General Poetry posted November 29, 2020

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Distant landscapes close at hand...

Microcosm in a Chinese Garden

by LisaMay

the horizon’s line, the 
moon’s reflection in a raindrop
now reminds me of your wistful eyes,
gleaming, tender as mist in distant valleys;
watered energy of smooth-flowing rejuvenation
and tumbling cascade. All negativity aside, pitted 
rocks and caverns are perforating the far mountains.
All these stones underfoot, rounded as the moon, are 
one step away from insignificance – yet enormous in 
their smallness; artful arrangements to indicate such
symmetries of nature’s wider designs – convergent 
microcosm of yin and yang within a cultural frame, 
the rhythms of life intertwine their compositions:
 balanced patterns of the universe. In the 
pavilion I sip my green tea. Beyond a 
scholar’s shoulder, my eyes rest 
on distant landscapes 
close at hand.

A graceful willow invites the wind. Water shivers.
Contemplating timeless beauty, I linger, content.


Poem of the Month contest entry


Author Note:
If you are viewing this poem on a phone it may not display in the circle shape in which it is written. The lines have been carefully composed in varying lengths to complete a full circle, representing the moon, with a horizon line at the foot.
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