Commentary and Philosophy Fiction posted May 5, 2024

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Presidential faceoff

The Debate - 2024

by Cogitator

“Good evening from Austin, Texas. This is Bill Curtis, moderating the only debate of presidential candidates for the 2024 Federal election.”

‘The format will allow two minutes for each candidate to express their position on several topics. American voters have chosen the following issues to be aired during this debate. Please respect each other’s time and stay on the subject. Before we discuss anything, let me introduce our participants: Dr. Jill Stein, President Biden, and Mr. Trump.

“Our Green Party candidate is Dr. Jill Stein. Born in Chicago in 1950 and growing up in Highland Park, Illinois, Dr. Stein developed her vision of a peaceful world early in life. In 1973, Stein graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, where she studied psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

“The Green Party is international. The Global Greens is an international network of political parties and movements that work to implement the Global Greens Charter. It consists of various national green political parties, partner networks, and other organizations associated with green politics.

“Formed in 2001, the network has grown to include 76 full-member parties and 11 observers and associate parties as of May 2022. Each member party falls under the umbrella of one of four affiliated regional green federations.

“Green parties now exist in most countries with democratic systems, from Canada to Peru, from Norway to South Africa, and from Ireland to Mongolia. With members in over 90 countries, the Greens are the world's fastest-growing political family. They work for change inside and outside the world's parliaments and have elected representatives in all corners of the world at local, state, and national levels, and in the European Parliament.

“The Green Party is not just a single national entity but a global network of environmentally focused political parties. Each national Green Party operates independently, but they share common principles of environmentalism, social justice, and democracy. They often collaborate on international issues through the Global Greens network.

‘Not satisfying her genius, she added six years at Harvard Medical School and graduated in 1979. She practiced internal medicine for 25 years at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterSimmons College Health Center, and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care in Boston. She also served as an instructor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

“President Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and moved to Delaware in 1953 with his family. He graduated from the University of Delaware before earning his law degree from Syracuse University. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970 and to the U.S. Senate in 1972. As a senator, Biden drafted and led the effort to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act. He also oversaw six U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the contentious hearings for Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.

“Biden ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008. In 2008, Obama chose Biden as his running mate, and he was a close counselor to Obama during his two terms as vice president. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, defeated incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence. He is the oldest president in U.S. history, and the first to have a female vice president.

“Our last candidate, Trump, received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, and his father named him president of his real estate business in 1971. This was a good enough reason for him to avoid the draft. (He didn’t want to be a loser like our buried veterans.) This was after spending five years becoming a consummate bully in military school. Trump renamed it the Trump Organization and reoriented the company toward building and renovating skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. His inner circle is just like the most frightening mafiosos around the world. He's like—he's a magnet for crime and extortion.”

“After a series of business failures in the late twentieth century, he successfully launched side ventures that required little capital, mostly by licensing the Trump name. Opportunists jumped on the name for financial gain. From 2004 to 2015, he co-produced and hosted the reality television series The Apprentice to continue his bullying ways on national television. He and his businesses have been plaintiffs or defendants in more than 4,000 state and federal legal actions, including six bankruptcies.

‘Welcome to you and our studio audience. Our first topic of the day is the economy. President Biden currently holds the reins to our financial direction and will start his two minutes now.

“Thank you, Bill. The U.S. Economy has been on a boom trend since I took charge. Wall Street has never been happier. My concern is that prosperity is not finding its way down to the average American family. All those fat cats throwing shares and mutual funds around have never done a lick of honest work. What does anyone do with a billion dollars?

“Our capitalist system works well when all citizens have the basic food, shelter, and clothing required for survival. Looking around the country today, we find that capitalism in the future works only if redistribution of wealth is included. Given the opportunity and the means, anyone can sustain themselves and their families.

“The infrastructure bill I signed is a step forward in the right direction. Much of the old structure was created before today’s technological wonders came about. We cannot continue wasting resources to maintain a Rube Goldberg design. We are paying more for maintenance than rebuilding. Those dollars will pay dividends for generations.

