War and History Fiction posted April 26, 2021

This work has reached the exceptional level
A story of the 60s

Words Hurt

by Earl Corp

Flash From the Past Contest Winner 
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

When my Mom and I walked downtown I saw long-haired guys standing outside the recruiters office with signs and yelling, “Hell no, we won’t go.”

“Mom, who are those guys?”

“They’re hippies, Son.”

“Are they saying they won’t go to Hell?”

“No, they’re saying they won’t go to Vietnam.”

“Why not? We’re fighting there, right?”

“They don’t feel it’s a just war and anybody serving there is a baby killer.”

We arrived at the cemetery and took our seats. An honor guard fired 21 shots and the officer gave mom a folded up flag.

“Mom, was dad a baby killer?”


Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story between 98 and 102 words. The catch is that the setting must be a decade that is very distinguishable through the story. for example, if you were to write about our current decade, 2020 to 2030, you might mention the current events, technology, fashion, movies, etc. that are prevalent right now. you may not write about our current decade. :-)

Have fun, and good luck!

Flash From the Past
Contest Winner



I just attended a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans ceremony. Even 50 years after the fact the veterans still remember being called baby killers by people their own age. It's my prayer that today's veterans never have to live through that.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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