Mystery and Crime Fiction posted October 20, 2024 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15 

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The final meeting

A chapter in the book Murder At The Berkshire

Look At The Clues

by Douglas Goff


With Hattie being alone and her children living out of state, the older daughter placed her in a home for the elderly. Unfortunately, she finds herself even more lonely surrounded by people. When Hattie learns of the mysterious death of Mr. Howell up on the fourth floor, she decides to look into it. The ladies create the Senior Sleuth Society. They decide they need to visit Room 413, where Mr. Howell died. There, they discovered an earring. Hattie's investigation didn't make Director Chapman happy. Finally, Hattie discovered a Last Will And Testimony showing that Attendant Hazel inheritrd all of Mr. Howell's assets. 


“What are we going to do, Hattie?” Nelly asked her as she walked in with a large bag at her side. “Mrs. Hazel was outside my door last night.”

“And mine as well. She took Chapman’s orders seriously and patrolled the halls.” Nelly frowned.

The Senior Sleuth Society was gathered in the main reading room, excitedly discussing their situation amidst the lite chatter of several other residents. Nobody seemed to be paying them any attention. 

Their numbers had grown to six. Miss Hattie, Jubilee Joy, Narcoleptic Nelly, Art Antica, Chatty Cathy, and Narcissistic Nancy. The toxicology report had sent the mystery into overdrive, pushing the case towards its conclusion. 

Art Romantica cleared his throat. “How are we going to meet?”

 The woman smiled at her anxious counterparts and said, “Just like this.”

Hattie pulled their caseboard out of the big bag, and sat it in a chair, facing the group. Her friends stared at her with their mouths hanging open.  

Finally, Joy found her voice, “What are you doing? Aren’t you worried people will see what we are doing?” 

“No, because we have uncovered enough clues and information to solve this case. So let’s solve it.” Hattie smiled and pointed at several names:

Director Harold Chapman

Nurse Debra Brown

Attendant Janice Cooley

Attendant Harvey Marsh

Attendant Becky Hazel

Attendant Jimmy Williams

Attendant Carmen Marsala

Maintenance Main Bill Henderson

Pharmaceutical Phil Barnes

“So here’s our list of suspects. Who did we eliminate?” Hattie pressed. 

Chatty Cathy raised her hand. “I was quietly minding my own business when Helen told me that she was playing high-dollar poker with several of the attendants the night Howell passed. Harvey, Marsh, Jimmy Williams, and CArmen Marsala were all there.”

Hattie smiled. “Awesome. What about Cooley?”

“Janice?” Art chuckled. “She runs those games every Thursday and is usually the big winner. That woman is a card shark.”

“Okay, who else can we eliminate?”

“We know that Chapman was out of town at his butterfly convention the day of the murder.” Nel said. 

“And Bill Henderson is too disabled to have been involved.” Art reminded them. 

“What about Nurse Debbie? Wouldn’t she have the best access to Viagra?” Nel questioned. 

“No. She can’t prescribe those.” When Art saw all of the ladies staring at him, he blushed, and added, “Not that I was checking.”

“We’ll, anyways, that’s a good start.” Hattie pointed at the word ‘Methods’. “So we only had poison and overdose.” 

“And thanks to your Detective Dreamy, we know it was a heart attack brought on by an overdose of Viagra.” Nancy seemed happy to have added to the conversation. “Seems to me, this murder keeps coming right back to the love triangle.”

“So that leads us where all great mysteries are solved. The clues we uncovered.” Hattie pointed at the last column. 

“Body was between the davenport and bed, an expensive earring stuck in the floorboards, a love triangle, and a last Will and Testimony.” Art read down the list, then scratched his head. “Nope, I don’t see it.”

"Well, Hattie snatched the will from Hazel's desk. It interestingly revealed that not only was a recipient as she had mentioned, but she was the sole benefactor of all of Mr. Howell's assets." Joy revealed.

This caused the rest of the group to break into animated discussion. 

Hattie cleared her throat, quieting the others. “Look at the clues and tell me who killed Mr. Howell, and how, and more importantly why?”


Key Residents
Hattie May Hatfield-New resident who used to be an author
Katherinne Beck-Chatty Kathy, a resident who talks constantly
Jubilee Joy-Bubbly lady
Narcoleptic Nelly-Plump, purple-fashioned lady, who falls asleep
Art Antica-A cold, but cute resident
Jerk Beefy-An amorous sleazy resident
Moaning Lisa-Jerk Beefy's girlfriend
Narcissistic Nancy-Pretty lady who loves the mirror
Lesser Residents
Grumpy Gus-A cranky, very old residents
Barfett-a slovenly resident who eats sloppy
Windy Wendy-A resident who constantly passes gas
Pharmacuetical Phil Barnes-Supplies pills to the male residents

Harold Chapman-Pencil pushing Berkshire Director
SUSPECT Debra-The Berkshire Nurse
SUSPECT Mrs. Janice Cooley-Attendant
SUSPECT Harvey Marsh- Attendant
SUSPECT Becky Hazel- Attendant
SUSPECT Jimmy Williams-Attendant
SUSPECT Carmen Marsala-Attendant
SUSPECT Bill Henderson-Maintenance Man

Edward Howell-Sent to the 4th floor, then suspiciously died
Paul Hatfield-Hattie's deceased police detective husband
Sarah Hatfield-Hattie's oldest daughter
Detective Steele-Hattie's deceased husband's old partner
Marcy-Narcisistic Nancy's sister

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