“Unemployment hovers around the lowest ever. Better jobs in technology are booming. We are bringing manufacturing back to the U.S., and our balance sheet is getting balanced. I yield any time remaining.

“Trump is next. Trump, are you listening?

“Of course, yeah, the economy. All the accountants I’ve hired tell me I’m doing great. I have no idea if I have any money, but I don’t care.

“Thanks Donnie, Dr. Stein?

“Thank you, Bill.

“The term "Economy" is quite broad and can be understood in several ways:

1. System of Trade and Industry: It refers to the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country or region is made and used. This includes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

2. Management of Resources: The economy can also mean the careful management of available resources. This could refer to the intentional saving of money, time, energy, words, etc.

3. Efficiency: In another context, economy refers to the thrifty and efficient use of material resources. For example, an 'economy car' is designed to be economical to use.

The exact meaning of "Economy" often depends on the context in which it's used. It's a fundamental concept in fields like economics, finance, and political science. Many people think the economy is only about saving money. It should mean not using Mother Earth’s resources for frivolous profit. Or war.

A dollar in a capitalist society is a measure of someone’s time. Each time we waste one on bombs and/or stupidity, we destroy someone’s labor. Any conscientious political leader must maintain equality and balance in the population to prevent unrest. We must change the conservative attitude from working for dollars to working for humanity. When we help each other, who needs money?

“Thank you all for that input. Our next topic is crime. Donnie, please start your two minutes.

“Ha! I won’t need two minutes. These malcontents running around the filthy Democratic cities protesting and causing trouble are in for a wake-up call. After I get sworn in, the National Guard will be deployed to eradicate all protests. Participants will be paraded before me so I can fire them on TV. I’m very good at that.

“I plan to issue handguns to every citizen and give them all one bullet. They have one free murder to use as a get-out-of-jail card. My loyal followers should have a field day after my inauguration.

“Rudy, Sydney, and many attorneys (and former attorneys) tell me I have nothing to worry about. Next!

“President Biden?

“Thank you, Bill. What I have initiated is a common-sense agenda for communities to work more closely together. My primary thrust is to make education available to everyone. Our current curricula exist to ready our children for navigation in the “outside” world. For the most part, it is a way to pay slaves in our system. It is our inner self that needs attention.

“Educe implies bringing out or eliciting the best that we can be. Mark Twain said it best by saying he began his education after he left school. We cannot simply rely on teachers and authorities to develop our kids. We must all participate and accept responsibility for the definition of our environment. Freedom doesn’t exist unless all are free. I yield to Doctor Stein.

“Nice lead-in, Joe. Thank you.

Crime is not a problem, but a symptom of a problem. The problem is social dysfunction. If the mass media stressed the necessity for cooperation and communication rather than hyping violence, we would greatly reduce crime. If our television shows did not glorify the game of cops and robbers and gratuitous sex, perhaps some sanity would return.

“I am not suggesting censorship, but restraint. Do we need to go into others’ bedrooms to be entertained? Must we satisfy some vicarious thrill from seeing people being shot? Every time some news channel airs a new and interesting way to kill people, they show us how to do it. This is the year we can expose the tactics of the Murdoch Empire, the Clear Channel billboards, and the acquisition of almost ninety percent of the radio stations in rural America.

“It is my stand that existing politics intentionally cause national dysfunction. Billions of dollars will go to the media to push one party or another. It is time to drive a wedge between Democrats and Republicans by educating citizens. Once we gain enough voters, Congress will get serious. I’d like to address this next issue (abortion) first if I may, Bill.

“By all means, Doctor Stein.

“My medical background includes teaching medicine at Harvard. My understanding of the human body is extensive. As a woman who has treated thousands of women, there is no place for a man to decide what is best for a woman in distress. Abortion is not a political issue and has no place in the legal system. It also is a symptom of a societal problem.

“The only decision-maker in the abortion scenario is the potential mother. Regardless of the conditions and circumstances that caused her condition, she is the one who must deal with it. There is more to consider in her plight. She is faced with a decision that can affect the rest of her life. She may have been indoctrinated by one religion or another to keep going. Many other possibilities can complicate her decision even more. As a psychologist, I have helped women young and old navigate through this traumatic experience. Men have no idea how cruel they can be.

