Biographical Poetry posted April 15, 2015

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Contest poem I remember...

A Day In Toledo

by danpald

I remember long ago
Moving in Toledo of old
Along the winding road we climbed
Wall of stone stood to the right hand side

Hand in hand we walked along
Her raven hair blew in the wind
There along the road half way
Stood a Church to see within

A grand display we found inside
A painting of El Greco did we find
Upon the wall the Burial scene of a Count
With St Augustine and others taking part

We looked on this masterpiece with awe
While my hand moved along her waist
Here I held a true masterpiece, I thought
This raven hair beauty whose lips I sought

I Remember writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Begin your non-fiction autobiographical story or poem with the words 'I remember...' Complete the sentence conveying a moment, an object, a feeling, etc. This does not have to be a profound memory, but should allow readers insight into your feelings, observations and/or thoughts. Use at least 100, but not more than 1,000 words. The count should be stated in your author notes.

Approximate word count: 113
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