General Fiction posted May 12, 2024

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Sci-Fi Flash Fiction contest entry

In a Parallel Universe

by DragonSkulls

Sci-Fi Flash Fiction Contest Winner 
In an alternate, parallel universe, a writer joined this exact
same Sci-Fi Flash Fiction contest.
When he finished the piece, he paid the extra ten bucks to
promote. Then bought eighty some dollars worth of pumps to
get it all the way to the front page, believing that would better
his odds of winning seeing as how it's a 'winner takes all' payout.
He prettied up the piece with beautiful, italic font and vigorously
searched for the perfect picture, then waited with anticipation for
the deadline to arrive.
Back in this universe, I didn't do any of that crap.

Writing Prompt
Write a Science Fiction themed Flash Fiction story between 50-100 words. The sky is not the limit on this one be creative, winner takes all.

Sci-Fi Flash Fiction
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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