General Poetry posted December 10, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Love will abound with...

Family Found

by Boogienights

A brother found was never lost,
just left behind at great a cost.
His family he'd never see,
with just one sister left, that's me.

I think of Christmas years now past,
but happy days, they never last.
At least I have my memories,
a harder life, James had, than me.

My parents loved me, this I know,
but sad truths learned won't let me go.
The question that I ask is why
mom left her son with just goodbye?

It's been a year, the shock now passed,
but burning questions last and last.
Unanswered though, they'll always be,
both mom and dad now gone from me.

One year ago when Christmas came
a man who had my father's name,
claimed that he might be another
relative, my long-lost brother.

Skeptical I was that night,
his evidence then shed the light.
I grew convinced but felt dismayed,
my trust in mom and dad, betrayed.

With my mom's sister, he was left,
how could my mom not feel bereft?
Perhaps she did, I'll never know,
how things unfolded long ago.

Then into foster care, he went,
with many families, time was spent.
It's hard for him to understand,
what led our parents to this plan.

I never knew this secret kept,
mom rarely smiled, often wept.
I didn't know the reason why
that oft' I'd see my mother cry.

My sister Carol, Robbie too,
the only siblings that I knew,
died, leaving me to carry on.
My parents, siblings, all were gone.

Then came the day that James found me,
a miracle it was, you see.
On different shores, each of us grew,
throughout the years, we never knew.

When pondering this special gift,
I think of James, my spirits lift.
Though thinking of the wasted years,
that passed us by brings me to tears.

Perhaps we two shall meet someday,
'till then we have a lot to say.
We talk of life and family,
we say I love you frequently.

We're strangers linked, we do not know
where this will lead, but even so...
He's my brother, for that I'm glad,
the best surprise I've ever had!

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These are true events that started a year ago. Displayed are pictures of my brother James and me, put together side by side.
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