General Poetry posted September 11, 2023 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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Helen's Patch and Kenzie's Ruby out to stop the moving

A chapter in the book Patch and Ruby

Patch and Ruby's Plan

by Debi Pick Marquette

Our Ruby has been worried, since she knew Patch had to move

I told her all about it, now she fears for Patch’s groove

I wish I hadn't told, ‘cause now our grand-kitty must leave

Into a new apartment, so Ruby’s starting to grieve


Patch just may have the answer to ensure Ruby survives

I hate to have her use another one of her nine lives

I'd like to see our Ruby cat without all of that stress

Patch wears the pants in Helen's house, but Ruby wears a dress 


Now that the two are zooming, both the kitties are good friends

I overheard the plot to make sure that the moving ends

I hate to get involved, tell what those smarty cats have planned

They talked about the circle each missus wears on her hand


They tried it out on Ruby’s mom since moving’s on her mind

Then Ruby hid that circle where she thinks it's hard to find

They act like they're no longer cats; they each are a sly fox

Now Kenzie's ring is at the bottom of the litter box




Our friend and fellow author, Helen (lyenochka) inspired me to write this. I have enjoyed her short stories about how Patch was doing with their move. So when my granddaughter, Kenzie (she does much of my art) decided to move, she told me that Ruby could already sense something was up. So I just had to write my own take on the two kitty cats!
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