanese Poetry Event we will keep it simple. Autobiographies are usually a comprehensive life story of the author, while I-Novels are more personal and emotional, focusing on greater depth and the feeling of a particular experience happening to the author.
click for more information

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." - Atticus

Chapter 84
Full Nets

By Gypsy Blue Rose

full nets at dusk
calls for celebration —
catfish’s final call



Author Notes --Night fishing is a good way to avoid the sun's heat. Catfish is one of the best fish to catch at night
--Final call The calling for final drink orders before the bar closes.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or indirect words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the OBSERVER.
FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5)

AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." -- Novalis

Picture from google: Dongjiang Lake is a reservoir located in China.

Chapter 88
The Pillow

By Gypsy Blue Rose

little girl cries herself to sleep on mom’s pillow —
after funeral


Author Notes 12/5 POEM - a new form created by Gypsy Blue Rose. The poem is inspired by Japanese poetry. In the first line (12 syllables) write a visual phrase about nature or human nature. In the second line (5 syllables) write a juxtaposition pivotal phrase in relation to the first line. You may write one stanza of 12/5 alone or repeat as many times as you like.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.- Novalis

Chapter 89
Croissants and Coffee

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

                croissants and coffee
at the cafe in Madrid —
                   waning morning moon



Author Notes MADRID is the capital of Spain, where I grew up. CAFE is a coffeeshop

LUNE is a short poem with three lines, similar to haiku in that it uses imagery and succinct composition but has no other rules. Lune poetry originated when American poets noticed that writing a haiku in English isn't the same as writing one in the Japanese 5/7/5 syllables mold. American poet, Robert Kelly, created the lune in the 1960s. The SYLLABLES LUNE consists of 5/3/5 syllables. There is a variant lune created by poet Jack Collom. His form is also a self-contained tercet, but his poem is WORDS LUNE (not syllable-based) and has the structure of 3 words in the first line, 5 words in the second line and 3 words in the final line. click here if you want to read more

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

pictures from google public domain

Chapter 90
Golden Fields of Barley

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Victims of Child Abuse

Angel, where are you now,
      perhaps in hell
      paying for the many depravities
      against a child, your first cousin
and your brother, Jose Luis,
      who betrayed me
      by following your lead


I heard you got cancer
      and felt guilty for not caring
but sometimes I wonder ….
      what happened to your brother
                                            the bed wetter
the follower


Where are the fields of barley
      where I hid from you
      built a safe house of ripe grass
      where you couldn’t find me
                    but you did
                             you did

Why did I feel it was my fault, at five,
where was dad, my champion,
the one to keep me safe and sound …

he was three doors down 
when you got me alone in your room
playing mommy and daddy
with our clothes on
      …though I was not playing
          I was the keeper of shame
you made Jose Luise do it too
                                           my cousin
                                                         my friend
while you watched


where is my innocence now
maybe, in golden fields of barley



Author Notes 800-422-4453 national child abuse prevention

UBI SUNT POEM (where are they) is a Latin RHETORICAL QUESTION. Sometimes it's interpreted to indicate nostalgia, the ubi sunt motif is actually a meditation on mortality and life's transience. By posing a series of questions about the fate of the strong, beautiful, or virtuous, these poems meditate on the transitory nature of life and the inevitability of death. ~~~~~ wikipedia ~~~~~ poetry foundation

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason."- Novalis

Chapter 91
Kid Scientist

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

kid scientist
   looking for bugs —
spider hangs by a thread



Author Notes hang by a thread : to be in a very dangerous situation; to be very close to death

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the observer. THE FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 92
Wrecking Ball

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

wrecking ball
       swings swiftly to shatter old zoo —
crane’s heart caves-in


Author Notes WRECKING BALL = a heavy metal ball swung on a cable from a CRANE and used in demolition work.
CRANES are long-legged, and long-necked birds similar-looking but unrelated herons. Cranes are affected by human activities and are critically endangered. click here if you want to know more
CAVE-IN = To give up what you want to do what another person desires; to collapse; submission to something or someone previously opposed or resisted

This is a modern haiku because I use metaphor and alliteration.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 93
The Love Letter

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Unpacking dusty boxes in grandma’s attic, I found a yellow brittle love letter inside a book of poetry. Next to it, a dried rose frozen in time, emanated romance and tears of lost lust.  I had to decide in which pile this precious memento had to go. I held it tenderly close to my heart and silently I said goodby.


dust travels 
through a ray of dark sun 
dancing to the tune of time



Author Notes 3/6/7 syllables haiku and 59 words prose

Memento= an object that serves to remind one of a person, past event, etc.; keepsake; souvenir.

HAIBUN combines prose and haiku; it�¢??s written in present or in past tense. The subject matter can vary widely, but usually describes an unfolding scene, a slice of life, a special moment, or a journal.. Keep it as succinct as possible and do not repeat words, except the, an, or, etc�¢?�¦ Point of View Written in the first person (everything seen through the author's eyes) Length Varies from very brief prose with one haiku to long prose with interspersed haiku.

PROSE in Haibun TELLS the story, GIVES information, DEFINES the theme, CREATES a mood through tone, and PROVIDES a background to spotlight the haiku

HAIKU in Haibun MOVES the story forward, ADDS insight to the prose, RESOLVES the conflict in an unpredictable way, or QUESTIONS the resolution of the prose. click here for more information *** Haibun Today Editorial for further reading *** Haibun Guidelines

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 94
Left All Alone

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

last pain-stricken bird
sings the saddest song
with the haunting sound
of yearning for his mate 
lost to dismal death


perched on a burned bough
over sizzling amber waves
inviting the inevitable end
‘cause she's gone
to cavernous halls


it’s more pain
his little heart can take
standing alone
draped with raging cries 
amidst cinders of lost love

      lost love
                    lost love
                                 lost love


Left All Alone


Author Notes Picture of the Maui Parrotbill bird

amber waves = volcano lava

The Maui parrotbill bird, is critically endangered, with less than 150 individuals left. Five of the seven rare bird species were killed in an epidemic of avian malaria brought by mosquitoes. A male bird was seen singing by itself on the slopes of the windward slopes of Haleakala volcano.

KAKE KOTOBA is a Japanese poetic form that uses poetic devices (personification, alliteration, metaphor, imagery, juxtaposition, etc ). FORM 31 SYLLABLES OR LESS IN FIVE LINES. The poetic devices are like hanging words building a bridge between two images. Better translated as: Pun, word play, words with a double meaning, very much like haiku or senryu but in five lines.kake kotoba wikipedia

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 95
After ...

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

after his divorce,
caused by lack of wealth and love,
he plants pale white mums
and bleak crimson shade ivy 
woven through trellis and rope


Author Notes -National Suicide Prevention Hotline [988] or [800-273-8255]

-Japan use white chrysanthemums to symbolize grief.

-Mums can grow on trellis. Attach them gently sideways and tie them down to the horizontal trellis.

KAKE KOTOBA is a Japanese poetic form that uses poetic devices (personification, alliteration, metaphor, imagery, juxtaposition, etc ... ). FORM 31 SYLLABLES OR LESS IN FIVE LINES. The poetic devices are like hanging words building a bridge between two images. Better translated as: Pun, word play, words with a double meaning, very much like haiku or senryu but in five lines.kake kotoba Wikipedia

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 97
Sun Bleached Poster

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

sun bleached poster
of missing child 
     fades into oblivion —
cold case



Author Notes The picture of the poster is faceless to represent any missing child.

Cold case = is an unsolved criminal investigation

National Toll-free Hotline, 1-800-THE-LOSTclick here to read more

According to the FBI, in 2021 there were 337,195 adducted missing children

MODERN SENRYU is about human nature and it doesn't include a season word (kigo). It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Senryu usually doesn�¢??t have a title but in fanstory we have to have one.for more information click here collection of senryu ***** The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 98
Twilight Shadows

By Gypsy Blue Rose

twilight shadows veil

  serene mountains and valleys —
chase last light of day

Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the observer. THE FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture: nele diel,

Chapter 99
Somber Snowed Tundra

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Place= Siberia's Uninhibited Land

somber snowed tundra
untouched by men —
 land's frigid virgin 


Author Notes I mean no disrespect to women, it's just a play on words. Some men use the word 'frigid' as a derogatory word, this is not that case.

Sakha Republics, Russia, heart of Siberia, is the eighth largest territory in the entire world. It's above the Arctic Circle, making avera it basically a freezing cold desert of 190,555 square miles. The temperature is -46 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest area in the northern hemisphere. Because of the extreme cold, much of this gigantic area of the planet has gone largely unexplored and untouched by mankind. However, there are animals that live safely away from humans. There are moos, fox, sable, wolverine, brown bear, polar bear, walrus, Manchurian deer, northern deer, musk deer, and bighorn sheep; and lakes are rich with fish -- omul, chir, muksun, white salmon nelma, sturgeon, taimen, and karas to name a few. There are about 250 birds species. in Yakutia. The tundra is a habitat for rare birds, Siberian white crane, sandhill crane, loon, moose, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, etc. The Arctic shore is famous for the noisy and spectacular seashore bird colonies. Yakutia is the only place on the planet with Siberian black crane and gull habitats.


MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 100
Weighted Down

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

     weighted down by rain —
mums bend in reverence
to mother nature


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the observer. THE FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 102
Letting Go

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

letting go 
pain of living without you —
Autumn leaves downstream


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do.

for more information click here

collection of senryu

The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Painting by E. Taylor

Chapter 104
You Are My North Star

By Gypsy Blue Rose


You are my north star 

and in your arms I’m safely wrapped

when tempest turbulence

entangles tender hearts

as dubious winds meander 

close and far


You are my north star

the one who guides my steps

when I feel lost 

as I follow a comet 

to our warm dwelling lodge

I fall asleep in your loving arms



Author Notes Turbulence = disorder or commotion
Tempest = violent windstorm
Dubious = doubtful
Scamper = to run quickly
Meanders = to take a winding course

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 105
Dark New Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

blind neighbor
borrows a cup of darkness —
new moon


Author Notes When the moon is new, it's invisible to us on Earth.

This poem is a modern haiku because I used alliteration and metaphor.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 107
Alaska's Earthquake

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

raging sea and land
     swallowed dreams and hopes —
wave of pain


Author Notes On March 27, 1964, an earthquake of magnitude 9.2 occurred in Alaska. The earthquake lasted approximately 4.5 minutes and is the most powerful recorded earthquake in U.S. history. The number of deaths from the earthquake totaled 131. The earthquake caused tsunami waves reached as high as 27 feet in some areas. A total of 128 people died. Damages to Pacific Coast states and territories totaled $895 million.

This is a modern haiku because I use personification and more than 3 lines.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 109
Dusk's Dainty Kisses

By Gypsy Blue Rose

dusk’s dainty kisses
     on closed peony petals —
tucked in for the night



Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 111
Old Garden Chair

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


 old garden chair 

     sagging dangerously —

weight of summer


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the observer. THE FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 113
Priceless Sunset

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

priceless sunset —
homeless man spreads his mat
in the front row


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS usually in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do. It never rhymes. It uses imagery.

for more information click here

collection of senryu

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

picture from google public domain

Chapter 114
Murder Flies Over

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:A Group of Crows is Called Murder - for rules please check my author notes

murder flies over
thinned out wheat field —
scarecrow’s head 
down in shame



Author Notes A group of crows is called 'murder'

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from

Chapter 115
Caught in Moody Tide

By Gypsy Blue Rose

caught in moody tide,
hermit  crab comes and goes —
walking on seashells

Author Notes The well known phrase is ''walking on eggshells" (To be overly careful in dealing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily)

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The best haiku avoid the poet's views, the poet is the observer. THE FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. For example:
Haiku in Japanese: Furuike ya/ Kawazu tobikomu/ Mizu no oto (5/7/5)
Same haiku translated to English: old pond/ a frog leaps in./ the sound of water.(2/4/5). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). To pause before the satori you use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum. HAIKU SOURCES === HAIKU SOURCES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES === click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 116
Nocturnal Symphony

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Stars are out for you tonight

and the moon lulls you to sleep

hush darlin',  I’ll hold you fast

and blue waves will ...

rock ... rock ... rock


Far away, howls a wild wolf 

and below, sea creatures shout

but don’t fear, my little one

mom will wait till you ...

nod ... nod ... nod



Author Notes Thinking about my mom's lullabies. She died when I was ten years old.

My sister is very sick in the hospital. Prayers are welcomed. Her name is Mina.

Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture

Free Verse is an unrhymed poem

nocturnal - night

North Carolina Sea Grant reports the study found that fish compensated for the noisy underwater environment by amplifying their vocalizations. Yes, you could say the fish were shouting. source

Thank you very much for reviewing my poem.


Chapter 117
Meditative Monk

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

meditative monk 

   sits by a lake full of moon —




Author Notes --Reflecting = casting back an image; careful consideration or meditation.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from

Chapter 120
Crisp Cool Winds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

crisp cool winds

fuss about ma’s garden

stirring golden, saffron, and red leaves


faceless gourds

and pre-creepy pumpkins 

scattered across threaded vines and soil


screams echo 

after halloween day

putrid pumpkins are left in the lurch


Author Notes "Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on their only chance to soar." -- Delia Owens

3/6/9 poems only require syllables and line count

The excess pumpkins are donated to local zoos; given to farm animals; or used for land's natural fertilizer

Left in the lurch = abandoned

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"A sunset is the sun's fiery kiss to the night." -Crystal Woods

Chapter 121
If I Could Have Anyone

By Gypsy Blue Rose

If I could have anyone 

at the end of the world,  

I would ask for you, darlin’,

my uncontrollable love. 

I would not request gold 

or diamonds galore, 

I would just want your lips 

to kiss





If I could have anyone 

at the end of the world, 

it would be you, my love.. 

