General Fiction posted September 11, 2022 | Chapters: |
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Mildred talks over an idea with Bessie
A chapter in the book Short Stories
Bessie and Mildred
by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell

Mildred & Bessie’s Idea
‘Oh Lordy, what is Miss Sandra up to, Bessie? My nerves are all over the place. Look at my chewed nails— I won’t have any left if she don’t hurry up and make a decision!’ Mildred held her hand out so Bessie could see, and sighed.
Bessie and Mildred had been watching Sandra walking up and down in the garden, head down and hands clasped behind her, for the past half hour.
‘I’s thinking the wiring in her’s brain’s all knotted up. If’n she’s got to untangle them before she can sort us out, we’s not going to be doing another assignment anytime soon.’ Bessie’s eyes dropped to Mildred’s fingers making their way up to her mouth, and frowned. Reaching out, she gave her hand a stinging slap.
‘Ouch! What did you do that for?’ Mildred rubbed it as she glared at Bessie.
‘I’s thinking you’s got to keep them fingers under control. If’n you’s don’t, I’s gonna wrap them in bandages.’
Mildred stuffed her hands in her pockets. ‘Satisfied? Anyways, I think I’ve got a solution for all Miss Sandra’s problems.’
Bessie moved away from the window and crossed over to the sofa. "I’s thinking it had better be a good idea. She’s gonna wear that piece of grass out soon. So, what is it? You’s got my full attention."
Following Bessie, Midred sat beside her. ‘Well, I was thinkin’ how she was goin' t’ write a new novel about me and Veronica; then she was going to write a whole series of "Bessie, the Time-Travellin' Detective" stories. Now she don’t know which she should do first. Some of our fans want you back, and some want me. I can understand poor Miss Sandra’s dilemma, it's enough t’ make my hair curl, so goodness knows what it’s doin’ t’ her!’
Bessie looked back and watched as Sandra threw her head back and groaned. ‘I’s thinking it’s doing her head in. So, what’s your idea?’
Mildred turned around on the sofa, bringing one leg up, she tucked it under her thigh and sat on it. ‘She could write a book about both of us together! We’d make a great team.’ Mildred’s face lit up at the thought. ‘Veronica won’t be wantin’ t’ go back in time sortin’ stuff out at her age.’
Bessie let out a hoot of laughter. ‘At her age? She’s a hundred and ten years younger than you, and three-hundred years younger than me! Anyways, forgetting that, I’s thinking that’s a good idea, but you’s the best one to go and see them Powers That Be, cause I’m not!’
‘Oh Lordy, Bessie, I didn’t take you for a coward! We’ll go together.’
Bessie rolled her eyes. ‘I’s thinking you’s the bossy one. You’s can do the talking. I’ll just nod.’
‘Yes, well, we’ve got to see what Miss Sandra’s readers will think of my idea first. You know what they’re like. Oh Lordy! I’ve just remembered, a new assignment came up a short while ago. What’ll we do about that?’
‘I’s thinking it’s pretty obvious. If we’s gonna become the "Time Travelling Detectives" we’s gonna have to take that one on. It will be our first case, if them Powers agree, that is.’
Mildred and Bessie seem to think I don’t know what’s going on in their heads. They can be so funny, and I love them both.
I have to admit, I do like Mildred’s idea. I’m trying to picture Bessie and Mildred working together. Mildred is a sweetie, and very stuck in her ways. If something is wrong, she wants to make it right.
Bessie is a bit more of a tease, but has an uncanny wisdom that comes out when needed. Like Mildred, she likes to correct wrongdoings. With both having the ability to be invisible or seen, I’m sure they could take on any task with relish and seriousness.
Whatever they do, it will be fun as I bring in other characters you will love to hate, or feel an emotional attachment with.
So, now I’ll leave their idea up to you. What do you think of:
So, now I’ll leave their idea up to you. What do you think of:
Mildred and Bessie:
Time-Travelling Rectifiers.
A trilogy, or a series? Hmm. I will have to wait and see what you all think.
PS. If the majority say 'Yes' I won't post the first chapter until I return from holiday. I'm going on a cruise around the Canary Islands, on the 8th October until the 22nd, but I'll get the first chapter ready to post for the 23rd October before I go. Thanks, everyone!
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