General Poetry posted May 14, 2024

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Immigration, becoming the rage of belonging.

OVERWHELMING. or, I bet you ca

by Enrico Langfordino

I am not optomistic about immigration
and emmigration is not on the cards,
we don't have the need, we don't have the want
but we seem to have dropped all our guards.
The 'we' in this case a coloquialism
is no meant to be involvement as such,
we are ALL subgects of immigration
tell me, what does it mean to go Dutch.
Throuout the ages the traveller
has found serenity to be found,
in the most unlikely of places
a place where he might 'go to ground'.
To find that place for the 'hidden'
a security and all that entails,
where he, though hidden, in view of the natives
his newer existance regales.
Every age has its own immigrators
to finding that new domicile,
which betters that place of one's distress
in comparison, a luxurious pile.
But at what point will our shores buckle under
at what point should we say 'That's enough',
and, how is it best to waylay those hordes
without getting unneighbourly rough ?
Whoever finds a plausible answer
they'll be worth their weight (at least)in gold,
if he or she can prove a success
I'll be the next centerfold......2pp

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