It would not be a last meal 

of ambrosia and wine, 

I would want to hear 

your contagious laugh

to fill my







Author Notes KANSHI FORM IS WRITTEN IN 5 to 7 SYLLABLES AND 4 to 8 LINES. Japanese poets wrote in classical Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in the Heian Era (794-1185), Chinese was the language of courts in Japan. Kanshi was practiced and enjoyed only by aristocrats at the beginning but has remained popular throughout Japanese history, especially among academics and intellectuals. more info from wikipedia -- more info from -- the

Thank you very much. I appreciate that you took the time to read my poem. Have a beautiful day. (*-*)

"The poet waits to paint the unsaid." -Atticus

picture - riverland_cloud_gazing_by_bisbiswas

Chapter 123
Do You Hear My Tears?

By Gypsy Blue Rose

My bed is on fire thinking of you,  

as the harvest moon bleeds outside,  

my heart battles a lost fight.

Overcoming distance 

that lies between us   

through land and sea.

Do you hear 

my tears,



Author Notes A nonet is a nine-line poem. In the nonet form, each line contains specific, descending syllable counts. The first line contains nine syllables, the second line contains eight, the third line contains seven, and so on. The last line of nonet poetry contains one syllable. The nonet is a poetic form that can contain any rhyming scheme and cover any subject matter. Due to the simplicity and popularity of the nonet structure, many poetry websites and publications have yearly nonet poetry contests.

click here if you want to read more

"A sunset is the sun's fiery kiss to the night." -Crystal Woods

Chapter 124
Dust in the Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

What will be left of our love

      when you walk through that door

            and your scent left behind

                  perpetuates lost hope


All the sweet nothings

      will be swiped by winter winds

            drift across withered fields

                  covered by useless chagrin


The swooshing and howling

      of tempest’s crescendo thrust

            and eolian gusts 

                  reaps my dismantled heart


When your passion runs out

      the happy couple carcass 

            will pass on with time

and only a glimmer of us will last 



Author Notes "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." ~ Dr. Seuss

Perpetuates = goes on forever
Tempest = violent wind storm
Crescendo = gradual, steady increase
Eolian = wind activity; the wind's ability to shape the surface of the Earth

Painting: Ikenaga Yasunari

Thank you for reading my poem.

"A sunset is the sun's fiery kiss to the night." - Crystal Woods

Chapter 125
Grandma's Homemade Jam

By Gypsy Blue Rose

grandma’s homemade jam 

  for breakfast on our front porch —

a jar full of love


Author Notes 5/7/5 poem rules are simple, 5/7/5 syllables in three lines

"Hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt."

Chapter 126
In Warm Summer Breeze

By Gypsy Blue Rose


in warm summer breeze 

water moon floats to my shore —

slides through my fingers 



Author Notes Water Moon is an East Asian proverb/phrase, meaning something that can be seen but not touched, like the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is beautiful but unattainable dreams, a mirage.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"A sunset is the sun's fiery kiss to the night." -Crystal Woods

Chapter 127
Gypsy's Story

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I grew up in Spain. When I was little, picking wild flowers, walking in the rain, and having chocolate in my pockets made me happy.

Mama was a wonderful seamstress. She sewed many things, among them, all my aunties' flamenco dancer costumes and my first school uniform. I was scared of going to school. My catholic teachers were mean. When the students made our teachers mad, they told us stories about hell, and of a dark room beneath the stairs that was full of rats. If we misbehaved, they threatened to lock us in that room.

At ten-years-old my mother died, and I slept for a whole week. I dreamed of her at the airport headed to heaven. She didn't speak but I could hear her in my mind. She told me it was going to be okay, but it wasn't.

After 5 years, my Papa married a hateful woman. She hated me and my siblings. After a year she kicked my sister and me out of the house. I was 15-years-old. Luckily, I had aunts who had moved to the United States when married, who offered to take me in and allow me to live with them in America. Leaving my sister, brother, and friends in Spain was very hard. My sister didn't want to leave Spain and my brother was too young. I missed my dad too but I was very disappointed in him. He let my stepmother get rid of us so she could have him all to herself and he didn't move a finger to stop her.

Living in a new country was both terrifying and exciting. I learned to speak English very fast, and I went to school shortly after I arrived in the country.

At 17-years-old, I had my first daughter, followed by a son, and then a second daughter. They were, and still are, my treasure. I loved them very much and I raised them, practically, by myself.

My marriages were a big failure. Being bipolar made it difficult to have a long-term relationship. Eventually, I gave up and embraced a single life.

All through my life, I battled bipolar disease. It was hard on my children and on me. For many years I refused to take medication, and consequently, my life was either hell with deep depression, or feeling like I was on top of the world, doing all kinds of crazy things and feeling invincible.

After my last marriage, I lived alone for ten years. Life was very lonely and I tried to kill myself several times but by the grace of God, I'm still here to tell my story.

In 2019, I moved in with my youngest daughter, her husband, and their newborn baby, Atticus. My life changed for the better. I take care of him and he has given my life purpose.

Now, I take medication and have a doctor. My life is good.

If anyone reading this story suffers from a mental illness, or knows someone who does, I recommend taking medication to have a normal life. It's very important to seek help.

Remember you are not alone. There are people who love you and would miss you if you were gone. If you are depressed, hang in there, life gets better.

Author Notes An honest summary of my life story.

"There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen


** Prevalence of Any Mental Illness (AMI)
-In 2020, there were an estimated 52.9 million adults aged 18 or older in the United -States with AMI. This number represented 21.0% of all U.S. adults.
-The prevalence of AMI was higher among females (25.8%) than males (15.8%).
-Young adults aged 18-25 years had the highest prevalence of AMI (30.6%) compared to adults aged 26-49 years (25.3%) and aged 50 and older (14.5%).
for Mental Health Information and Resources click here

for Suicide Prevention information click here

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my story.


"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh

Chapter 128
Same Creek

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

same creek

and autumn dusk settling ‘round me —

missing you


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It uses a juxtaposition of two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Avoid punctuation in the middle of the line, but use a dash before the satori (usually last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES â?? click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES â?? click here to read WHY 17 OR LESS SYLLABLES â?? click here to read SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 129

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes



lion and hyena pause 

to watch the sunrise


Author Notes Lions and Hyenas are rivals, both territorial and highly aggressive towards each other. if you want to read more, click here

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 130
~ Scarlet Ibis ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


pink flamingos 

watch scarlet birds wade in wetlands  —

ibis envy



Author Notes The ibis (collective plural) are a group of long-legged wading birds that inhabit wetlands, forests and plains. They feed as a group, probing mud for food items, usually crustaceans. They are monogamous and highly territorial while nesting and feeding. Most nest in trees. They are capable of flight. wikipedia

Painting by Takiroku

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 131
Wind Harp

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


wind harp howls

      an ethereal melody —

vacant nursery



Author Notes The wind harp is a musical instrument that is played by the wind. It's a wooden box including a sounding board, with strings stretched lengthwise across two bridges. It is often placed in a slightly opened window where the wind can blow across the strings to produce sounds.

MODERN SENRYU is a Japanese poem with a title that deepens its meaning. Senryu is similar to Haiku but It's about human nature and it doesn't include a season word (kigo). It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori.

for more information click here collection of senryu ***** The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." -Atticus

Chapter 132

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

stargazing at Mount Teide,

bombarded by brilliant beauties – 



Author Notes Mount Teide is a Unesco World Heritage site and also a designated Starlight Reserve. It's part of The Canary Islands, the darkest place on earth and perfect for stargazing. The Canary Islands are a Spanish Autonomous Community in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands have a population of 2.2 million people.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 133
The Beast Among Us

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:In Dean Kuch Memory


amidst trick o’ treat tykes

the beast walks among us

     looking for kids to eat —

wolf in sheep costume



Author Notes 6/6/6/5 = 23

The saying goes = "A wolf in sheep's clothing" is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous

Mathew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheeps' clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."

The pictures are from 'The Black Phone'. It's a 2021 American supernatural horror movie.. In the film, an abducted teenager uses a mysterious telephone to communicate with the previous victims of his deranged captor.

NAANI, is an Indian poetic form. It's very similar to Japanese poetic forms, in that it has a set line- and syllable-count. It has 4-lines and a total 20-25 syllables. It's usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme.

click here for more information- shadowpoetry *** click here for more information-matt forrest wordpress *** click here for examples -poetrysoup

Thank you very much for reading my poem. Happy Halloween!


Chapter 134
Mourning Hazy Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Praying for Peace


mourning hazy sky,

amidst ruins and broken dreams   —

a peace lily sprouts


Author Notes "Putin, Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you" - Zelensky, Ukraine President

-Following this month's counteroffensive, in which Ukraine has regained control of much of the Kharkiv region, a Russian missile strike damaged critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, leaving five regions without power and threatening outages for the entire country. Responding to the strike and to Russia's common assertion that Ukrainians and Russians are one people, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that darkness and cold were less frightening than Russian "friendship and brotherhood."

- Peace Lilies: is a flower plant, a symbol of peace.

Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 135
Nature Doesn't Know

By Gypsy Blue Rose


through peace and war,

the same river passes by our doors

to quench the thirst

of friend and foe


Author Notes 4/9/4/4 = 21 syllables

NAANI, is an Indian poetic form. It's very similar to Japanese poetic forms, in that it has a set line- and syllable count. It has 4-lines and a total of 20-25 syllables. It's usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme. *** click here for more information- shadowpoetry *** click here for more information-matt Forrest wordpress *** click here for examples -poetrysoup

Picture: Caño Cristales is a Colombian river located in the Serrania de la Macarena province of Meta and is a tributary of the Guayabero River. It was founded in 1969, by a group of cattle farmers.

Thank you very much. You are always so kind and honest, I really appreciate it. Your feedback is welcomed.

"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chapter 136
Out of Darkness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes


out of darkness

His love brings redemption 

   to my shattered soul —

as phoenix’ rises from ashes

singed by God’s Splendid Sun



Author Notes What does phoenix represent in Bible? after ancient Rome and with the rise of Christianity, the symbolism of the phoenix is the immortal soul, and Christ's Resurrection.

"Direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rises above its own ashes." -- Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American writer, poet and visual artist

KAKEKOTOBA (PIVOT WORD): is a word in Japanese court poetry that has two meanings and thus create the possibility of multiple readings of the word and poem. It uses poetic devices (personification, alliteration, metaphor, imagery, juxtaposition, etc. The form is 31 SYLLABLES OR LESS IN FIVE LINES. The PIVOT poetic device is like hanging words building a bridge between two images. Better translated as: PUN is a word play, words with a double meaning, very much like the haiku and senryu KIGO.kake kotoba wikipedia kakekotoba examples

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams." - S.A. Sachs.

Chapter 137
Swarm's Feast

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


swarm’s  feast

seems incomplete without fireflies   —

light of the party

Author Notes - Light of the party: someone who is very lively and amusing at a party
- A group of insects is called a swarm.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chapter 138
Seasons go by Fast

By Gypsy Blue Rose

seasons go by fast
as dawn turns into dark dusk—
rest home's window view


Author Notes 5/7/5 poems have no rules, other than the syllables and line count.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen

Chapter 139
Flirty Autumn Breeze

By Gypsy Blue Rose

flirty autumn breeze 

twirls around with scarlet leaves —

as veils fall



Author Notes Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Chapter 140
Cool Night Drizzle

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

cool night drizzle

pitter-patter on umbrella

knee-deep in the blues

Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 141
Dancing Harvest Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

harvest moon

   dances across indigo lake —

acorns dive in head first


Author Notes As acorns fall in the water, waves make the moon's reflection seem to move.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 142
Spring Breeze

By Gypsy Blue Rose


spring breeze -
I glide where my muse takes me
avoiding road blocks


Author Notes Haiku is a Japanese poem
written in 3 lines in 17 syllables OR LESS

Thank you for reading my poem.


Chapter 143
Graveside Vase

By Gypsy Blue Rose


emptying graveside vase

     mother cries a river —

last baby breath


Author Notes Baby breath is a flower

MODERN SENRYU is the English adaptation of Classic Senryu. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Hand over the chocolate and nobody will get hurt"

Chapter 144
Wild Wild World

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for more information, Please Read My Author Notes


in a wild wild world

loon looks for its asylum

in field full of nuts


Author Notes A bit of humor (*<>*) but I know it is a serious issue. I know because I am bipolar.

If you, or someone you know, needs help, please call this number or go to the website to find more information.

For mental health information call ==>> the National Alliance of Mental Health crisis line and website Call 1-800-950-6264. click here for more information
Suicide Prevention Lifeline call these three numbers 988

for more information click here

5/7/5 poem is written in three lines with a syllable count of 5/7/5, no other rules

Having a bit of fun ,... hehehe ...

Asylum is a group of Loons
Asylum is a mental hospital
Loon is a duck
Loon is an insane person
Nut is food
Nut is an insane person

Chapter 146
The Nightmare

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Dean Kuch, may he rest in peace

I woke up startled in the middle of the night because something or someone kept pulling my blanket at the end of the bed.   I couldn’t see what it was and couldn’t move or scream for help. After, what seemed like an eternity, a tall demon got up and crawled into my bed.  I couldn’t turn my head but I felt his weight on the mattress as he lay beside me.  His nauseous breath stunk like nothing I ever smelled before. The worst thing about my nightmare was being mute and immobilized.  The night terror lingered in my mind throughout the day. I couldn’t shake it off.

moonless night

veiled corpse flowers and witch hazel —

dread dreams devil 



Author Notes This is a real nightmare I had. A little horror getting ready for Halloween.

Painting = The Nightmare is a 1781 oil painting by Swiss artist Henry Fuseli.

Corpse flower grows in Western Sumatra. It smells like a rotting corpse. Carrion beetles and flies love it. The flower can grow up to 10 feet tall and is the largest unbranched flower in the world. It blooms once every 40 years for 4 days. for more info about creepy flowers click here

HAIBUN was written first by Matsuo Basho in the 17th century. It combines prose and haiku and usually, it's written in the present tense. THE HAIBUN PROSE FORM (the story) can be any subject matter and as short as possible in the first person. FIRST WRITE THE PROSE= in Haibun tells the story, gives information, and defines the theme. SECOND WRITE THE HAIKU moves the story forward and adds insight to the story. It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS and as succinct as possible. Usually three lines about nature (haiku) or human nature (senryu). The last line uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It never rhymes. Lines are connected grammatically. for advanced students click here ; Haibun Today Editorial for further reading ;
Thank you very much for reading my poem.


