- The right timeby Wendy G
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He waited for ...
The right time by Wendy G
    Supernatural Fiction Contest Winner 

Bob was a man of few words.

He never spoke of religion. Or the supernatural. Or the war.

His daughter Lindy visited as he recovered slowly from a near-fatal heart attack.

"It wasn't my time," he told her. "An angel told me …."

"What!" she exclaimed. "What did the angel say?"

She had prayed for her father for years, but he had always ridiculed her faith and changed the subject.

"He told me to turn to my other side and I would have relief from pain. Also that he was looking after me, and it was not my time..."

Lindy gasped. He really believed it.

"I turned over, not without difficulty … and the pain immediately left me. Instantly!"

After that experience, he seemed different. Once he even told her that he loved her, something which had never happened before.

Another time the conversation moved easily to spiritual matters.

"God would never want me. I am guilty of killing, during the war," Bob said.

 Lindy shared in a natural way that everyone was sinful, but that there would and could be no sin in Heaven. There had to be forgiveness first, a spiritual cleansing by Jesus, and simply trusting that He could and would forgive.

"What's to stop me from having this forgiveness?" Bob queried.

 "Nothing at all," she replied. No more was said. Lindy knew to leave it to God.

Years later, he was very ill, Lindy at his bedside.

"This is my time," Bob told her. "The angel returned."

"What did he say?" she asked.

"He said Jesus told him to tell me that Jesus Himself would come back for me, and take me to be with Him. He's prepared a place for me. It's ready. I'll see Him at 6:10."

Lindy was stunned. Her father did not own a Bible; his eyes were too poor to read. He never attended church. Yet, he had quoted, almost exactly, some words from John's Gospel!

Her earthly father went to be with her Heavenly Father at 6:10. Precisely. Very peacefully.

Jesus came for him at the right time.


Writing Prompt
Supernatural Story - Fiction ~ NOT horror fiction.
No vulgar words, sexual terms, gory story, or profanity
no animals included
Minimum of 300 / maximum 350 words
Supernatural Fiction
Contest Winner


Author Notes
(348 words)

When people do not or cannot read His word, (for many reasons), or go to church, He still loves them and draws them to Himself and His kingdom by other supernatural means, including His ministering angels, as in this fictional story.

John 14:1-3
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am.


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