General Poetry posted August 8, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
We are all in need of prayer

I Said a Prayer for You Today

by Debi Pick Marquette

I said a prayer for you today

That doctors had some good to say

A cure for you I hope they find

That you would have some peace of mind

And as I watched my grandkids play

I said a prayer for them today

So maybe they'll have something more

Than looking at a world at war

So why is it that you lash out

What is the anger all about

I said a prayer for you today

And hope that joy will come your way

I know that you're in so much pain

That you try hard not to complain

 And with your health you always pay

I said a prayer for you today

I said a prayer for all today

If it's your life that I portray

Whatever path you may have trod

It helps to give it all to God



My Quintet is four verses of prayers for people in my world,
With the fifth one for everyone.

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