Chapter 147
Looking for your Tribe

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes


Don’t look for her here,  

she’s gone like sweet summer breeze  

nothing left of her  

but faint sounds of bells  

and scented touch of nightshade.   

Gypsy caravan’s  

dusty track marks left behind  

for the curious yearning 

mystical magical touch  


Author Notes "Gypsies are living poetry" - Karl Wiggins

KOJIKI is the oldest poetic form that dates back to 712. It's a compilation of poetic history and mythology passed on by mouth from generation to generation in the 8th century before written Japanese existed. The Kojiki is divided into three parts: upper 5/7/5 - middle 5/7/5 - lower 7/7/7 syllables count. it uses a kigo (seasonal reference) ; click here to see list of seasons ; wikipedia

Black nightshade is a poisonous plant wikipedia ; poison plant source

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 148
~ Waterfall ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes


rapid river rushes

through highs and lows

chipping away sharp edges


smooth or cutting stones

tumbling turbulent waters

shattered to pieces


till the end

where promises of release are  –




Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count but is as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory, we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 149
Living In Darkness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Dark silent house day after day and no hope for a better life. I forced myself to go out for a walk among the living once a day. It was the only good thing I did for myself. I dreaded nighttime. I felt like a lioness trapped in a zoo cage. I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling for hours. No sleep came. Panic sets in and propelled me out of my bed to walk back and forth in darkness. I asked God for peaceful sleep but it didn’t come.  Asking my doctor for help didn’t work either. She treated me like an addict looking for a fix. This went on for a year until I finally ended up in the hospital where a different psychiatrist prescribed me the right medication to help me sleep at night and balance my moods. It was a God-sent answer to my prayer.  Sleep is something most people take for granted and makes such a big difference in one’s life.

sleepy moon

     peeks in through my window —

constant companion

Author Notes Sleepy Moon = is one of the Chinese Moon Names. click here if you want to see list of moon names

I have had insomnia most of my life. It's a symptom of my bipolar disorder. Luckily, now I have a good doctor that prescribes and adjust my medication as needed without making me feel bad about it. I also have horrible panic attacks once in a while. They come unexpectedly without rhyme or reason. During my panic attacks, I feel like I can't breathe and I am going to pass out. It's a horrible feeling. The darkness I mention represents chronic depression. It's not the blues, it's a debilitating disease that makes you feel hopeless. Even simple daily tasks like eating or taking a bath seem like huge tasks. If you suffer from depression, seek help. Your life is precious and life gets better. The suicide prevention lifeline is 988, it's supposed to be three numbers "988"click here for more information

HAIBUN was written first by Matsuo Basho in the 17th century. It combines prose and haiku. It can be written in the present or past tense. THE HAIBUN PROSE FORM (the story) can be any subject matter and as short as possible in the first person.

FIRST WRITE THE PROSE= in Haibun tells the story, gives information, and defines the theme.

SECOND WRITE THE HAIKU moves the story forward and adds insight to the story. It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS and as succinct as possible. Usually three lines about nature (haiku) or human nature (senryu). The last line uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It never rhymes. Lines are connected grammatically. for advanced students click here ; Haibun Today Editorial for further reading ; wikipedia for further reading

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 150
Walking on the Moon and Stars

By Gypsy Blue Rose

~ * ~

Raindrops pitter-pattered 

on our umbrella

and where you held me tight

I burned with desire.

~ * ~

We walked on the moon and stars

through the wet elm promenade;

I tucked the memory deep inside

the treasure trove of my mind.

~ * ~

At home, outside our window

rain drizzled through the night

and outside the cool breeze billowed

as our passion’s waves surged and swelled.

~ * ~


Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits to paint the unsaid." -Atticus

Top oil painting on canvas by Leonid Afremov,
Bottom painting by Ellysiumn,

Chapter 151
Old Tree

By Gypsy Blue Rose

old tree

     aflame at dusk —

boughs bow


Author Notes a 2/4/2 poem has two syllables on the first line, four syllables on the second line, and two syllables on the third line.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

painting from and second picture from google public domain

Chapter 152
Gypsy Dance

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Gypsy dances with elated abandon

to the rhythm of a soulful guitar

as the billowing wind whooshes

through the disrobed trees at camp.


Her wrists’ tinkling trinkets chime

and silver anklet bells ring and clang

they herald she is coming

with her flowy skirt

pirouetting around.


Gypsy’s blue eyes 

are windows to her soul

sometimes full

other times longing for love.


At the end of day,

she lies down to rest

and quietly listens to the night.


Autumn breeze twirls 

and crisp fallen leaves rustle

where forest creatures forage around.


Slowly twilight falls 

tiptoeing in silence

under the full harvest moon.

Author Notes Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 153
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


The new patient sits next to me at the edge of my bed. He is staring at me in a creepy and disturbing way. His wrists are bandaged. 

The orderly passes by our always-opened door and calls for breakfast and the first round of meds. I wonder what type of tasteless food will be served today but I appreciate the routine.

After breakfast, we have a ‘check-in group’, Everybody has to score their mood on a one to ten scale. I hate it because I am comfortably numb … what number would that be?

The new medicine makes me sleepy and all I want to do is go to my room. Management insists all mentally ill participate in activities.  I pass out on my bed skipping lunch and dinner. Fuck the rules. 

When I wake up it's - visiting hours - one of the many things I dread about this place. I am jealous of the insane with family and friends.

I wish I were dead.

sun hides behind 

heavy dark clouds —

quicksand mind


Author Notes If you need help, reach out for help and hang on, it gets better. For help call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. click here for more mental health information

Title and Picture from the movie 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' but the poem is not about the movie.

the line, "Comfortably Numb" is a song by -Pink Floyd

HAIBUN combines prose and haiku; it's written in the present or in the past tense. The subject matter can vary widely, but usually describes an unfolding scene, a slice of life, a special moment, or a journal... Keep it as brief as possible and do not repeat words, except the, an, or, etc ... Point of View Written in the first person (everything seen through the author's eyes) Length Varies from very brief prose with one haiku to long prose with interspersed haiku.

PROSE in Haibun TELLS the story, GIVES information, DEFINES the theme, CREATES a mood through tone, and PROVIDES a background to spotlight the haiku

HAIKU in Haibun MOVES the story forward, ADDS insight into the prose, RESOLVES the conflict in an unpredictable way, or QUESTIONS the resolution of the prose. click here for more information *** Haibun Today Editorial for further reading *** Haibun Guidelines

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem,

"Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams." -- A. Sachs

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 154

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Dean Kuch, may he rest in peace

Nightmare lingers 

      and there’s no way home.

I follow the raven 

      to the netherworld    

      where Hades awaits 

      to claim my soul. 

My punishment

      is eternal darkness

      away from divine love.




Author Notes Many of you probably remember, Dean Kuch, an excellent poet, and storyteller. We became close friends and shared many interests, among them HORROR. We wrote a Horror Haiku book together and several Fanstory horror books. Whenever I write a horror story or poem, I think of him. May he rest in peace.

Greek fictional character, Hades, is the god of the underworld (hell)

RAVENS have many REFERENCES in lore and literature. Because of its black plumage, croaking call, and diet of carrion, the raven is often associated with LOSS AND ILL OMEN D As a talking bird, the raven also represents PROPHECY and INSIGHT. Ravens in stories often act as GUIDE OF SOULS, that CONNECTS the material WORLD with the world of SPIRITS. It�¢??s considered a MEDIATOR bird between LIFE and DEATH. As a carrion bird, ravens became associated with the DEAD and with LOST SOULS. wikipedia

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supply a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 155
Summer Breeze Kisses

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes


summer breeze kisses

your sunshine-tanned rugged skin

covered in peach fuzz

lying on lavender fields

midst intoxicating scent

watching your breasts move

up and down as your sweet breath

flutters in and out

I would die for you tonight

for last sunset in your eyes


Author Notes Art work by Ikenaga Yasunari

The Somonka, is a Japanese verse of 2 TANKA unrhymed poems (5/7/5/7/7 - 5/7/5/7/7) exchanged between all types of love: lovers, parents, children, etc ... in a statement and response: example = wife writes tanka for husband, husband responds with his own tanka for her. UnrhymedThe earliest Somonkas can be found as far back as the 1st century AD. click here, if you like, for more information ; . click here if you want to read more

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 157
Where Cicadas Sing

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

where cicadas sing, 

the wind stands still in reverence 

of the demure moon  

as passing clouds cover her 

with magical dust 

full of illusion and dreams 



Author Notes Reverence [ rev-er-uhns or rev-ruhns ] deep respect, awe, veneration

Demure (de-mur-er). characterized by shyness and modesty

Illusion (ih-loo-zhuhn) something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.

JIYU-SHI (means free verse) is Japanese freestyle poetry introduced to American poetry between 1912 to 1926. The only rule is to write in 5/7 stanzas, you can write as many stanzas as you like. I recommend keeping complete thoughts in each line and connecting the lines grammatically for excellent flow. click here to read more

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy hugs :)

Chapter 158
Indigo Lake

By Gypsy Blue Rose

at end of day —
indigo lake cools off 
and soaks up twilight


Author Notes HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of a human experience in nature. It uses a juxtaposition of two concrete images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year with direct words (summer, winter, autumn, spring) or not direct words (northern wind, warm breeze, harvest, Christmas, New Year, cherry blossoms, etc) The best haiku avoid the poet's ego and views. FORM Japanese haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) in English is 17 syllables OR LESS in any combination (3/5/3 - 2/7/6 - 5/6/5 - etc). AVOID punctuation, alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). Haiku and other Japanese poetry don't need titles but in fanstory we have to have one. It can be anything that relates to the haiku. To pause before the satori you can use a dash, sometimes a comma is okay, but we keep punctuation to a minimum ..
HAIKU SOURCES -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Ten Tips -- CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples -- CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules -- CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection -- Ci9LICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History -- CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables -- CLICK HERE TO READ SEASON WORDS (Kigo) List

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 160
Starry Indigo Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Starry indigo sky
      frames my loneliness tonight
      ‘cause our song came on
      and even though you’re long gone
      old pain came on up

Music opened my heart 
      like the wind
      as it whirls a gusty song
      to the beat of my soul
      that turns turbulent
     and how could I love 
     your deceptive blue eyes
     and tempting lying lips 

      the same moon 
      shines over us
      but you are forever gone
      … till our next song


Author Notes Fictional Free Verse was inspired by Pablo Neruda's poems (a Chilean poet-diplomat and politician who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Neruda became known as a poet when he was 13 years old and wrote in a variety of styles, including passionate love poems.)

FREE VERSE is an open modern poetry form that arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 161
Splendid Peony

By Gypsy Blue Rose

splendid peony
seems flirtatious and fickle —
bees drunk with nectar



Author Notes 5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 162
-- And When I Die --

By Gypsy Blue Rose

— And When I Die —

Don’t look for me in a grave
      I will not be there

You will see me
      in blue moonlight rays
      and the bright sun

Don’t cry for me when I'm gone
      I’ll be in the summer breeze
      caressing your face

Look for me in dewdrops
      over a blue rose's petals 
      and listen to my voice

      in children's laughter

You will see me 
      in my darling children 
      and grandchildren's eyes

Don’t cry for me when I’m gone
      I will remain close by
      and the love I feel for you
      will fill your heart

My ashes will ride high tide
      and some will blow in the wind
      the breeze will touch your face

Don’t cry for me when I am gone
  I will never be afar 


Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


Chapter 163
Rain Kisses

By Gypsy Blue Rose

rain kisses drip down
cheerful cherub's chubby cheeks —
heaven’s lullaby 


Author Notes 5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Painting Helen Hyde, 1914

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 164
Peach Dusk

By Gypsy Blue Rose

dusk rides the north wind 
on wings of sparrows –
moonflowers unfold and wave goodbye


Author Notes Moonflowers open their petals at night.

The contest rules are 4 lines with 1/5/5/9 syllables count.

This poem is Ekphrastic, which means that the poem was inspired by the picture.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 165

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

mankind reached their goal
to step on the distant moon 
in the starry sky

over earth where boys and girls 
wish to become astronauts 

Author Notes "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -- Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut on the moon.

EKPHRASTIC inspired by a picture or painting

KAIKAI is a Japanese comic poetry form, a linked form that developed into a more serious form in the 17th century under the influence of MATSUO BASHO. Eventually, it became HAIKU. The form is 5/7/5/7/7 stanza that can be repeated if you like. click here for more information --
haikai rules and examples

*If you would like to join the Japanese Club, please click here and look for the Japanese club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Chapter 166
Gypsy's Haiku

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Fanstorian Tom Horonzy, asked me why do I like writing Japanese Poetry so much.

I am a painter and I enjoy all kinds of visual art.  I like everything about Haiku, the writing, the satori’s zen enlightenment, the beautiful simplicity, and the artistic presentation. 

Haiku goes back to the 17th century but other Japanese poetic forms go back as far as the 8th century.  After all that time, haiku is still relatable today.  Master Matsuo was the first haiku poet in the 17th century. He is regarded as the best haiku master in history.

Poets in the West began a new poetic form called imagism that is similar to haiku.  Imagism is a type of poetry that describes images with simple language and great focus. It came out of the Modernist poetic movement in the early 1900s.  

When I found haiku in 2015, I felt like I arrived home. I love everything about it and since then I have written haiku daily, at least 2 haiku a day.  I read a lot and I have found my own style.  I found a niche in fanstory and I've learned a lot from the reviews I receive daily. 

Many poets in fanstory were not aware of the haiku possibilities. Most poets adhere to the narrow-minded 5/7/5 form.  I love to teach this ancient art. I taught fanstory haiku classes for a while but now I don’t have the time.  However, I have two clubs: haiku club and Japanese poetry club.  I teach one-on-one for free.

