Letters and Diary Poetry posted October 13, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
After learning of another brain surgery

The Sergeant and I

by jlsavell

The aged Sergeant, sitting alone
in his old tattered chair, right there
as he always does, on his unkempt lawn
where the only sprigs of green are seen
grasping for life between the hotspots
just like the Sergeant now in his numbered days
Cigarette butts piled high
beside a dying rosebush, once lush
with promise just like us all and him
The likes of 'Old Yeller' reclining lazily at his feet
loyal, arthritic, and soft… mimics his master
tongue dangling from the heat
His back rests against the old house
still there in disrepair, moans despair
crumbling inside like its owner
who forgot how to live long ago despite life’s throws
                   He knows
His faded red Ford truck, still there
leaking and squeaking for rebirth
much as the Sergeant sitting in his chair, right there
Dripping oil stains the cracked and weathered drive
Again, like haunting memories dripped and dripped
running down and staining the canvas of his life
My neighbor, of sorts, the Sergeant
I walked across the lawn to converse, not rehearsed
as I do on occasion, on certain occasions
“Good day, sweet man, hot day.”
He just stares, right there from his tattered chair
registering my erratic visits
Retrieves two cold Buds from the well-used Igloo
“Your chair’s in there, you know.”
Yes, just as it has always been, again and again
Up against a tarred ragged wall in the garage
where all could see his savored keepsakes
stored in mildewed, rat infested boxes piled high
          I sigh
“You should fix this door, if nothing more
The rain and the heat you know and the kids to and fro'
will ruin and pillage your fare.”
       But he just stares
“Long as they don’t mess with my flag.”, He says while taking a drag
Yes, Old Glory, the one he holds dear, memories of yesteryear
which he holds on to like his beer, his cigs, and this house
                     Oh, yes,
but not his wife and not his kids,
for they demanded more than the war he never outwore

This old man scarred and marred
Such a proud one once, before that war
Young, filled with dreams, void of terrifying screams
His bright blue eyes dulled from the spoil and years of emotion’s toil
But I remember their beauty once upon a distant time
His trembling hands offered a light
I refuse, for once he’s bemused
“Should’ve known you’d say no, ‘cept that time long ago
You chugged my whiskey and lit my Salems, to show me
But I didn’t see, not then.”
A raspy laugh and then he sighed

"True, you were blind,
but we were young and filled with dreams
till the terrifying screams.
So they’re coming by today, on their way for their stay.
You know it must be.”

He raises his hand in the air to gesture away the dread
then tilts his head for the beer's last drop
“Do you think she’ll be okay? I’ll learn to pray.”
         He muttered through his tears
“Yes ,Sergeant, our little sprite has a will of might,
 just like her Grandpa did once upon a time before the war.”

               Before the war, where no corpses lay
and the aftermath had not been born with hearts out-worn
“Well I must go, you know. They’re on their way
for a longer stay. She’ll be okay, and, yes, do pray.”
The old dog took a long stretch, arose to my stand
“Take care of Sargent, will ya' old fella'.”
“One more for the road?” clearly wanting me to stay
           Turning to see tears and unspoken fears
and unyielding ghosts of yesteryears
“Thank you, but no. I must go.”
“One more thing...Did you love me? I mean really love me
once upon a time?”

Did the old Sergeant see that trace upon my face of regrets
and what ifs?
“Oh, yes, I loved you then, but I didn’t know,
know how to be your friend or help a broken soul mend.
And I love you now, after all,
we’re family till the end.”



A conversation with my ex-husband, a Viet-Nam Vet, after learning that our 10 year old granddaughter, Sarah, is facing another brain surgery November 5th. Another AVM was discovered deeper in her brain last Monday through an angiogram.She's a remarkable little trooper, for this will be her third brain surgery in a year.

Thank you C.Young for Beyond the Shadows
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