Mystery and Crime Poetry posted October 5, 2018

This work has reached the exceptional level
Catching a serial killer

Lead Detective

by Pamusart

I wander through her picture book.
Her body's on a blood soaked rug.
No photo's worth a second look.
I've seen it all; I only shrug.
The third dead girl in just a month,
her ears are missing like the rest.
We're baffled but I have a hunch.
I think he was a welcome guest.

No sign of force is on the door.
Her stockings are around her neck.
No broken glass upon the floor.
The pattern seems to be correct.
She's posed with legs splayed open wide,
exposing metal and a hilt.
A knife's been shoved real deep inside.
I cannot help but feel some guilt.

I rank as lead detective here.
Those are the facts the law can use.
I swear her eyes are showing fear.
We keep some secrets from the news.
The trick right now's to figure out
just where and when he plans to kill..
There's not a single scream or shout,
and dust is on the windowsill.

Two are blond and one's brunette.
No fingerprints are there to see.
In ev'ry case, the table's set.
It's possible he has a key.
Each girl was wearing formal dress.
Red roses were inside a vase.
They all were dressing to impress,
which means he had to show his face.

The neighbors questioned, did not see.
The coroner checks time of death.
'Twas early morning; half past three,
that this poor lady last took breath.
This matches all the other scenes.
Distinct and scary is this clue.
The time's consistent by all means.
My second thoughts will now ensue.

The time of death, her stockinged neck,
the hilted blade and table set;
This case is making me a wreck
My theory's a foolish bet.
It's clear now that he brought the dress,
and made her change and put it on.
Discarded jammies make a mess.
They are made from pink chiffon.

His ritual was carried out.
He waited till his fav'rite time.
I'm starting to release all doubt.
I know the man who did this crime.
My partner takes his meals at three;
an early breakfast with full pay.
I see his eyes which gleam with glee,
and slight impressions of decay.

I'll have the vendors make a call,
when roses have been bought by him.
They'll have his photo, height and all.
They'll know the situation's grim.
We have enacted such a plan.
The vendor tip line's been reserved.
It isn't very long a span,
before the purchase has occurred.

He's followed to his house of choice.
We see him with a key in hand.
It falls and then we hear his voice,
say words that we can't understand.
We need to catch him in the act.
We don't let on that we are here.
We'll just be ready to react,
and hopefully allay her fear.

The dress is over his left arm.
Asleep upstairs, she's unaware.
We must ensure that she's not harmed.
She might receive a little scare.
We follow him; our guns are drawn.
He's walking through the entryway.
With hours to go before the dawn,
the house is dark; he wants to play.

The glint of metal's caught by light,
with hilt and blade; same kind of knife.
It's flashing silver 'gainst the night.
It's time to act and save her life.
She's pretty and a redhead gal,
with deep blue eyes and dimpled chin.
She says she thought he was her pal.
I'm having peaceful thoughts within.

I saved her life but three are dead.
I would have liked to save them too.
I sure would like to go to bed,
but my reports are overdue.


Just a fictitious murder mystery

Thank you for reading my poem

I found the photo on the internet
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