Besides the visual aspect of haiku, there is a philosophical component – Zen enlightenment – called satori.  Zen Buddhism has shaped Japanese haiku for centuries. Many haiku poets were Zen Buddhists, like haiku masters Basho and Issa. Haiku is based on Buddhist ideas of emptiness and change. The emphasis on seasons in haiku means a sense of change in the natural world, parallel with the human world. 

A well written classic haiku has many rules but, in my opinion, these are the basics: 

      – It must be brief (17 syllables OR LESS)
      – It must have an insightful satori line, usually the last line but it can be the first one too.
      – It must create a mental picture with words
      – The poet is an observer, avoid using yourself as the subject of the phrase (I see, I walk, I eat …)
      – It must be about something concrete that you can see, smell, hear
      – Connect the first two lines grammatically for a better flow and add a dash at the end of the second line, to pause before reading the satori.
      – It never rhymes

      -- It's about the seasons and nature

Don't be afraid to try. Write as many haiku as you can-- practice is the key. Not all your haiku will be good and that is okay. Once in a while, you will surprise yourself with a great one.

There are other rules and variations but these are the basics. Don’t confuse classic haiku with modern haiku or 5/7/5 poem. The latter two have fewer rules.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.


Author Notes Fanstorian, Tom Horonzy, challenge me to write why I love writing haiku.

Zen Haiku, the haiku foundation



CLICK HERE TO READ Haiku Society of America Haiku Examples

CLICK HERE TO READHaiku Society of America Haiku Rules

CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho Haiku Collection

CLICK HERE TO READ Matsuo Basho History

CLICK HERE TO READ why haiku can be less than 17 syllables


Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 167
Atticus Asks

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Atticus asked why
is the sun following us?
— To shine on!


Author Notes "Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond ..." Pink Floyd

Picture: Atticus is my grandson, a very inquisitive boy. LoL

LUNE is a short poem with three lines, similar to haiku in that it uses imagery and succinct composition. Lune poetry originated when American poets noticed that writing a haiku in The Lotus Flower grows deep in the muddy waters, far away from the sun. In time the Lotus reaches the light and transforms into a beautiful flower. It is regarded in many different cultures as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. English isn�¢??t the same as writing one in Japanese. Japanese words tend to have more syllables than English words and thus it forced English-language haiku to be too wordy and forced to fit the 5/7/5 syllables mold. American poet, Robert Kelly, created the lune in the 1960s. THE KELLY LUNE consists of 3/5/3 SYLLABLES. It was named after its shape, which resembles a crescent moon. Later, poet JACK COLLOM came up with the word-count-variant 3/5/3 WORDS.

Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,


Chapter 169
Silent Snowman

By Gypsy Blue Rose


silent snowman 
melts in warm winter day —
crow eats carrot


Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief and often with a long/short or short/long asymmetry. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature, though they often are. Seasonality is optional, though often featured. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesnâ??t have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 170
Flower Moon Nestles

By Gypsy Blue Rose

flower moon nestles
in the gentle arms of dusk
midst sentinel trees

Author Notes 5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 171
Great Smokey Mountains

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Great Smokey Mountains
settle where the sun rises 
on the wings of dawn


Author Notes Inspired by Helen's poem--Beginnings by lyenochka

Rise on the wings of dawn psalm 139:9

5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Picture: Gatlinburg TN,

Chapter 172
From Muck Into the Light

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:In Honor of Thich Nhat Hanh

Darling, life has no end and no beginning – only “now” exists.  

Rain fills the river that runs to the sea where clouds turn to rain –     

Every moment of the day; we die, and we are reborn again.


Author Notes Lotus is a beautiful flower that grows out of muck into the light. It's often used as a metaphor.

Buddha Mantras

-Darling I'm here for you.
-Darling I know you're there and I am so happy
-Darling I know you suffer that's why I'm here for you
-Darling I suffer. I'm trying my best to practice please help me

Thich Nhat Hanh born on October 11, 1926, was a Vietnamese Thien Buddist monk, peace activist, prolific author, poet, teacher, and founder of the Plum Village Monastery. He is the father of mindfulness. In the mid-1960s, Nhat Hanh was exiled from Vietnam in 1966 after expressing opposition to the war. In 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize. After a 39-year exile, he was permitted to visit Vietnam in 2005. In November 2018, he returned to Vietnam to his root temple where he lived until his death on January 22, 2022, at the age of 95. you may click here for more info

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each (I modified it to any number of lines in three stanzas for visual effect) for a total of 44-46 syllables. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supply a "turn," and the third provides closure. The syllable count is 46 syllables or less, often in this pattern but not strictly. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Classic Sijo Form: 3 lines of 14 to 16 syllables each line with 44 to 46 syllables total

Modified Sijo form in 3 stanzas of 14 to 16 syllables each

Theme 3,4,4,4 (14 to 16 syllables)
Elaboration 3,4,4,4 (14 to 16 syllables)
Counter Theme 3,5. Completion 4,3 (14 to 16 syllables)

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 173
East Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

east wind melts ice
off plum tree branches —
bared blossoms blush


Author Notes Kigo (season): Early Spring = plum blossoms

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief and often with a long/short or short/long asymmetry. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature, though they often are. Seasonality is optional, though often featured. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn�?�¢??t have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 174
Graceful Gazelle

By Gypsy Blue Rose

graceful gazelles glance
at celestial cirrus clouds  —


Author Notes Surreptitiously = in a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.

Cirrus = is a cloud characterized by thin, wispy strands

Celestial= pertaining to the sky

5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 175
Poppies Stretch at Dusk

By Gypsy Blue Rose

poppies stretch at dusk
towards the last light of day 
in scarlet bedgowns


Author Notes Red poppies are one of my favorite flowers. I picked them when I was little and pretended they were ballet dancers by pulling down the petals. The young poppies had different colors before they turned red in full bloom. They remind me of my country of origen, Spain.

5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from

Chapter 176
Lone Tree

By Gypsy Blue Rose

lone rooted tree yearns
for full moon's
freedom to wander 


Author Notes * The fanstory lune contest calls for 5/3/5 syllables but the original lune is 3/5/3 syllables or 3/5/3 words.

LUNE is a short poem with three lines, similar to haiku. Lune poetry originated when American poets noticed that writing a haiku in English isn't the same as writing one in Japanese. Japanese words tend to have more syllables than English words, allowing English-language haiku poets to cram more words into the form. American poet, Robert Kelly, created the lune in the 1960s. THE KELLY LUNE consists of 3/5/3 SYLLABLES. It was named after its shape, which resembles a crescent moon. Later, poet JACK COLLOM came up with the word-count-variant 3/5/3 WORDS. Each line can stand alone as a complete thought, or grammatically connected to other lines. click here to see rules

Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 177
Cerulean Eruption

By Gypsy Blue Rose

below calm water,
cerulean eruption
punctures the surface 


Author Notes Hunga Tonga volcano eruption**The poem was inspired by recent events. An underwater volcano erupted on Saturday, January 15, 2022, near the remote Pacific nation of Tonga, triggering tsunami warnings across the Pacific and for the West Coast of the United States.

=A cerulean eruption, also called blue lava, is a phenomenon that occurs when sulfur burns. It is an electric-blue flame that has the illusory appearance of lava.

5/7/5 poem written in 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllables pattern. The lines are connected grammatically and it doesn't rhyme. It's similar to haiku but has fewer rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 178
Spirits Cling

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:*in memory of Dean Kuch*

spirits cling 
to frigid headstone
waiting for loved ones 
to let go


Author Notes Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 179
Blue Bayou Swamp

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Blue Bayou Swamp


cobalt hue sky
above muck and green grime
where boughs bear burden of bad rap —
folk tales


Author Notes the bottom picture is a swamp water lily

MYTHS AND LEGENDS OF LOUISIANA'S BAYOU COUNTRY --It doesn't take much to believe the folktales of the bayous and swamps of Louisiana. The twists and turns of the waterways and the shade of our cypress trees provide a mysterious backdrop for myths, legends, and folktales. click here to read a few stories

CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables count in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed about any subject. It was created by American poet, Adelaide Crapsey in 1915. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling. *Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much as haiku and tanka. more information

*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 180
Dry Cargo

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

~ Dry Cargo ~

clouds caravan
through dark indigo sky
over unquenchable desert —


Author Notes CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables count in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed about any subject. It was created by American poet, Adelaide Crapsey in 1915. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling. *Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much as haiku and tanka. more information

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


*If you would like to join the Haiku Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

Chapter 181
Desolate Park

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules, please check my author notes

desolate park 
where we met -
your lies scattered
on infertile soil


Author Notes MODERN SENRYU is about human nature and it doesn't include a season word (kigo). It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Senryu usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory, we have to have one.for more information click here collection of senryu ***** The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 182
Simple Life Pleasures

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Frog hangs out

on a lily pad,

now and then, 

eating flies.

Ahhh … 

simple life pleasures.


Author Notes Jasmine Girl, Lisa, told me the Chinese character on the painting spells 'good luck'.

Free Verse doesn't have rhyme or meter. Japanese poetry is mostly free verse.

It seems that frogs need 3 basic things to be happy: food, shelter, and clean water.

Many frogs are often used for dissection at biology classes labs to demonstrate the organ systems that are similar to the human body. Each year in the U.S., at least 3 million frogs are cruelly killed and thrown into the trash.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 183
Samurai's Battlefield

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Alone and wounded,   

melancholic thoughts linger 

over armor scraps,

fighting to keep memories  

of my son’s laughter   

and my wife’s  warm touch alive 

as passion’s cinders    

plunge my raging heart afar

when blood runs red where I stand


Author Notes "Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite. God has placed in each soul an apostle to lead us upon the illumined path. Yet many seek life from without, unaware that is within them." --Khalil Gibran

CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem,


Chapter 184
Her Mouth As Souvenir

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Recess bell  

comes too soon 

like wind chimes  

blowing in the breeze.  


My heart beats  

to the beat of his heart  

holding  “Her Mouth As Souvenir”  

tangled in old spice  

teaching me life lessons –    

my first heartthrob.



Author Notes Fiction Poem is about a Literature teacher and a young girl's infatuation

"Her Mouth as Souvenir" by Heather June Gibbons, is a collection of poems book.

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be a romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supplies a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 185
Your Moody Tides

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Helen (Lyenochka)

Your moody tides
tear me apart,
sometimes you ebb
and others you thrust.

Will you ever stay
by my side?

I look up to heaven
to wish upon a star.
"I want her to be my wife".



Author Notes "Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself." -Kahill Gibran

Ebb is the tidal phase during which the tidal current is flowing seaward. Flood tide pulls to land.

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supplies a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 186
New Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

new moon 
    enveloped in starless night —
the love you don't see

Author Notes A New Moon is invisible. It's when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon. Nov 23, 2022 at 2:57 pm

SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS usually in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do. It never rhymes. It uses imagery.

for more information click here

collection of senryu

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 187
A Thousand and One Nights

By Gypsy Blue Rose

thousand and one nights 
won't be enough 
to love you the way I want  

each eve  
veiled in silver moon  
I watch you sleep  

tangled in memories  
breathless and wrapped  
in a thousand and one little deaths 

Author Notes One Thousand and One Nights = is a collection of folk tales compiled by various authors across Asia. The Nights is the story of King Shahryar and his wife. The folk tale is that King Shahryar was going to kill his slave, Scheherazade. But she offered to tell a story before her execution. She was such a wonderful storyteller that the king wanted one more story each night, thus keeping her alive for a thousand and one tales and nights. In the end, King Shahryar had fallen in love with his slave, Scheherazade, and married her.

A little death = is a slang term for climax

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supplies a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 188
Kinder Joy Candy

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

Kinder Joy candy
one of life's small pleasures  —
prize is being eight again


Author Notes MODERN SENRYU is a Japanese poem with a title that deepens its meaning. Senryu is similar to Haiku but It's about human nature and it doesn't include a season word (kigo). It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in of speech before the satori.

for more information click here collection of senryu ***** The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 189
Little Love-Bundle

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For my big sister's birthday (lyenochka)

little love-bundle,
giant in her Father's eyes -
grain of mustard seed


Author Notes Helen was a small baby when she was born, but she has grown to be a beatiful and loving woman; a spiritual giant in the eyes of God, and in our eyes too.

Happy birthday, big sister!

Matthew 13:31-32

The Mustard Seed and the Leaven

31 He put another parable before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

Chapter 190
Tangerine Dusk

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

tangerine dusk
melts into warm red rocks ~
sunny side up

Author Notes At the end of day, the last rays of sun warms the rocks before the cold night.

EKPHRASTIC, is a poem inspired by a work of art. Often vivid and dramatic; either real or imagined; of a person, an experience, or a thing. The word comes from the Greek language, meaning: ( 'out' 'speak' 'to call an inanimate object by name').. for source click here

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It uses a juxtaposition of two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay).
click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES
click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES
click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

picture from google public domain

Chapter 191
Swan Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

swan love
in summer, winter, spring, and fall ~
seasoned lovers

Author Notes Swans mate for life

Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture or painting

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It uses a juxtaposition of two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay).
click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES
click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES
click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from google public domain

Chapter 192
Old Love Poems

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

old love poems

gathering dust in my attic ~
the man I thought you were

Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS usually in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do. It never rhymes. It uses imagery.

for more information click here

collection of senryu

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 193
Blood Red Sunset

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

blood red sunset
    bleeds over roadkill 
murder of crows

Author Notes A group of crows is called a murder.

HAIKU is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It uses a juxtaposition of two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) BUT in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). ~ click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES ~ click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES ~ click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 194
Half of the Time

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Notes Tightrope walking is the skill of walking along a thin wire or rope usually in the circus.

Haiga is a Japanese poem embedded in a picture.

GOGYOHKA is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllables count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. wikipediafor more info click here

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy Word Weaver
"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." - Kahlil Gibran

Chapter 195
~ * Skipping Stones *~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Helen ( lyenochka )


       skipping stones   —
of recalling dad

Author Notes Senryu is similar to Haiku but it focuses on human nature, psychology, and mind.

