Supernatural Flash Fiction posted November 17, 2020

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Supernatural story.

Noise Murders

by Raul1

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

November's Beaver moon hung low in the night sky. It was not an ordinary night for Sam, but he just saw a beaver. He tried to talk with people, but they gave him the silent treatment. Neither humans nor animals all don't give him attention.

Sam can't stand them ignoring him. He howls in the forest like a wolf because it is such a silly thing to do. He screams the whole time while crying. Everyone, hears it, and their ears hurt. He cusses at all his enemies.

All the animals hate Sam so much. But, he keeps screaming out loud. All the humans' and animals' ears start spreading out blood. Could you see that they are all dying? It seems so.

Birds start dropping like flies. Blood is coming out from their wings. The humans' nails spread out blood. All of their eyes pop out. The animals die of soaking out red blood. What is going on? Could it be Sam killing all these humans and animals by screaming?

It is obvious. Most of Sam's enemies drop to the floor and their bodies burn. Sam still screams. He can't stop it from happening. He tries to figure out how to avoid killing anyone. His supernatural power is leaving everyone in the forest gone.

Sam only watches dead humans and animals in the forest. For him, it isn't the company he wanted. He is in company with the deceased humans and animals in the rainforest. Oh shoot! Sam's nuts!

Short Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Short Story (Beg/Mid/end) (Create your own title) (250 words max)
beginning with the sentence::

November's Beaver moon hung low in the night sky.

Sam's Crying and screaming makes living things dying to their graves. He has that sense of supernatural power of killing people just by crying out loud.
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