In the silence I sit...
My heart's desire is to shut-out
the several flittering thoughts.
save, but, just one...
"Why have you, Master,
allowed this human being
to survive this long?"
My thought...
I have heard the sweet music
float, as though on a cloud,
from the strings of
a harp with gold laden strings...
Where the light emitted through
my tears being shed
for of all those years of
shying away from your voice,
your constant invitation to just seek,
is near blinding
in its dazzling, pure brilliance...
My thought continues,
Father, Mother, God; this humble
child of the great I AM has stilled my
Beingness to receive that which
You have to give unto me...
When suddenly a Dove,
as white as the purest flakes of snow,
lands ever so slowly upon
the near window sill
and it is at that moment,
I just know...
That the one called by ninety-nine names
has sent this messenger to show me
I have Angels in my presence...
Master has sent His Goodness,
There I find Peace!
Save, but, just one...
My thought...
A harp with gold laden strings...
In its dazzling, pure brilliance...
You have to give unto me...
I just know...
I have Angels in my presence...
Master has sent His Goodness
There I find Peace!