Senryu can make use of poetic devices such as simile, personification, and
metaphor. It can also employ puns, parody and satire. Unlike haiku, senryu are not reliant on a seasonal reference, but they DO occasionally use them.

Senryu can be humorous but many express the misfortunes, the hardships and woe of humanity.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei

Chapter 196
* Nine Years *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes

nine years
after the funeral
his dog still waits   ~
at the station


Author Notes Hachiko (1923 - 1935) was a Japanese Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, for whom he continued to wait for over nine years following Ueno's death. wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei

Chapter 197
Fired Haiku Poet

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes

fired haiku poet
is replaced by robot ~
made in Japan


Author Notes This poem is a joke... perhaps satire. The truth is that a robot/machine could never replace a poet's heart and soul.

Artificial Intelligence (robots) and work automation are transforming how businesses communicate with their clients and execute their operations.

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei

Chapter 198
Drizzle Covered Grave

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Helen (Lyenochka)

by her dad's drizzle covered grave,

crisp ripples of wild winter wind

dance with the tousled white-mist hair

and in her umber eyes ...  thunder

Author Notes Four Lines poems have eight syllables in each line. I like to connect them grammaticaly and mine never rhyme.

Thank you very much for your time and kind review,

Gypsy Sensei
Word Weaver and Graphic Artist

Chapter 199
Criss-cross Roads

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Para Papa

criss-cross roads

over fields of forget-me-nots —

painful old scars


Author Notes Forget-me-not is a kind of flower

Senryu is similar to Haiku but it focuses on human nature, psychology, and mind.

Senryu can make use of poetic devices such as simile, personification, and
metaphor. It can also employ puns, parody and satire. Unlike haiku, senryu are not reliant on a seasonal reference, but they DO occasionally use them.

Senryu can be humorous but many express the misfortunes, the hardships and woe of humanity.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei

Chapter 200
Wisp of Winter

By Gypsy Blue Rose

wisp of winter 
balances on a dewdrop 
at break of

Chapter 201
Winter Wind of Change

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes


cold wind of change
wiggles between evergreens —
Creator's white canvas


Author Notes Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei
"Live long and prosper." -- Spock, Star Trek

Chapter 202
Cold Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes


cold moon
shines over money tree —
poor man's retirement 

Author Notes A retirement plan refers to saving, investing, and ultimately distributing to sustain oneself during retirement.

Chinese money treeis a species of flowering plant native to southern China. Money plants are known to attract prosperity, good luck, and wealth

Cold Moon: Full Moon in December 2022 | The Old Farmer's Almanac

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Gypsy Sensei- Word Weaver

Chapter 203
First Full Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes

first full moon's dust
drizzles on aquamarine sea  ~
sapphires drift to shore

Author Notes Aquamarine is a bluish-green precious stone

Sapphire is a transparent blue precious stone

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." - Atticus

Native American Full Moon Calendar 2023

NameTime of Full

January 6th--Wolf Moon 6:08 PM

February 5th -- Snow Moon 1:29 PM

March 7th -- Worm Moon 7:40 AM

April 6th-- Pink Moon 12:34 AM

May 5th-- Flower Moon 1:34 PM

June 3rd-- Strawberry Moon 11:42 PM

July 3rd-- Buck Moon 7:39 AM

August 1st-- Sturgeon Moon 2:32 PM

August 30th-- Blue Moon 9:36 PM

September 29th-- Harvest Moon 5:58 AM

October 28th-- Hunter's Moon 4:24 PM

November 27th-- Beaver Moon 4:16 AM

December 26th-- Cold Moon 7:33 PM

Chapter 204
A Thousand Nights

By Gypsy Blue Rose


a thousand lone nights
waiting in our meeting place
knowing you won't come —
where bleeding-heart flowers bloom
and the last spix macaw cries


Author Notes The last Spix Macaw lived from 2009 to 2019 in Brazil which was the bird's home. It's extinct since 2019.

The bleeding heart flowers are native to China, Korea, and Japan.

Tanka is one of the oldest types of Japanese poetry. It begun in the Emperial Court, where lovers exchanged a tanka after a night of lovemaking.

Tanka in Japan, is 31 syllables in a 5/7/5/7/7 form, but in English is 31 syllables OR LESS

For examples click here

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 205
Wild Horses at Break of Dawn

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes


wild horses rush
into a furious gallop
at the break of dawn
refusing a tamed life
in flat land corrals


Author Notes Tanka is one of the oldest types of Japanese poetry. It begun in the Emperial Court, where lovers exchanged a tanka after a night of lovemaking.

Tanka in Japan, is 31 syllables in a 5/7/5/7/7 form, but in English is 31 syllables OR LESS. For examples click here

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy Word Weaver

Chapter 206
Overgrown Garden

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


overgrown garden
simmers in laziness —
crickets chirp warms the heart


Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count but is as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory, we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 207
Poet's Last Haiku

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes

poet's last haiku 
glides in warm spring breeze 
tangled with cherry blossoms

Author Notes Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 208
Pink Cherry Blossoms

By Gypsy Blue Rose


pink cherry blossoms
over your cold marble grave —
doves nest on the bough

Author Notes Cherry Blossoms = Symbolize Renewal of Life and Brilliant but Transient Life

Doves = symbolize love

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. Haiku can come in various formats of 17 syllables or LESS. Modern Haiku less restrictive rules, mostly the same, except you can write in one to four lines with the 17 syllables or less. for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you very much for your time, kind review, and helpfull feedback.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 209
I Met Death

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Dean Kuch, may he rest in peace

I met Death
      on a dreadful winter's night.

Cruel cold cut through my bones
      and numbed my heart.

He moved with ease
      and I dragged behind.

We strolled engulfed in a dark fog
      when we passed an empty schoolyard
      we heard echoes of
 laughter across. 

We glided over ripe wheat fields
      as the rising sun gifted us with light
      and dew glistened like a million starts.

On our way Beyond.


Author Notes "Because I could not stop for Death; He kindly stopped for me; The Carriage held but just Ourselves; And Immortality. - Emily Dickinson - 1830-1886 inspired by 'because I could not stop for death' to read poem click here

Beyond = in my poem, it means 'the realm of death'.

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern.[1] It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from google public domain

Chapter 210
Playing in the Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Cinquain Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

~ Playing in the Rain ~

tip tap

goes the cool rain

spraying my window pane

drip drip drizzle from wet oak trees

sodden earthy and soggy leaves

splosh splash


pools for jumping

over crusty frost glaze

on the zig-zag pathway to school




Author Notes - The Wake = The wake of any ship or boat consists of the waves created by the hull of the vessel as it moves through the water.
- Washout = Informal. an utter failure.

CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables count in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed and about any subject. It was created by American poet, Adelaide Crapsey in 1915. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling.

*Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much as haiku and tanka. more information
more information about cinquain

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 211
Hail on the Rooftop

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes


hail on the rooftop
roars beating plastic and straw
of homeless man'
s hut

clink, clank, clunk, plink, plunk
drum to the beat of his heart
rap, rattle, stutter

prays the roof holds other night
tap tip-top hail laughs haha,
man hopes the sun comes out fast


Author Notes I used Onomatopoeia as a poetic device. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word by imitation of a sound.

The concept of hail sound and destitute man is a type of zen writing which is part of Japanese poetry history

KOJIKI is the oldest poetic form that dates back to 712. It's a compilation of poetic history and mythology passed on by mouth from generation to generation in the 8th century before written Japanese existed. Modern Kojiki can use any theme. The Kojiki is divided into three parts: upper 5/7/5 - middle 5/7/5 - lower 7/7/7 syllables count. it uses a kigo (seasonal reference) ; click here to see list of seasons ; wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from google public domain

Chapter 212
Empty Boat Full of Dusk

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Empty Boat Full of Dusk

wake waves embrace
the busy docking bay,
     without the fish in nets to sell —



Author Notes CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, and is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables count in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed about any subject. American poet, Adelaide Crapsey 1915, created it. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling.

*Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much like haiku and tanka. more information
more information about cinquain

top picture from google public domain; bottom picture by Akos Batorfi on flickr

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 213
Iridescent Dawn

By Gypsy Blue Rose

iridescent dawn
   soothes my soul —

Author Notes Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

bottom picture is a morning glory flower
top picture from Bisbiswas in

Chapter 214
Thinking of You

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Now I'm thinking —
it was a mistake
to call you the other day

You didn't answer your phone
'cause your old number
doesn't exist anymore

I lost the last line
to your heart

I'm holding on
to the silky web string
of my random thoughts

Our songs still stir
dreams of the past
and open wounds
that will never heal

I yearn to touch your face
while you hold me close
looking into my blue eyes

But you are nothing
but a ghost
living in the dusty hallways of my mind

Now I'm thinking —
I'm playing a loser's game
slave to the whims
of my melancholic heart

Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 215
Wandering in the Woods

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Wandering throughout
the woods in full fall foliage,
where leaves change colors
to Mother Nature's whimsies,
and north wind follies
    of the austere arctic air —
reddening girls' cheeks,
as they frolic amidst trees
and colorful canopies.


Author Notes Chick is an informal word for girl

CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Chapter 216
Candles for the Innocents

By Gypsy Blue Rose

That day, I drove to my son’s school crying all the way. Two blocks were closed so I ran. At school, I waited two hours before I found out if my son was dead or alive until the parents of the victims were notified. On January 17, 1989, five 9 years-old children died, all were Vietnamese. My son was in the playground with the other kids and watched his friends get shot. He survived but had therapy for a year. Now, even my 5 years-old grandson has school lockdown drills.  It’s one of the worst nightmares a parent could have.



Author Notes On January 17, Patrick Purdy shot and killed five students at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California. He wounded 29 children and one teacher before committing suicide. Since then, there have been 1,572 deaths from school shootings. wikipedia - wikipedia - safety prevention.Org

Each day 12 children die from gun violence in America. Another 32 are shot and injured.

An estimated 4.6 million American children live in a home where at least one gun is kept loaded and unlocked.

Thank you for reading my flash nonfiction for the contest


Chapter 217
Dark Skies

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Day and night merge together in my dark and gloomy room. It feels like a tomb. I haven't seen people in ten years and I almost have given up hope.

Most of all, I miss human touch. I have come to the conclusion that touch is almost as important as air or water. Loneliness could kill me slowly. I go on for months without talking out loud but I hear voices in my head. At times I feel like I am losing my mind, I hear my mother and my children calling me but they died long ago.

I am ashamed to admit that in the beginning I collected mannequins and treated them like people, but on one especially rageful day, I burned them all. I get angry a lot. I continuously go through the cycle of grief ... denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Feelings can be overwhelming. I found out that crying helps a lot.

I have almost forgotten the sound of my voice. For a while, I had conversations with my plants but they didn't last long after the WWIII atomic bomb. As far as I know, the bomb killed almost every living thing on Earth, and the few who survived died during the nuclear winter. I was lucky to have an underground shelter. My neighbors thought I was crazy when they saw me building it but I got the last laugh. After I came out of the shelter, I searched for other survivors but eventually, I stopped.

I used to complain about big crowds. I'm an introspective person and after my divorce, I enjoyed serenity and solitude. Now, I would give anything to find other people, even just one.

I ask God why he spared me and although I don't hear His response, I get a warm feeling inside and a small light of hope. Perhaps my purpose is to populate the Earth. So I will continue searching for a man or a sperm bank. Not sure how that would work but I have the time to figure it out.


dark skies
follow me wherever I go —
thunder is my companion

Author Notes NUCLEAR WINTER is the environmental devastation that scientists contend would probably result from the hundreds of nuclear explosions in a nuclear war.

WORLD WAR III or the THIRD WORLD WAR, are names given to a hypothetical worldwide large-scale military conflict

SPERM BANK --Do-it-yourself insemination is pretty straightforward, according to Fertility Authority. Sperm banks provide a syringe for placing the sperm next to your cervix, on or around the time of ovulation.

Thank you very much for reading my story.


Chapter 218
Leaving Home

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


     leaving home —
I carry with me a heart
full of blossoms


Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count but is as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory, we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 219
~ Window Ajar ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

window ajar
     lets cold air in the room —
winter in her bones


Author Notes Humanity Haiku is a haiku about a season and how humans relate to it.

HAIKU is a short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature and season intuitively linked to the human condition. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. Use a dash before the satori ( the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES
=== click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

pictures from google; the bottom picture is an iris flower, it withstands winter weather but stays dormant; I added the iris for artistic purposes.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 220
Winter Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

Winter Night
cuddled by the fire
     with mom's last handmade quilt —
her warm scent lingers

Author Notes A HUMANITY HAIKU is a type of haiku about a year's season and how people relate to it. It's not to be confused with SENRYU which it's about human nature and doesn't have a KIGO (season).

This humanity winter haiku is about a cold winter night and how a person relates to it through her senses. The warmth by the fireplace and her mother's quilt; the cold weather outside, and missing her mother; it's about the winter season and a woman's direct concrete and emotional reaction.

HAIKU is a short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature and season intuitively linked to the human condition. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. Use a dash before the satori ( the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES
=== click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 221
Her Sunday Best

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

dressed in her Sunday best,
child watches a lucky kid
   leave with new parents —
raindrops on the window pain

Author Notes A "windowpane" is a piece of glass in a window. "Window pain" is spelled wrong on purpose

National Adoption Day (Saturday, November 18, 2023) is a collective effort to raise awareness of the more than 113,000 children waiting to be adopted from foster care in the United States. click here for source

NAANI POEM is an Indian poetic form. It's very similar to Japanese poetic forms, in that it has a set line and syllable count. It has 4-lines and a total 20-25 syllables. It's usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme. ===
click here for examples -poetrysoup === click here for more information- shadowpoetry === click here for more information
=== poetry soup

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 222
Lonesome Bard

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Federico Garcia Lorca, prominent 20th-century Spanish poet

lonesome bard
poured his bleeding heart
over tattered pages
with passion, love, and country


Author Notes Bard = poet in Old English

3/5/6/4/7 = 25 syllables

NAANI POEM is an Indian poetic form. It's very similar to Japanese Poetry in that it's succinct, syllable count based, and imagistic. It's usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme. ===
click here for examples -poetrysoup === click here for more information- shadowpoetry === click here for more information
=== poetry soup

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 223
Little Cherub

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

cold and crisp autumn breeze
brushes Cherub's rosy cheeks—
mom's precious child
made of love and laughter

Author Notes 6/7/4/6 = 23 syllables naani

Cherub = A child, with a sweet, chubby, innocent face. A celestial being often represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with wings;

NAANI POEM is an Indian poetic form. It�??�?�¢??s very similar to Japanese Poetry in that it's succinct, syllable count based, and imagistic. It�??�?�¢??s usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme. === click here for examples -poetrysoup === click here for more information- shadowpoetry === click here for more information === poetry soup

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Chapter 224
On An Empty Road

By Gypsy Blue Rose

on an empty road,
I walk with the moon
     as my only companion —
tulips full of sadness


Author Notes This naani poem is zen because it has a satori (last line) of enlightenment.

