Twist and turns slightly bending nowhere,
Just beyond the vacant meadows ending nowhere.
In the green shrouded hedge line,
stone steps are ascending nowhere.
These gray-shaded steps heading into infinity,
so it does seem, extending nowhere.
In a non-dual universe, it matters not
if the steps lead onward, wending nowhere.
Always confident JLR walks forever onward,
with Joy leading him; transcending nowhere.
Author Notes
Found on Shadow I discovered this rather enjoyable poetic style -
A Ghazal is a poem that is made up like an odd numbered chain of couplets, where each couplet is an independent poem. It should be natural to put a comma at the end of the first line. The Ghazal has a refrain of one to three words that repeat and an inline rhyme that precedes the refrain.
Lines 1 and 2, then every second line, has this refrain and inline rhyme, and the last couplet should refer to the authors pen-name...
The rhyming scheme is AA bA cA dA eA
here is my example...Enjoy ...