Mature Poetry posted June 9, 2008

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
tasteful, aesthetic eroticism

Pup Tent Love

by AlvinTEthington

A sestina (see description below) The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.
I found my way upon your chest
The first night you invited me
To open flaps of your pup tent.
I was so young—a youth at best.
Your soul desired me, although
Your sexual craving was intense.

I was naïf; my needs intense
I felt my heart within my chest
Afraid of being seen although
Aware that you desired me—
You knew I thought you were the best;
You closed the flaps of the pup tent.

Under your trousers was a tent—
This was becoming too intense...
I knew for me this was the best.
You stripped to show me your bare chest.
This act appealed to part of me.
A voice inside stopped me, although—

From reaching out to you, although
I craved to go beneath your tent.
What happened really frightened me;
Emotions were far too intense.
The perspiration on your naked chest!
Fulfilling your desire was best.

You ordered me to do my best.
I said I did not know, although
I put my head upon your chest.
You guided me toward your tent;
I felt so totally intense.
You put your essence into me.

Eruptions overpowered me—
This was the ultimate, the best.
There could be nothing more intense.
I did not want to go, although
I would be back to this, our tent—
Remembering your naked chest.

You knew me all too well, although
What was best happened in the tent—
That was intense; I felt your chest!



The sestina is a strict ordered form of poetry, dating back to twelfth century French troubadours. It
consists of six six-line (sestets) stanzas followed by a three-line envoy. Rather than use a rhyme
scheme, the six ending words of the first stanza are repeated as the ending words of the other five
stanzas in a set pattern. The envoy uses two of the ending words per line, again in a set pattern.

First stanza, ..1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6
Second stanza, ..6 ..1 ..5 .. 2 ..4 ..3
Third stanza, ..3 ..6 ..4 ..1 ..2 ..5
Fourth stanza, ..5 ..3 ..2 ..6 ..1 ..4
Fifth stanza, ..4 ..5 ..1 ..3 ..6 ..2
Sixth stanza, ..2 ..4 ..6 ..5 ..3 ..1

Concluding tercet:
middle of first line ..2, end of first line ..5
middle of second line ..4, end of second line..3
middle if third line ..6, end of third line ..1

Although not necessary, I wrote this in iambic tetrameter.
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