General Poetry posted August 26, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A tragic tale of the loss of a friend

Haunted By A Memory

by nomi338


You entered my life, and became my friend,

I never thought our good times would end.

By fate’s design, like peas in a pod,

We aged together, against the odds.


Not gracefully, nor patiently,

We enjoyed each other’s company.

Then too soon, you disappeared,

Victim of a disease we all feared.


You were the smoker, I was not

With liquor we both enjoyed a shot

You tried to quit without success

Soon your coughing became excess.


 Now I wander time’s empty halls alone

I can no longer reach you by voice or phone

I search each room for a sign,

Of the friend who is now lost to time.



Sometimes I think I see your face,

As my heart throbs, I feel out of place

And as I turn, it’s clear to see,

I am haunted by a memory.


Sometimes I hear you call my name,

I wonder if I have gone insane,

For as I turn, it’s plain to see,

I am haunted by a memory.


My instincts, I can no longer trust,

Around my heart is an icy crust 

I’m filled with sorrow, and misery,

I am haunted by a memory.



This is an account of two women that I came to know while working in a warehouse. Their friendship touched me and the death of the heavy smoker affected me in ways I did not expect. I thought hard and long on my own feelings as a former heavy smoker myself. If you are a heavy smoker, I urge you to consider trying to quit, lest you cause your friends or family to become haunted by your memory.
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