Sports Flash Fiction posted August 14, 2022

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a 50 word story

No Marine Left Behind

by RodG

50 Word Flash Fiction Contest Winner 

Two miles from the finish line of the Chicago Marathon a runner wearing a Marine t-shirt and a prosthetic leg stumbled and fell.

A Marine in uniform bolted from the crowd to help the hapless runner.

"Up, Jarhead. I got ya. Oohrah!"

Strangers, these brothers-in-arms, finished smiling.

Writing Prompt
Write a story that is a dribble. That's 50 words. Title not included in count.

50 Word Flash Fiction
Contest Winner


Marine Motto: Marines are America's expeditionary force in readiness, not just in battle, but every day. We never leave a Marine behind. If you see a fellow Marine who needs help, step up and step in.

Jarhead: Initially this was a derogatory term Navy sailors used on Marines. But Marines affectionately call their own that too.

Photo is courtesy of Google images.

WORD COUNT: 50 exactly. Apple Pages
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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