NAANI POEM is an Indian poetic form. It's very similar to Japanese Poetry in that it's succinct, syllable count based, and imagistic. It's usually about nature or human relations but not strictly. The lines are grammatically connected and never rhyme. === click here for examples -poetrysoup === click here for more information- shadowpoetry === click here for more information === poetry soup

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 225
Feet Deep in Dew

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes

feet deep in dew,

I leave morning-footsteps

on the dusty road

Author Notes Zen Buddhism has significantly shaped the historical development of Japanese haiku. Many haiku master poets were Zen Buddhists. The satori concept is based on zen enlightenment.

This haiku is modern haiku because I use alliteration.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. Images don't need to be taken from nature but often do. Seasonality is optional but often does. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Haiku never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) emphasizes an interruption in speech before the satori. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 226
Birds on a Wire

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

birds on a wire
   look at the busy park —
people watching

Author Notes Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 228
Flying in Darkness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

bird flies in darkness
   unafraid of obscure nights —
guided by God's light

Author Notes 5/7/5 poems are similar to haiku but doesn't follow any rules, other than the syllables count.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 229
Funeral Bells Toll

By Gypsy Blue Rose

funeral bells toll
    send waves of pain through the heart —
flowers full of grief



Author Notes flowers are canterbury bells

The funeral tolling of a bell is the technique of sounding a single bell very slowly, with a significant gap between strikes. It is used to mark the death of a person at a funeral or burial service announcing the end of a person's life.

This haiku is modern because I use alliteration.
MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 230
Knight in Shining Armor

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Twilight wraps
the porcelain alabaster skin
as her knight bends the knee
in awestruck reverie
and submission to his Queen
who lies on a bed
of dried lavender and sage

Heartbroken pale mourner
raises his sword to the Grim Reaper
who hides in shadows
knowing steel will not cut
the angel of death

deep in loneliness and despair
lacking purpose to go on
the knight lies next to her
on the bed of flames
consumed by unconsolable grief
on his way to the nether world

Oh! magnificent loyal knight
trapped in black and gold regrets
of not confessing his undying love



Author Notes Nether world= hell or purgatory
There may be some unintentional natural rhymes

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 231
Camp Fire

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

making a fire
    where grandpa and I used to camp —
warm memories



Author Notes
SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS usually in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do. It never rhymes. It uses imagery.

for more information click here

collection of senryu

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 232
Empty Pantries

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes


Most children are loved

but many of them are hurt

in homes veiled in black

amidst the screaming parents

and empty pantries.

Kids go to bed without food

or bedtime stories,

mom and dad's pipes and needles

littered around dirty floors.

Author Notes CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION HOTLINE = 1-800-422-4453 Call the 24-hour toll-free number for confidential assistance with professional crisis counselors.

At least 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year in the United States. This is likely an underestimate because many cases are unreported.

CHOKA It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine lines in a 5/7/ 5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE === description

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 233
The String

By Gypsy Blue Rose

in a string of gossip — the truth unravels

Author Notes A One-Line poem is a poem that consists of a single line.

Other poems with the same form are 'the monostich' and 'the one-line haiku'. With haiku, you need a satori (phrase to stop and ponder).

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 234
Waning Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

yearns to kiss
       the elusive waning moon  —
luna moth

Author Notes waning moon = decreasing moon
luna = moon
luna moth = a type of moth click here for information

Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 235
The Caged Bird

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the caged bird

secretly yearns to be

a butterfly


Author Notes MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 236

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

amidst rubble and pain

       flowers insist on growing  —


Author Notes Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 237
Riding the Wind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

when I die

     my ashes will ride the wind —

over a sea of life

Author Notes Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poem. It juxtaposes two images in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between them. It alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes. use a dash before the satori (usually the last line). Avoid alliteration, metaphor, personification, and capital letters (proper names are okay). === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 238
Widow's Tears

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

widow's tears

        fall on the garden pond  —

ripples reach the sky


Author Notes Widow's Tears is a flower and in juxtaposition a woman who lost her husband.

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. Images don't need to be taken from nature but often do. Seasonality is optional but often does. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Haiku never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) emphasizes an interruption in speech before the satori. The Haiku Foundation of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 239
Common Evening Primrose

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Helen ( lyenochka )

evening primrose
doesn't complain

when passersby
don't stop to see
her plain face
or pretty green dress

only He knows
how precious she is

with tender love
He dries 
her dewdrops away



Author Notes Common Evening Primroses are actually beautiful flowers, I used this flower for the name "common" in real life, some people feel 'plain' or 'common' but they are really beautiful inside. We may all be primroses yearning to be loved the way we are.

Common Evening Primrose is a yellow flower that blooms from early summer to early fall. They open in the evening and remain open until the following morning. The whole plant is edible, lemon-scented, and attracts night-flying moths at night and bees in the morning.

SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supply a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 240
Crest and Trough Waves

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

warm sand and crisp breeze
veil salty skins wrapped in sweat
   and lusty thoughts —
an ocean of emotions
in crest and trough waves

sand dunes and plains
beneath my starved fingers
   hungry for your love —
yearning to drown in the sea
of your aquamarine eyes


Author Notes The Somonka, is a Japanese verse of two unrhymed poems (5/7/5/7/7 - 5/7/5/7/7) OR LESS exchanged between lovers in a statement and response form. The earliest Somonkas can be found as far back as the 1st century AD. click here, if you like, for more information ; . click here if you want to read morew

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my poem.


Chapter 241
Dusk Prayer

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

monk's dusk

       enveloped in purple haze  —
trees reflect too


Author Notes -- 4/7/4 = 15 syllables count, the rule is 17 syllables or less
-- It's a Spring Haiku because the tress bloom in Spring

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. Haiku usually consists of two parts separated by a dash or comma, (1st) the two top lines and (2nd) the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Use poetic devices sparingly. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

�?�¢??Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

The picture is Shakujii Park, in Tokyo, which is a green area of ponds and forests. Photo by aeschylus18917 on flickr

Chapter 242
~ At the End of Day ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

at the end of day,

       marooned boat rocks softly  —

full of sunset

Author Notes 5/8/4 = 17 syllables, the rule is 17 syllables or less

A marooned boat is washed up and abandoned at the shore

Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture.

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. Haiku usually consists of two parts separated by a dash or comma, (1st) the two top lines and (2nd) the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Use poetic devices apparently. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from
the bottom flower picture is just for presentation purposes

Chapter 243
Pensive Blue Heron

By Gypsy Blue Rose

pensive blue heron

reflects on tangerine pond

while I meditate

Author Notes Pensive= deep in thought

zen concepts = deep in thought, reflection, meditation

Chapter 244
Another Sunset

By Gypsy Blue Rose

nobody's around tonight

~ regardless ~

the sunset is glorious

Author Notes Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 245
Sexy Sadie

By Gypsy Blue Rose

long after he passed,

his torn Sexy Sadie ship

drifts towards his shore


Author Notes a 5/7/5 poem is not necessarily a haiku, the only rule is the syllable count

"Sexy Sadie" is a Beatles song released on 22 November 1968.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem


Chapter 246
Across Golden Shores

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

Just to hear your name
makes my unruly heart run

across golden shores

by the cooling amber sun —


carries me across the sky

amidst brilliant stars

chasing the day's dying dusk
dancing 'neath the peeking moon

Author Notes CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 247
Full Moon Shines On

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

full moon shines on

    radiant blue feathers -

melancholic swan


Author Notes This haiku is modern because I used personification. In classic haiku, you only write concrete images you observe, not abstract words like a melancholic feeling. The poet reflected her own feelings to the swan.

The color blue that we see on a bird is created by the way light waves interact with the feathers

Modern Haiku - The most common adaptation in English haiku looks something like this: one to four lines, no strict syllable count but brief, and often with a long/short or short/long asymmetry. It's written in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the top lines and the last one. These poems use a dash to pause before the last punch line ( satori ). Modern haiku may use any poetic devices Images need not be taken from nature, though they may be and often are. Seasonality is optional, though often featured. Here is an example: - submissions

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from

Chapter 248
Without Him

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:To join the Haiku club check my author notes

without him,
rides their boat in the cold night —
grief waves carry her to shore

Author Notes Human Haiku combines nature with a human experience in nature, like in this case, the night, the sky, the sea; and the grief of losing a lover.

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. Haiku usually consists of two parts separated by a dash or comma, (1st) the two top lines and (2nd) the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Use poetic devices sparingly. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from

Chapter 249
Silver Moonlight

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for rules and information, please check my author notes

silver moonlight
slips through window blinds—
dust's spotlight



Author Notes Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. The haiku gives a moment of insight based on observation.

Japanese haiku are written in 3 lines with 5/7/5 syllables form. In English is 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS due to the difference between Japanese and English syllables.

haiku contains two separate parts:

A section that creates an image (often the first two lines, but not always)

Then another section that is different but connected perhaps suggests an interpretation of the first image, perhaps suggesting a contrast.

Haiku should be clear and direct, with strong images in a compact and concise manner.

for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

Chapter 250
Beneath Wintry Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose


beneath wintry sky

she never looked prettier —

full moon in her eyes



Author Notes The picture is the Worm Full Moon visible on March 7th

This week we are learning how to write human haiku in the haiku club. Human Haiku shows the relationship between nature and the human experience.

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. Haiku usually consists of two parts separated by a dash or comma, (1st) the two top lines and (2nd) the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Use poetic devices apparently. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 251
Twilight Sun

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

twilight sun

    pours into soothing calm sea —

waves drown loud thoughts 


Author Notes Ocean sounds are very relaxing when you have too many worrisome thoughts on your mind. It helps me go to sleep.

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. The most important thing about a haiku is that it captures and conveys a sensory image of a single moment in time, and that image resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader feeling enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top lines and the last one (satori). These poems use a dash to pause before the last line.

the last line (satori) is an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Avoid poetic devices, haiku is written from an 'observer' point of view so we don't know what plants or animals think or feel. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from

Chapter 252
Resilient Flower

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

resilient flower

   stoops in torrential rain —

bent but not broken

Author Notes Heavy rain can damage flowers within an inch of their lives, but most are bent, not broken. Their flexibility saves them, if they had remained rigid they would have died. It's a good lesson for humans.

Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. The most important thing about a haiku is that it captures and conveys a sensory image of a single moment in time, and that image resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader feeling enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top lines and the last one (satori). These poems use a dash to pause before the last line..

the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Avoid poetic devices, haiku is written from an 'observer' point of view so we don't know what plants or animals think or feel. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from

Chapter 253
Deep Deep Inside

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Deep deep inside me,

burning memories erupt

melting safety walls.

Some say it has been too long

to still grieve your loss,

but a bursting torrential

pain surfaces fast

to rivers of fire and blood

rushing to the crimson sea.

Author Notes CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine lines in a 5/7 /5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Chapter 254
After Morning Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

after morning rain

      spider's string of clear diamonds


Author Notes Jiyu-shi is a modern Japanese free-style poetic form developed in Japan in the 19th century. The form consists of 5/7 stanza, you may write one or more stanzas = source

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem,


picture from

Chapter 255
- Full Moon -

By Gypsy Blue Rose



full moon pours

    a million nights —

into the river




Author Notes Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. The most important thing about a haiku is that it captures and conveys a sensory image of a single moment in time, and that image resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader feeling enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top lines and the last one (satori). These poems use a dash to pause before the last line..

the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Avoid poetic devices, haiku is written from an 'observer' point of view so we don't know what plants or animals think or feel. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 256
Withered Bough

By Gypsy Blue Rose


raven melts 

   into withered bough —

winter in its heart



Author Notes Haiku is a short Japanese poem that uses imagistic language to convey a moment in nature linked to the human experience. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. The most important thing about a haiku is that it captures and conveys a sensory image of a single moment in time, and that image resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader feeling enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top lines and the last one (satori). These poems use a dash to pause before the last line..

the last line (satori) an insightful twist to ponder. Sometimes the satori is in the first line. The two parts are compared in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection. Haiku alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese sounds (on). Avoid capitalization and punctuation, except for personal nouns. Avoid poetic devices, haiku is written from an 'observer' point of view so we don't know what plants or animals think or feel. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 257
Playful Spring Flowers

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Mornings with you are filled with love and lust. Cocooned under your arm I'm snug as a bug. Tangled in a lavender breeze that frolics with your tousled hair and amber musk scent. It entices me to caress your stubble beard and cover your face with tiny kisses, but I don't dare to wake you up.

