Romance Poetry posted February 28, 2021

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A rhyming love poem.

Come Walk With Me

by fm wright

Come walk with me along a sand laden shore:
pick up a seashell and hear the ocean roar;
brought by the waves as they come rushing to land.
A scene repeated almost since time began.

Come walk with me across prairies far and wide,
as we travel hand in hand, while side by side.
There will be challenges, which I won't deny.
Still an entire world before us does lie.

Come walk with me over mountains rising high;
their summits reaching up as to touch the sky.
Ascending ever upward as dreams unfold;
heading for a future as yet to be told.

Come walk with me into a forest serene,
as we saunter 'neath a canopy of green:
a place of quiet beauty that rests the soul:
and in so doing does make the spirit whole.

Come walk with me to share in a rondez vous:
making our way down a path just meant for two;
there we'll go treading along in perfect bliss,
pausing now and then for a romantic kiss.

Come walk with me in this journey known as life:
joined now and forever more as man and wife,
'til in our strolls we reach destiny's sunset
with hearts that are full and possess no regrets.

Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry
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