Biographical Poetry posted May 12, 2024

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The need to succeed

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

by gansach

I love to win!
I am very competitive~
whether it's a game
on my laptop,
a game of Royal Rummy
on family game night,
a poetry or writing
(wink, wink)
Checkers or Slapjack
with a student,
a quiz show I watch on TV,
I love to win!
I need to win . . . 
I like to be the one
with the best idea
at the meeting,
I like to be the one
with the best art project,
the wittiest comment,
the correct answer
to every question.
Why do I feel this way?
Why do I feel like a failure if I'm not first?
I've never been good at sports~
always last in races,
always 0 at the chin bar,
always first out in dodgeball,
always picked last for teams.
I've always felt inferior~
even when I'm good at something,
I feel I'm fooling folks,
I'm getting away with . . . 
I don't know.
But I've always been smart,
always used my brain,
always exercised common sense,
always been curious,
always wanted to learn.
Do I want to be first
at all I try to do
to feel I'm worthy after all?
I don't know.
I just know
I love to win!

Competition writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem on competition. Tell what it means to be competitive and why you love competition or not. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure. No rhyming patterns.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by willie at

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