Spiritual Poetry posted February 11, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
What I hope my life is for Him

A Masterpiece for Him

by patcelaw

My life was a frayed canvas
In my hands, I made it dirty.
While in the hands of God
He cleaned and made it whole

The blackness of my sins
He carefully washed away,
With the blood of His Son
The One who died for me

Carefully with the palette knife
He lifted my sins away
And in their place He added
The bright color of His grace.

He blended in His mercy
As He brushed away my tears.
Layer after careful layer
He was painting a masterpiece.

Then my sin wrecked life
Began to take on a new glow.
To make my life what He wanted
He was painting each day.

What He saw from the start
Was my messed up life,
And what He planned for it to be
A masterpiece for Him.

-Patricia Lawrence
revised 10-16-16

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