Fantasy Poetry posted April 9, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
An evening walk

Bewitching Path

by damommy

The path along the ivy-covered wall
led to a shadowed forest, deep and dark,
bewitched me as the night began to fall.
I jumped a bit on hearing fox’s bark,
and saw a patch where moonlight found its way
to show a screech owl eyeing his next mark.
The corner of my eye caught just a spark
through blackness of the woods’ thick velvet cloak,
a cover on this natural forest park.
I carefully peeked through some brush to see
enchanting scene that took my breath away -
some tiny folk beneath an ancient tree.
They danced the steps they’d learned so long ago,
the piper played sweet notes of age-old tunes
while dancers twirled and weaved by firelight’s glow.
I found my way back by the brilliant moon
and saw the winding trail by contrast stark,
as whip-poor-wills began their nightly croon.
The trail began to fade as I walked on
until at last it was completely gone.
The path along the ivy-covered wall
bewitched me as the night began to fall.


The Lauranelle is a hybrid (variation) of both the Villanelle and the Terzanelle forms.
It is a stanzaic poem of 22 lines, consisting of 6 tercets and 1 quatrain ending with a refrain made up of lines 1 and 3.
Meter: Lines MUST be in iambic pentameter.
Rhyme scheme: A1bA2 bcb cdc ded efe fbf ggA1A2, (A1bA2bcbcdcdedefefbfggA1A2)
Poems can either be formatted in stanzas or as a whole piece without line-spacing.

Club entry for the "~ Lauranelle ~ week of 4-8-2023 ~" event in "club potlatch".  Locate a writing club.
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