Romance Fiction posted September 29, 2024 Chapters:  ...35 36 -37- 38... 

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Mateo walks into a trap.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 21B

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 26 days ago.


"I understand that because I'm in protective custody, I'm not allowed to have feelings for you. Maybe I can have feelings for you, but you can't have any for me." Sami noticed everybody watching her. "I guess this isn't the place to have this discussion, is it?" She stood. "I'll hide in my room."

Jose called after her, "Sami, it's okay. We already know you and Noah have a thing going on."

Noah exhaled. "Don't encourage her." He stood and headed toward Sami's closed door. "We need to talk."

"Good luck," said Sarah.

Bob grinned. "I have a feeling you're going to need it."


Chapter 21 B

Noah stood in front of Sami's door with his hand raised for a few moments before he finally knocked. "Sami, can I come in?"

"You're capable of coming in but aren't allowed in a person who's in protective custody's room. So, no you can't."

He opened the door. "You've made your point." He stood just inside the door, left the door open, and studied Sami sitting on the bed. "You're correct. You can have all the feelings for me you want. I'm not allowed to have any for you. As you know, I've crossed that line. I'm doing my best not to destroy that regulation. I thought you understood."

"I do. I know you can't express your feelings. Your actions have let me know how you feel. My feelings were hurt when you addressed mine as allegiance. I felt like you aren't taking me seriously."

"That was not my intent. I was trying to thank you for making sure I knew you felt nothing stronger than friendship for your prince. I appreciated it. I did a poor job relaying that message."

Sami stood and walked toward Noah. "Is it possible for us to go someplace private?"

Chuckling, Noah said, "Your eyes are telling me I'd better say yes." He held out his hand. "Let's go outside."

As the front door closed behind them, Sami faced Noah. "I need a hug."

Putting his arms around her, he said, "I thought you might. I hope this helps."

After being held a while, Sami said, "Thank you. I messed up, didn't I?"

"As the man you've given your heart to, no, you didn't. I messed up by not appropriately identifying your feelings. Please be patient as I figure this out."

"I'll try not to say anything in front of your team again."

"Don't worry about it. Those three are the closest people I have to family." Noah leaned over and kissed her. Besides you.

After the kiss, Sami exhaled. "Thank you." She closed her eyes. "You need to get to work, don't you?"

Noah nodded. "I do, but only if we're good."

Sami kissed him. "We're good. You'd better get back to work."

As they walked inside, Jose grinned. "Everything good?"

Smiling, Sami said, "Everything's great. Thank you for asking."

Noah shook his head. "Let's get to work."

After dinner Sami asked, "Anybody up for a game?"

Bob stood. "I'm in, but my computer's paging me. I'll be right back. You guys decide on the game."

When Bob returned, Jose said, "We've decided on Texas Hold'em."

Bob took a drink of water. "Good, let's deal."

Noah peeked at his first dealt card. "Bob, anything important happening?"

"Nope. We'll need to check with Mateo," he glanced at his phone, "in about thirty minutes."

Nodding Noah said, "That's right." After checking his cards, he said, "Let's get this game going. Maybe I have a chance at winning."

When Jose's eyes widened and he glanced toward Noah, Sami said, "He wasn't fond of losing every dominos game."

Jose chuckled. "Imagine that."

As the game progressed, Bob and Noah stood. Noah said, "We'll be right back. We need to make sure everything's still a go."

When they returned, both men nodded toward Jose, indicating all systems were good.

Almost forty-five minutes later the computer sounded an alert. Bob stood. "That can't be good."

Noah, Sarah, and Jose watched Bob go into the computer lab.

A few moments later Bob called, "Boss, I hope you weren't winning. The game's over."

Everyone stood in the doorway as Bob explained the problem, "Someone did a background check on Mateo." He pointed to Paparazzi photographs of Mateo and Sami having dinner a few weeks ago. "Sami's identified." He glanced at her. "Do you remember the date this photo could've been taken?"

"It was May 20th. Mateo took me to Gatsby's Prime Steakhouse for dinner."

Noah exhaled. "We need to pull Mateo. There was already a link with Myra and Sami, but they didn't know her name. Now they do and can link Mateo to her." He glanced at Sarah. "Get agents to her parents' and her sisters' houses." After a pause, he continued, "Bob, have you gotten ahold of Mateo? He could be walking into a trap."

"He's not answering." Bob glanced at his watch. "He might already be there."

"Jose, come with me. Sarah, call for backup."

Calling toward Noah, Bob said, "Just heard from Mateo. Chen's in charge and they have Myra. She's in trouble. I told Mateo to abort. It's too late."

Grabbing his Kevlar vest, additional weapons, and ammunition, Noah said, "Sarah, have ambulances on site and ready to transport ten to fifteen underage girls. Be sure backup knows there are possible hostages."

As Jose and Noah walked out the door, Noah paused, went back, and kissed Sami's cheek. "Listen to Bob and Sarah." As Noah headed toward the door, he turned around. "Sarah, don't leave Sami's side." He exhaled. "I'll do my best to get Myra and Mateo out safely."

"I know. Noah, no matter what, come back to me." Tears welled in Sami's eyes.

"I will." He left.

After Sarah finished contacting everybody, she sat on the bed beside Sami. "How are you holding up?"

Sami released a deep breath. "I'm scared but okay. How long do things like this last?"

Bob turned around and faced the two women. "Unfortunately, it could take minutes, up to hours. It depends on how well armed and how many men Chen has."

Tears welled in Sami's eyes. "I'm not good at this."

Sarah patted Sami's arm. "Nobody expects you to be."

Almost an hour later, Bob studied his computer. "It seems Mateo was able to notify his personal security team. There's extra help."

"Mateo's mentioned how well trained they are. That's good, right?" asked Sami.

"Let's hope," answered Sarah.

Rubbing her arms and pacing, Sami said, "This waiting is horrible. Everybody's safe, right?"

Bob replied, "As far as we know, Jose, Mateo, Myra, and Noah are alive. That's all I'm positive of."

Sami left the room. "I need to do something."

Sarah followed. "Sami, where are you going?"

"To the kitchen. I'm making cookies. I don't know what kind. It depends on what ingredients I have." After searching the cabinets, she said, "Snickerdoodles."

It was close to midnight, when Bob exhaled. "Myra and Mateo are on their way to the hospital. I don't have any other information."

"Is there any way I can go to the hospital?"

Bob shook his head. "You can't reinvent the rules."

"I think rule breaker is number four of Noah's adjectives."

Grinning, Bob said, "I'm surprised it's not higher."

"Frustrating, feisty and impossible are above it."

"I can see why." Bob faced the computer. "I'll let you know as soon as I find out something."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father


Thank you, Google Images for a photo of human trafficking poster. It's a real problem and the past few years became a bigger problem.

Chapter 21 is another long chapter. This is the second part of Chapter 21. Chapter 21 B is a little over 1100 words.

I did a little planning yesterday and if everything goes as planned and I didn't make a mistake. This novel should end the first week in February.

As always, I changed some things as I post. I appreciate all the help. I couldn't do this without your help.
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