My stand on abortion is that Roe vs Wade will be reinstated.

“President Biden?

“As a Catholic, I oppose abortion of the unnecessary kind. Medically, I am not nearly as capable as Doctor Stein.

“Mr. Trump?

‘Does that mean I won’t have to pay anymore?

“That’ll be all on this topic, I think. Our next issue is the environment. Donnie can go first. What is your position on global warming?

“Just another witch hunt. There’s no way we puny humans could do this much damage. Scientists are only trying to have you vote for someone other than me. All they know is to attack me for telling the truth. Last Saturday, I had to have one of my toadies turn up the heat at Mar-a-Lago. Can you imagine? Don’t be telling me we have too much warming.

“How do we know for sure that these few thousand scientists aren’t simply looking for publicity? Do you think that, just because there are a few hundred Nobel Prize winners in the mix, they know how to measure things? Perhaps the equipment they are using has been programmed to give them false numbers. It may have been created by Dominion Systems or a similar company. I think Murdoch paid them 744 million dollars because the evidence isn’t all in yet.

“Don’t fall for this con, sheeple. Oops, I meant people. Keep wasting stuff and don’t worry about who is going to clean up. We’re going full blast on oil drilling, coal mining (clean coal, mindya), gas-powered monstrosities to bang against each other at county fairs, and more. Let’s all have fun on the way to wherever. Play golf, grab some crotches, steal secret documents. What a trip!

“President Biden?

“Thank you, Bill.

“All efforts are being made by my administration to join forces on a global level to synchronize a logical approach to lessen our impact on the environment. We are near critical and must spend our energy to remedy the damage we have wrought. Whether or not our impact is as dire as some say, there is reason to keep our local environment clean(er.) In comparison to cultures that have this in mind daily, consider the fact that Tokyo now boasts a population of 37 million and, most notably, has less trash on the streets than the average American town.

“Cleanliness begins at home. Act locally, think globally. When reelected, I will call upon all allies to unite in one movement towards the same goals. We will be under the microscope of many countries this year. The Paris Olympics and the political conventions will have an impact on the world stage. We need cooperation, coordination, communication, commitment, conscientiousness, compassion, courage, and no conflict. I am ready to mingle.

“Until corporations agree to follow regulations that protect the planet, we will make no significant progress. I will empower the EPA to shut down any company that dares to place itself above humanity. When and if they reopen, they will be employee-owned. Corrupt executives will be removed. I yield, Doctor Stein.

I applaud you, Joe, for doing so much while dragging the excess congressional baggage. All concerned citizens of this planet know what the Green Party represents. Our Mission statement says it all. Join us.

“Our last topic is Artificial Intelligence. Up for grabs. Anyone? Doctor Stein, based on your background, perhaps you can help us understand the implications and whether we need to regulate the AI industry.

“First allow me to clarify the term. ‘Artificial means man-made.’ We surely did not create intelligence, but we all use it. IQ scores would all eventually be the same if no time limit was set for the tests. We must exert some pressure on the back ranks to join us faster.

“Second is that the programmers can set the direction. If they refuse to participate in destructive or immoral directions, they can bring any tyrant down. Unionizing the techies is one of my first steps in the Oval Office.

“Third, we must understand that intelligence is consciousness itself. As humans, we have developed more and more sophisticated tools as we have evolved. Machine consciousness is created by an inference engine accessing a knowledge base. Its operating system is the same as ours. It is an extension of our mental capacity that the entire world can use.  

“Da Vinci said everything is connected and he is correct. From the knowledge base of humanity, unknown creations can appear, but all with collective approval. We will use AI to generate various scenarios of living styles to modernize existing communities and design futuristic habitats that harmonize with the planet. Convert manufacturing facilities to produce robots and automated transportation.

Our commitment is to our future generations. Let our imagination run wild. Start singing “Imagine.” Our comrades all over the world will soon sing with us.

I wrote a similar piece in 2020. I am interested in honest evaluation from your heart.
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