General Poetry posted October 13, 2024

the spectre of digital infidelity

Unraveled Trust

by BermyBye50

It was just a glance,
a momentary slip,
when I saw your inbox open,
words not meant for me
sprawled across the screen,
like shards of glass
cutting through the quiet
we once called love.

Messages woven in secrets,
typed out in the late hours
when I thought you were asleep,
lay bare between us,
unspoken confessions
of a world I was never part of.

I remember when our laughter
filled the silence,
when our nights were endless,
wrapped in the comfort
of knowing each other.
Now, I can barely recognize
the woman behind the screen,
whose heart drifted far away
to a stranger’s digital embrace.

I wonder if you felt it too,
the slow unraveling,
the distance growing between us,
like the quiet before a storm.
Or was it all a lie,
masked in the everyday,
as I held on to a love
that no longer held you?

Now, I stand here,
alone in the home we built,
surrounded by the weight
of what’s been lost,
the betrayal not in flesh,
but in words whispered
on a glowing screen,
where you found comfort
in someone else’s name.

Betrayal writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any form or style with Betrayal as the central theme.
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