Outside our window, an ice cream truck passes by with a crowd of children following behind. Dogs bark laud and I wish they would stop. Cats meow hungry for love and scraps.

playful spring flowers
 flirt and wave full of themselves —
sunshine stars the day



Author Notes HAIBUN is a Japanese poetic form that combines prose and haiku. The prose is usually descriptive and succint, keep it simple. Evoke the senses. Write in the present tense. It uses poetic devices and the imagery evokes a sensory impression in the reader. The section of prose is then followed by a haiku that serves to deepen the meaning of the prose, either by intensifying its themes or serving as a juxtaposition to the prose�??�?�¢??s content. HAIBUN was created by Matsuo Basho in the 17th century. Resources: click here for haiku society of America definiton *** haibun today *** for wikipedia click here ==== for graceguts click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


picture from google public domain

Chapter 258
~ The Kiss ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

When we awake,

the sun rises in your eyes

in a pool of caramel dawn

Your lips taste

like chocolate-dipped berries

~ intoxicating ~

I tremble and tumble

~ into ~

your cinnamon-tanned arms


Author Notes Painting "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt

Chapter 259
Mischievous Muse

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

I whisper
the poems I wrote for you
into your ear
and my words ... tickle ... tickle
entangled in laughter

Author Notes GOGYOHKA is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllables count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from google public domain

Chapter 260
Harvest Moon Aflame

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

Harvest moon aflame

kisses the distant horizon.

Oaktree's boughs

disrobed crimson and golden leaves.


Author Notes SEPTOLET is an American variation of haiku poem. The origin is French but otherwise unknown. It is an unrhymed poem that consists of fourteen words divided into two stanzas. Both stanzas deal with the same subject and create a picture with words. You may use art with your Septolet. The first letter of the first word in each stanza begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. Align left. No proper nouns. Each could stand separately, but both are related. === septolet origen and form === shadow === all

'Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.' - Novalis

picture from google public domain

Chapter 261
The Cotton Candy Clouds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Sweetie pie child of mine
don't go chasing rainbows
and cotton candy clouds.

You lost your mother's hand
at the churchgoers' crowd
but an angel saw your tears
and took you all the way home.

Author Notes Inspired by a personal experience. I got lost in the crowd after church and a nice lady took me to my home. I was lucky to find a good person, she was my angel.

FORM IS WRITTEN IN 5 to 7 SYLLABLES AND 4 to 8 LINES. Japanese poets wrote in classical Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in the Heian Era (794-1185), Chinese was the language of courts in Japan. Kanshi was practiced and enjoyed only by aristocrats at the beginning but has remained popular throughout Japanese history, especially among academics and intellectuals. more info from wikipedia -- more info from -- the

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.

"learn the rules like a pro so that you can break them like an artist". - Picasso

Chapter 262
Moonless Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

moonless night

    alone in my room —

my only companion

a cat outside my window

hungry for love and tuna



Author Notes TANKA is a Japanese unrhymed poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines. The first English-speaking poets imitated the Japanese models of 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure in five lines, but because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables the poems were too wordy and choppy. The beginning two lines are descriptive and image-focused, and the third line serves as a transition to the bottom two lines which are reflective using metaphor, simile, or personification. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka originated in the seventh century in the Japanese Imperial Court, where women and men engaged in courtship. click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 263
One in a Million

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Do you see

      the same full moon tonight?  

Does stardust

      veil your golden skin?

Does the skylark

      sing you love songs?

I   r e a l i z e . . .

I’m one in a million

      in love with you

and all the poems

      I send you

      return to sender

so I make do

      with my lover,

      the handsome moon.




Author Notes Thank you for reviewing my poem,

''Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.'' - Maya Angelou

Chapter 264
- Surrender -

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Not Crude

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


pinned against the wall    

      with trembling arms ‘bove her head   

      and heavy breathing 

he kisses her pretty neck

      and gives gentle bites

she surrenders completely   

      trusting he loves her 

and after so many years 

      she still is his sexy wife  



Author Notes CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Chapter 265
Submersed in Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Feeling good  

when you put your hands  

all over me.


Looking into  

your deep night eyes  

    I get lost        

in your starry sky.   


I dip   

into the warm sea  

of your soul   

submersed in love.




Author Notes SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supply a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Sijo Form Definition

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 266
Ebbing Tide

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the ebbing tide
pulls you away from me
and into the sea
yet we share the same
ocean breeze

the possibility still exists
of love to arise
so my heart trembles
at the thought of missing our hello
makes me panic and wonder
what I would say

for so long
I have watched you from afar
night after night
I dream of you and me
on my bed ablaze
as we make love
in the dark

our breath a raging storm
and although there's no thunder
our heartbeats boom and bang


Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 267
Our First Home

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

Yearning for your touch   

and a thousand kisses  

all over me  —   

      as incessant rain and wind   

      play a tune on our window glass


morning light sneaks through  

slanted blinds with fairy dust   — 

      that covers your cinnamon  

      and sugared skin                                

      enticing my need to taste 

our laughter echoes  

throughout our empty first home —

      all we need for now   

      is our comfy sturdy bed   

      and a table for two


Author Notes TANKA is a Japanese unrhymed love poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines. The first English-speaking poets imitated the Japanese models of 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure in five lines, but because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables the poems were too wordy and choppy. The beginning two lines are descriptive and image-focused, and the third line serves as a transition to the bottom two lines which are reflective using metaphor, simile, or personification. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka originated in the seventh century in the Japanese Imperial Court, where women and men engaged in courtship. click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Picture from

Chapter 268
Caught in the Wind of Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

tossed and spun around
      caught in the warm wind of love —
whirling pirouettes

speeding out of control
wounded by your killer smile
and magnetic charm

want to be the one you love
from this day until I die
I am yours and you are mine

Author Notes Pirouette = a whirling about on the points of the toes, as in ballet dancing.

The Kojiki is divided into three parts: upper 5/7/5 - middle 5/7/5 - lower 7/7/7 syllables count. it uses a kigo (one seasonal reference: winter, summer, spring, or autumn). You may tell a real part of our history, a personal story, or a fictional story. Keep it simple. HISTORY of KOJIKI It's the oldest poetic form that dates back to the year 712. It's a compilation of poetic history and mythology passed on by mouth from generation to generation in the 8th century before written Japanese existed.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 269
Delicious Sweet Lips

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

delicious sweet lips
made for my delight each day
with ravenous crave

lost in your blue eyes
I seek my reason to live
slaved to your desires

your warm touch makes me insane
I can't get enough of it
I know I'm made to love you

Author Notes The Kojiki is divided into three parts: upper 5/7/5 - middle 5/7/5 - lower 7/7/7 syllables count. it uses a kigo (one seasonal reference: winter, summer, spring, or autumn). You may tell a real part of our history, a personal story, or a fictional story. Keep it simple. HISTORY of KOJIKI It's the oldest poetic form that dates back to the year 712. It's a compilation of poetic history and mythology passed on by mouth from generation to generation in the 8th century before written Japanese existed.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 270
From Your Number One Fan

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Poem about a fan's infatuation with a movie star

you cross the street

wrapped in yearning sighs

and loving thoughts

of a million fans

yet, you are down to earth

proud of your Chilean roots

and a pure crystalline soul

molten with kindness and love


you have strong blood ties

that make you resilient

from all the hurdles

you leaped over

and have overcome

wherever you go

laughter trails after you

with disarming smiles

and those

sparkling midnight eyes

of yours

oh ... what I would give

to hold you tight 

you are the one

Author Notes This poem is about the infatuation fans have for their favorite movie star.

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Actor Pedro Pascal Biography: born April 2, 1975, is a Chilean-American actor. After nearly two decades of taking small roles in film and television, Pascal rose to prominence for portraying Oberyn Martell during the fourth season of the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones (2014) and as Javier Pena in the Netflix crime series Narcos (2015-2017). Since 2019, he has starred as the title character in the Disney+ Star Wars series The Mandalorian and reprised his role in the spin-off series The Book of Boba Fett (2021). Since 2023, he has played Joel in the HBO drama series The Last of Us. He has appeared in the films The Adjustment Bureau (2011), The Great Wall (2016), Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017), The Equalizer 2 (2018), Triple Frontier (2019), Wonder Woman 1984 (2020), and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022).

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from google public domain

Chapter 271
I Get Lost In You

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Arising next to you,
the first thing I do
is to see the sunrise
in your eyes

in your seashore scent
from last night's

inside your warm embrace
my body is hot and ready
to make the morning last

I yearn to kiss your lips
that still taste
like last night's sweet wine

Your beautiful body
entwined with mine
fits so well ...
my jigsaw puzzle piece

Your deep bedroom voice
makes my skin tingle
covered in goosebumps
and I am ready
to get lost in you

Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter from 19th century

Chapter 272

By Gypsy Blue Rose

searching for your love

in the deepest sea

of betrayal and pain

is a senseless fool's errand

I built my life around you

and when you left

you took my purpose

and will to live

Now hazy memories

invade my protection walls

cruel images of us

I can't touch or relive

Seems like I loved you

for a million years

and planned to love you

even more

~ but you left ~

I stopped looking long ago

but if I ever find true love

it will be nothing like you


I won't be able to remember

who we were

all those years of "us"

will dissipate

into nothingness

Author Notes FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from

Chapter 273
Lovers Tangled in Romance

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Lovers tangled in romance,
their hands entwined
like sweet grapes
waiting to be wine.

They cherish good times
and defy hard ones
finding joy in the little things
that mean so much ...

little love notes in his lunchbox,
loving gaze
even when her hair is a mess
and she wears sweatpants
as the sun kisses her cheeks,
flowers and chocolates
for no good reason,

leading her blindfolded
to her favorite spot
for wine and snacks, ...

His tears of happiness
getting on one knee 
and a diamond ring at hand
but the rock is not as precious
as her tears and YES!

Emily watches from afar
wondering why
she never had that
in neither of her four marriages
as she stands beneath the black sky
embraced by a cold wind
on bared land

Her lot in life
a ringless finger
and no one by her side
offering everlasting love.
lovers tangled in romance,
their hands entwined

Author Notes Fiction

FREE VERSE is an open form of poetry that does not use meter patterns and rhyme patterns. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 274
Days of Dark Clouds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


days of dark clouds

     and languid blue flowers —

the fallen chick



Author Notes When baby birds fall out of their nest will usually spend two to five days on the ground once they are out of the nest, flapping their wings and hopping about.

Languid = lacking in vigor or vitality

HAIKU is a short unrhymed poem that records the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. The traditional haiku links human nature to all nature and to existence. It seeks to transcend the intellect. It alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because Japanese and English syllables are different. Avoid capitalization and punctuation except for a dash before the satori (sudden enlightenment) usually in the last line but it can be in the first line too.. Avoid poetic devices. Keep verbs in the present tense. â?? click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from pinterest

Chapter 275
Into Nothingness

By Gypsy Blue Rose


searching for your love

in the deepest sea

of betrayal and pain

is a senseless fool's errand


I built my life around you

and when you left

you took my purpose

and will to live


Now hazy memories

invade my protection walls

cruel images of us

I can't touch or relive


Seems like I loved you

for a million years

and planned to love you

even more

~ but you left ~


I stopped looking long ago

but if I ever find true love

it will be nothing like you



I won't be able to remember

who we were

all those years of "us"

will dissipate

into nothingness




Author Notes Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 276
Every Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

   every night, 

      the moon pours her heart out for you —

while you sleep

Author Notes Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture or painting

HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one, called the SATORI. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI.. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. Avoid metaphor and personification, you write about what you can SEE. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you for taking the time to review my poem,

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from interest, the flowers are moonflowers

Chapter 277
Tree of Life

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

her ashes drift
     in summer's night breeze —
drizzle over the tree of life

Author Notes HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one, called the SATORI. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI.. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. Avoid metaphor and personification, you write about what you can SEE. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 278
Nonsensical Musings

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Let me dip my feet

to check how cold are your waves,

and should I dive-in

 onto your darkest deep end?

Will you drown my heart

with passionate algae tides

midst exotic fish

and turbulent current hugs?

When I wake, will you be there?

Author Notes CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, Choka was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

picture from

Chapter 279
Your Embrace

By Gypsy Blue Rose

your strong embrace

doesn't happen anymore

and our home belongs

to somebody we don't know

Your cologne lingers

with Calvin Klein Obsession

tangled in our sheets

and the unwashed shirt I kept

only thing you left behind


Author Notes Calvin Klein Obsession = men's cologne

CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus


Chapter 280
A Myriad Shades

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Haiku Club, please check my author notes


myriad shades
of magnificent nature
— God in butterfly wings

5/7/5 Poem

one  shade at a time
as our  Creator completes
your life's masterpiece

Author Notes This week in the Haiku Club we are learning the difference between 5/7/5 poems and haiku. 5/7/5 poems have only ONE rule, the syllables count. While Haiku have many rules. Some 5/7/5 poems may look haikuish and that is okay, as long as you know that other than the syllable count in 3 lines is the only requirement. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm happy to help.

-- 5/7/5 POEM RULES: they have 17 syllables divided in 3 lines: 5/7/5 form, no other rules apply

-- HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one, called the SATORI. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI.. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. Avoid metaphor and personification, you write about what you can SEE. === click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES === click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES === click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule === Modern Haiku

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from

Chapter 281
Cuddled in the Crescent Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

cuddled in the crescent moon

    by luminous dazzling stars —

I dream of your eyes

and breathtaking smile

lost in the celestial you


Author Notes TANKA is a Japanese unrhymed love poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines. The first English-speaking poets imitated the Japanese models of 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure in five lines, but because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables the poems were too wordy and choppy. The beginning two lines are descriptive and image-focused, and the third line serves as a transition to the bottom two lines which are reflective using metaphor, simile, or personification. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka originated in the seventh century in the Japanese Imperial Court, where women and men engaged in courtship. click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture from

Chapter 282
Winds Whistle

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

winds whistle

through swaying trees 

    with  no leaves to blow —

boughs full of winter 




Author Notes Modern Haiku is a brief Japanese poem that epitomizes a single moment. The form is 17 syllables or LESS, in 1 to 4 lines as brief as possible. It doesn't have to follow the 5/7/5 pattern because Japanese and English syllables are not the same. It uses the juxtaposition of two concrete images, often a universal condition of nature and a particular aspect of human experience, in a way that prompts the reader to make an insightful connection between the two. The best haiku alludes to the season of the year. Poetic devices may be used. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view.. -- modern haiku rules -- modern haiku examples If you have any haiku questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from

Chapter 283
The Unbearable Darkness of Being

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to people suffering depression

the unbearable darkness of being

hiding between the sheets
avoiding bright skies
and all the things that won't get done

curtains drawn
to keep hopelessness inside
fighting an uphill battle
dreading to take another breath

romanticizing all the ways
to end life
and stop the pain


Author Notes There are many myths about depression. Some people think it's the blues and tell the depressed person to get over it or to push on through. It's hard to have an illness that can't be seen. If someone has a broken leg there is no denying it, but mental illness is inside and out of sight.

