Spiritual Poetry posted December 21, 2020 Chapters:  ...54 55 -56- 57... 

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Seasons Greetings to my Fan Story companions

A chapter in the book Heart Cafted Poems - 2020


by JLR

peppermint drops,
tree tops twinkling, sparkle
sugar plums, Christmas songs sung loud,
children laughing, their grandparents tearing,
mom busy spiking dad's eggnog,
warm fire glows in near hearth
I send greetings...



A rictameter has 9 lines with a syllable count of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, with the last lines word/s identical to the first. Rhyming is not needed.

Thank you and I feel so very blessed for each and everyone at FanStory; for your kindness, tolerance, patience, helpfulness, laughs and even an occasional virtual hug throughout, what has become for each and everyone, a year that we want to put in our rearview mirrors soon and permanently - I am beyond more words for GRATITUDE I hold in my heart for everyone of you!
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