General Poetry posted October 22, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
The closeness, yet the distance of life in the city.

I saw a man walking, crying

by Brad Bennett

I saw a man walking, crying
Mouth agape, face askew
A fight? best keep away
Rough area, bars around
Stay safe, move on along.

I saw a man walking, crying
Face is red, is he hurt?
He looks in pain, go over
Offer aid, call for help?
No, I could be wrong.

I saw a man walking, crying
Tears of anger, hatred pace
Someone cheated, stolen trust
Deceived, misled, betrayed
Step aside, let him pass.

I saw a man walking, crying
Face in anguish, a death?
Go quickly over, give solace
A kind word, offer comfort
What to do? best not ask.

I saw a man walking, crying
He’s in need, lost a job?
Lend an ear, buy a lunch
Offer support, job advice
No. Demeaning, let him go.
I saw a man walking crying
Why? I will never know.

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A brief encounter, that remains forever
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