General Poetry posted April 12, 2023 Chapters:  ...132 133 -134- 135... 

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Kanshi Poem
A chapter in the book Tanka Collection

~ Burning the Midnight Oil ~

by Gypsy Blue Rose

burning the midnight oil
writing love poems for you
but you don't know me 

          though we share
          the same street, moon, and sky

                    and we hear the same
                    mournful potoo bird


-- If someone is burning the midnight oil, they are staying up very late to write.
-- Potoo birds carry a mournful song, one of the most haunting in the bird world.

KANSHI FORM IS WRITTEN IN 5 to 7 SYLLABLES AND 4 to 8 LINES. Japanese poets wrote in classical Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in the Heian Era (794-1185), Chinese was the language of courts in Japan. Kanshi was practiced and enjoyed only by aristocrats at the beginning but has remained popular throughout Japanese history, especially among academics and intellectuals. more info from wikipedia -- more info from -- the

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus
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