General Poetry posted January 2, 2016 Chapters:  ...43 44 -45- 46... 

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The FanStory Poetry Ranking Contest
A chapter in the book Christine's Poems

The Ranking Race

by Chrissy710

There was movement at FanStory, for the word had passed around
That poet 's ranking's open to contest
All the tried and tested writers soon will come from near and far,
And they will put their writing to the test.
For they'll surely be a winner, when this year has come to pass
And we will praise the prowess of the best.

Their styles will be quite different, from the free to rhyming verse
With syllables all making up the beat.
Perhaps we'll have a Kyrielle with refrain in each fourth line,
Or better still a Haiku would be neat.
The Kiko is a season one, of a moment caught in time
To get it right now really is a feat.

I'd rather like a Minute poem, in strict 'Iambic meter'
That shows the 8, 4, 4, 4 rhyming scheme.
Still how about a Limerick, or Tongue Twister poetry
To make us laugh that would be quite supreme.
A Sonnet would inspire us, of lost love hard to find
And Odes are something with a central theme.

They could be all shapes and sizes, different fonts for us to see
But please don't use the ones too hard to read.
And keep the writing simple too; place it on a nice background
So words stand out for this is all we need.
Some graphics are required now there are many on FanArt
When doing this each poet will succeed.

Yes time is ticking as I write, and I'll have to post this soon
If I am also to be in this race.
For some are really early birds, on the first day posted theirs
And so to catch them I must pick up pace.
But when it's really said and done, all just write what comes to mind
Win, lose or draw, just play the game with grace.

Christine 3/1/2016


Hi allo I have written this with a little 'tongue in cheek', as a bit of fun for my first post for 2016 ( only 5 to go to secure a ranking, they are still in my head LOL)

I have again loosly used the beat from Banjo Paterson' style of poetry ( He is a very well known Australian bush balladere and his writing is quite distinct. I am a bit prone to using this rhythm to create a poem or two.

The image is one taken of me late in Nov 2015 when I attended my 35th Midwifery training reunion. ( I have been Nursing now for 46 years on 26th Jan this year) I am still a practicing Nurse and work as a Nurse Educator./ Clinical teacher with undergraduate nursing student in our local hospital. A fairly big regional hospital in Victoria.

I have really enjoyed all the support and friendships I have made and are making on this site and look forward to reading and writing posts over this year. On a serious note I wish everyone all the best for their hard won rankings and am just happy to be wherever I end up.

Thank you for reading my poem

Cheers Christine
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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