Spiritual Poetry posted March 25, 2020 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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Those special moments when you see a persons aura

A chapter in the book Heart Cafted Poems - 2020

Your Halo

by JLR

Such a privilege it is to see
the embodiment of Christ
that surrounds you like a halo.

Your selfless giving of time
and talents while being at
such uncertain risk shines in you.

Doctors, nurses, first-responders,
nursing home care providers the
Godhead shines softly through.

During these tumultuous times
it is all mankind that needs to
stand and shower the light of kindness.

We are in this together and together
we will either sparkle or sizzle;
do we do our part for all of mankind?

Look in the mirror, seek in your heart
that warm glow, the presence of God
under your softly shimmering halo.



Free Verses Club entry , declaring that each and every one of us can participate, doing our part to pray and be kind to our neighbors and strangers, near and far.

Thanks for the use of Halo Sunrise by greentop on FanArtReview.com

Club entry for the "Free Verse" event in "The Fabulous Free Versers Club".  Locate a writing club.
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