The good news for people with mental illness is that with the right medication and therapy, they can live a normal life.

I wrote this poem in honor of the fanstorians who may be feeling depressed, to those people I say, "don't give up, it gets better".

If you are feeling suicidal, call or text 988
if you are depressed or know someone who is, click here for more information

It is estimated that more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (57.8 million in 2021). Mental illnesses include many different conditions that vary in degree of severity, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.


Chapter 284
Soaked In June Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

soaked in june rain
and swayed by summer breeze
I melt into you
tasting kookaburra's laughter
on trembling bough


Author Notes Picture of Asian bleeding heart flowers

The laughing kookaburra is a bird from Australia, the bird makes a sound like laughter

TANKA is a Japanese unrhymed love poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines. The first English-speaking poets imitated the Japanese models of 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure in five lines, but because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables the poems were too wordy and choppy. The beginning two lines are descriptive and image-focused, and the third line serves as a transition to the bottom two lines which are reflective using metaphor, simile, or personification. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka originated in the seventh century in the Japanese Imperial Court, where women and men engaged in courtship. click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 285

By Gypsy Blue Rose


to the surface

of peaceful lotus pond

leaving the muck and mire behind



Author Notes A lotus is a survivor, it rises from the dark muddy waters and finds the warmth and nourishment of the Light. As the bud hits the surface of the water and drinks in the sunlight, the petals open, signifying an achievement. Oftentimes in our busy lives, we overlook the smallest achievements. Each petal that opens is an achievement of survival, life, and opportunity. A lotus has strength and beauty, it is able to overcome all of its environmental obstacles and show the world its beauty.

CINQUAIN is inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka and is akin in spirit to that of the *Imagists. The form is five lines with 22 syllables counting in a pattern of 2/4/6/8/2. The title is used as the sixth line. It's usually unrhymed but it can be rhymed and about any subject. It was created by American poet, Adelaide Crapsey in 1915. Her cinquain depends on the strict structure and intense imagery to communicate a mood or feeling.

*Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language, very much as haiku and tanka. more information
more information about cinquain

Thank you for taking the time to read and review.


Pictures from

Chapter 286
Tangled up in You

By Gypsy Blue Rose

tangled up in you

sliding fast into your world

through your deep night eyes

filled with kindness and desire

my will shattered

I rest in your caring hands

your fingers through my hair

I surrender to your kiss

and I taste eternity on your lips
I've loved you forever

I'll love you forevermore

I am surrounded by your embrace

and feel your insatiable need

I need it too
our passion is wild

like wolves mating

beneath the full moon

nothing can pull us apart

... but if it happens ...

I will wait for you

when dawn breaks

at our place

where the sea meets the sky

Author Notes Artwork by Victoria Frances, a Spanish artist.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review,


Chapter 287
Misty Path

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

walking alone

        on our favorite path  —

your side filled with yearning


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese poem with a title that deepens its meaning. Senryu is similar to Haiku but It's about human nature and it doesn't include a season word (kigo). It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but brief. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. the em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori.

for more information click here collection of senryu ***** The Haiku Foundation of America

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

pictures from

Chapter 288
Collateral Damage

By Gypsy Blue Rose


child’s home

in rubble veiled

with tears



Author Notes Innocent children are the most heartbreaking victims of any war. It's cruel and shameful.

Thank you very much for reading my poem,


google picture of a Japanese child in Hiroshima rubbles after the nuclear bomb

Chapter 289
I will Follow you

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I got the news today

your soul will take flight in a day or two

 and I'm not prepared —

but when death comes, you won't be alone,

I'll follow you to your eternal home

Author Notes This is just a poem, I don't promote suicide for lovers when one dies. I am from Spain, and we are very dramatic people and it reflects in our poetry.

GOGYOHKA is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from pinterest

Chapter 290
My Fallen Hero

By Gypsy Blue Rose

my fallen hero
gone far away
where wine and bread
no longer satiate 

over the clouds, days, and nights

I miss him now and then
but a river of tears
separate our souls

he was my lifesaver
I hung on to Dad
until I learned to swim

he was my dancing partner
I stood tippy toes on his shoes
scared to death
he held my bike on my first ride
and when he let go
I rode fearlessly
"Look, Daddy, I am flying!"

he was my hero
til mom died

his new wife made him choose
between her or me
and he chose her

at 15 years old I had no home
so I crossed the sea

                 far away

when I called him at night
all I could do was cry
till he asked me to stop calling
to make her happy

after all these years
I still need him at times
but his spirit soars

over ...
            blue oceans
                  green lands
                        the moon
                              and stars

he is gone
my fallen hero



Thank you for taking the time to read my poem, Gypsy

Author Notes

Chapter 291
Harbor Gray Morning

By Gypsy Blue Rose

harbor gray morning
cooled by southern salty sea
stirred sorrowful blues
of pain that won't go away
so I prayed for hope
   and a sign that I am loved —
a breeze caressed me
while the high tide kissed my toes

Jiyu-Shi poem consists of a combination of 5/7 syllables stanzas. You may write as many stanzas as you like and any topic. It never rhymes. The two 5/7 stanza lines are connected grammatically. === === Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. It's an entry for this week's challenge for the Japanese Poetry Club. Everyone is welcome to join. Gypsy hugs

for more information click here
for more information click here

Author Notes

Chapter 292
~ In The Dark ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:
Fiction - 17 syllables or less - 3 title - 6/4/4 - 4/5/5 - 4/5/7 - 5/6/6 - 5/5/3 - ending 3

In the Dark

I'm back at our cafe looking for you but you're not there the sun shines on but all I can see are dark clouds afar when I find you you're with Delilah so I stay back midst the crowd watching you kiss her my lips burn and I try but I can't let you go you're taking her home and you don't see me standing here

In the Dark

Author Notes Fiction - Senryu Suite 17 syllables or Less SENRYU is a Japanese poetic form similar to haiku. It's written in 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS usually in a shot/long/short form. Senryu is about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature. Senryu doesn't need a season word (kigo) but it's okay if you do. It never rhymes. It uses imagery. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy "The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus pictures from

for more information click here

Chapter 293
The Masterpiece

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to Helen (Lyenochka)

Wandering on the dark side amidst bluebirds basking beneath sugar maple trees away from cold-blooded snakes. The reflection on Mirror Lake was not the beauty without flaw the lord of the land expects. Who would want her now after years of shame?


An ugly woman stared back from the deceiving lake's face. If her lover didn't want her she would jump off the cliff's edge. But a loving voice from within said, "You are beautiful as you are." and she felt loved. He said, "You are my masterpiece"

Author Notes "For we are God's masterpiece, created in the Messiah Jesus to perform good actions that God prepared long ago to be our way of life." Eph 2:10 "When in darkness, look for the Light." - The Last of Us Painting: Pino, "first glance" GOGYOHKA is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === === Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy "Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." - Kahlil Gibran

source = writers digestsource=wikipedia

Chapter 294
Black Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

                          cold and cruel black rain
covers our withered front yard

cause you are not here
to embrace me ... anymore

midst sombered shadows
  of our abandoned dark home

you took the sunshine
and promises to grow old
  together ... but I'm alone

Author Notes CHOKA-It's a Japanese court poetic form of the 6th to 14th century consisting of nine-lines in a 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7 syllables pattern and may be repeated. Originally, CHOKA was written in 100 sets. It was composed mainly to commemorate life events. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy "The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus picture from for examples and more information from the Poets Collective CLICK HERE

Chapter 295
The Sound of Falling Leaves

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

the sound
of falling leaves
and drizzling rain

over pine needles
folded between scents of fall
slowly ... rivers move mountains

Author Notes ZEN teaches that our suffering arises from a sense of separation, from feeling alone and afraid. The practice of zen haiku or tanka is a way of dissolving that feeling by experiencing the unity of our own nature and the nature of everything around us. HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one (SATORI). HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. === === === === KATAUTA is an unrhymed Japanese form consisting of 19 syllables with a 5/7/7 pattern. They are usually humorous but don't have to be. A pair of katautas is called a sedoka. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy

click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULESclick here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS ruleModern Haiku

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Chapter 296
Blackbird Songs

By Gypsy Blue Rose

blackbird perched
on my windowsill
sings songs of ill omen

myth of mother-land folk
tell tales of foretold death

but at sunrise,
the promising dawn
covers my window glass

Author Notes I grew up in Spain where superstitious people share myths passed on by folks. My mother believed birds were omen of death. SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Traditionally, a Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables OR LESS. Originally intended as songs, sijo can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supply a "turn," and the third provides closure. The pattern is not strict but it has to be 46 syllables o less. Theme 3,4,4,4 = 1st stanza/Elaboration 3,4,4,4 = 2nd stanza/Counter Theme 3,5. 3rd stanza/Completion 4,3 = 4th stanza Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy "The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus pictures from

Sijo Form Definition

Chapter 297
Bared Bough

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes

off bared bough,

     the raven takes flight —

leaving dusk dust behind


Author Notes HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one, called the SATORI. It originated in the thirteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI.. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. The haiku is written from an observer's point of view. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. Avoid metaphor and personification, you write about what you can SEE. === === === === Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy pictures from Pinterest click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULESclick here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS ruleModern Haiku

Chapter 299
Hanging On

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Fictional Poem

Hanging On

take it easy, I need you to set me free and stop coming around you're the one who broke up with a text ... really? you didn't have the decency to do it face to face what kind of creep are you? shamelessly, you come back from time to time looking for our dying love you give me hope where none remains and you keep me holding on I'll be gone in a day or two far from you I don't need your love crumbs


Author Notes Fiction Free Verse Thank you very much for reading my poem, Gypsy picture from

Chapter 300
Be Gentle With My Heart

By Gypsy Blue Rose

be gentle with my heart don't rip it into pieces, an offering at the altar for the lost where were you when my knees bled over broken glass nobody was in my corner when bullies shot me with their hate-loaded guns

eventually ... I graduated from the school of hard knocks

I had a baby girl when I was a baby girl playing house no marriage proposal or wedding ring or man on his knees no one walked me down the aisle


no real everlasting love because you couldn't
the way I deserved

Author Notes Free Verse Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem. Gypsy

Chapter 301
Winter Morn

By Gypsy Blue Rose

winter morn,     raven snacks on a carrot —

noseless snowman

Author Notes HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one (SATORI). HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. === === === === Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULESclick here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS ruleModern Haiku

Chapter 302
Blue Moon Mood

By Gypsy Blue Rose



blue moon mood,

raven eats the robin’s eggs —

empty nest




Author Notes Empty nest = parents experience an empty nest syndrome after their children move out. Ravens are omnivorous and will feed on everything from small mammals to nesting birds, eggs and berries. HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one (SATORI). HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation. === === === === Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy pictures from pinterest

click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULESclick here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS ruleModern Haiku

Chapter 303
As the Day Dims

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:A New Form I Created - poem in my author notes too

I want to caress your laughter
and feel the sunshine of your soul
enveloped tightly in our love

Giggling and running by the shore
with cool sea breeze upon our backs
encouraging wind guides the steps

Sun dims and we gather our things
tucking in our passionate yearnings
midst mangos, oysters, and red wine


Author Notes Five-Senses Poem has to cover all the senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing) It's written in 3 lines stanzas with 8 syllables in each line. You may write as many stanzas as you like. It may be rhymed or free-verse. It's based on Japanese poetry composition. I want to caress your laughter and feel the sunshine of your soul enveloped tightly in our love Giggling and running by the shore with cool sea breeze upon our backs encouraging wind guides the steps Sun dims and we gather our things tucking in our passionate yearnings midst mangos, oysters, and red wine Thank you for reviewing my poem :) Gypsy

Chapter 304
Shiver and Shudder

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Sexual connotationbut not crude / poem in black font in author notes

your body next to mine
makes me shiver and shudder
with feelings growing deep inside
as steam rises higher and higher
and lava ejects from the crater's throat
thus the swelling passion cannot be contained
our love overflows over valleys and rivers
your body next to mine makes me  shiver and shudder

Author Notes I created this new form I call a 'Crescendo Poem' with a syllable count of 6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13. Use personification of something in nature and how it relates to a human experience. Any theme. Free Verse or rhymed. ================================================= POEM WITH BLACK FONT your body next to mine makes me shiver and shudder with feelings growing deep inside as steam rises higher and higher and lava ejects from the crater throat thus the swelling passion cannot be contained our love overflows over valleys and rivers your body next to mine makes me shiver and shudder ================================================= - Crescendo a steady increase in force or intensity - Throat is the highest point and entrance of a volcano where it ejects lava. - Before a volcanic eruption: earthquakes, steam, hot ground, and swelling of the ground surface. - When volcanoes erupt they spew hot gasses, ash, lava, and rock that can cause disastrous loss of life and property. -- Thank you for reading and reviewing. Gypsy picture from

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Chapter 305
Left Behind

By Gypsy Blue Rose

crow flights over field

    leaving his old friend behind —

raindrops down the straw man's eyes

Author Notes "you are made of dreams and this world is not for you" - unknown KATAUTA is an unrhymed Japanese form consisting of 19 syllables with a 5/7/7 pattern. They are usually humorous but don't have to be. A pair of katautas is called a sedoka. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy

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Chapter 306
Dreary Starless Sky

By Gypsy Blue Rose


dreary starless sky

    ‘bove cemetery's loose dirt —

crow caws on dead bough



Author Notes Today is my good friend, Dean Kuch's birthday, may he rest in peace. He loved horror and crows so I think he guided my poet's plume tonight. Dean and I wrote a book of horror haiku together, titled Hora Haiku. Hora means horror in Japanese. We also wrote a fanstory book of horror haiku. Thank you for reading, Gypsy hugs

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