- Quiet Lawyer Chapter 22 Bby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
An agreement is made, but what's wrong with Lisa?
Quiet Lawyer
: Quiet Lawyer Chapter 22 B by barbara.wilkey
Book of the Month contest entry

Nothing mends a broken heart, like someone wonderful giving you theirs. Will Cordero give his heart to Alexandra? If he does, will she accept it? Will Alexandra discover who she is?

Cordero and Alexandra met 39 days ago.


"What would you say if I told you each of these ladies held onto a piece of clothing, underwear, for example, that contained semen, DNA, even after all this time? Your behavior degraded them. When women feel degraded, they hold onto items just in case there's a time they might be able to get even. I'm giving them that time."

She faced Mr. Brown. "I feel it's time you talk with your client and see if he's ready to come up with a more appropriate settlement." She stood. "Ladies, let's give them privacy. Mr. Brown, let me know when you're ready to talk."


Chapter 22 B

In the hallway, Jorge, Cordero, Sam, and Judge Pickett walked up to Alexandra. Judge Pickett said, "I enjoyed watching you work."

Alexandra exhaled. "Thank you. I'm sorry I can't stay and talk. I need to speak with my clients."

She led the ladies into a small vacant room. "You're doing wonderfully. Thank you for that. While we wait for them to talk, do you have any questions?"

Nancy studied the table. "Are you sure we aren't asking for too much money?"

"I doubt we'll get the full amount, but I'll take him to trial before I accept pennies. We have the advantage. Mr. Rogers doesn't want to go to trial. He can't afford the bad publicity that it would cause. He'll pay."

Carol frowned. "Do any of you have proof he had sex with us?"

Holding up her hand, Alexandra said, "Don't answer that. It's a bluff. If I know your answers, then I can't use it. I have another one, I'm holding onto in case it's needed. I'm proud of the way you've remained calm." Her head turned when she heard a knock on the door.

Sam Baily cracked it open. "Ms. Black, Brown says he's ready."

"Thank you. Hopefully, they're ready to deal." Alexandra paused. "Sheriff, are you going to be around a while?" After he indicated he was, she said, "Good. I might need you."

When the ladies returned and were seated, Mr. Brown said, "My client and I have discussed the situation. Mr. Rogers will pay each of your clients $50,000. We'll accept your offer to allow him to pay each one $1,000 a month until the balance is paid."

Shaking her head, Alexandra said, "That amount remains too low." She checked her file. "I guess we have no recourse but to go to trial. I had hoped you realized it's to your benefit to keep this out of court."

Pat slammed his hand on the table. "You can't prove anything. It's my word against these ladies, and I use the word ladies loosely."

Alexandra smiled. "You just blew it." She opened the door. "Sheriff Bailey, would you seal off Mr. Pat Rogers' office? I don't want anybody in or out until I get a forensic team in there."

Rogers stood. "You can't do that!"

"I can and just did. I have probable cause because of what I witnessed. Would you like me to check with Judge Pickett to make sure?" When Pat hung his head, she continued, "Your office is now a crime scene." She stood in front of him. "I'm sure your office has been cleaned, but I'm positive the couch hasn't been thoroughly cleaned. I know bodily fluids remain there. I'm equally sure we'll discover more than my four clients. Bodily fluid is full of DNA, and once my team finishes their job, I believe they'll find pubic hairs and all sorts of interesting things. I look forward to their report."

Alexandra paused. "When a forensic team is sent in, I'll file papers for your arrest. I hoped it wouldn't come to this. The statute of limitations for rape is ten years, so each of my clients fall well within that limit."

Lester stood. "Ms. Black, what is the bottom amount you'll accept to call this off? He can't afford $100,000 for all four ladies."

Alexandra went to her stack of papers and held up one. "This is Mr. Rogers's financial report. Please explain how somebody who is paid $195,000 a year," she checked her paper, "that's over $16,250 a month can't afford $4,000 a month." She did the math in her head. "That leaves over $12,000 a month living expenses. Even in New York City, I could afford to live off that."

Mr. Brown sat and whispered to his client, then said, "$75,000 is our final offer."

She pulled out a chair and sat across from Lester. "When I walked in today, I would've accepted $75,000, but with the continued degrading attitude of Mr. Rogers, I won't accept anything lower than $150,000."

"You're going the wrong way!" yelled Pat. "You're a b...."

Brown glared at his client. "You're making it worse."

"Mr. Rogers, our final offer is now $175,000. Either meet it, or we're going to trial. I'm sure all the townspeople will enjoy learning what's really going on in your office. Ladies, we're leaving." At the door Alexandra said over her shoulder, "By the way, if you lose at trial, my fees will be included. I'm not cheap." She paused. "Sheriff Bailey, will be in to arrest you." She closed the door.

In the hallway, Alexandra smiled when she heard Pat yell, "I'm paying you a ton of money to stop the bitch! Earn it!"

From the open door, Lester called, "Ms. Black, let's talk. Just the two of us. I'm sure we can come to an agreement."

Alexandra motioned for the ladies to wait and followed Lester Brown into a vacant room.

Her eyes met Lester's. "You know he's guilty of raping these women, and there are more women we don't know about. If I wouldn't have accidently walked in on him, he would've continued to get away with this."

Lester glanced away. "I don't know anything, but I can see why you believe he's guilty." He hesitated. "What's the rock bottom figure you'll accept to keep this from going to trial and my client out of jail?"

She shook her head. "$100,000. After the way he behaved today. I won't go any lower. I can't."

Lester stood and offered his hand. "You win. Have the papers drawn up."

Opening her briefcase, Alexandra handed them to him. "I already have. They just need to be signed. Another stipulation, if he misses or is late with a payment, we'll see you at trial. He's to send the money to the courthouse, that way there'll always be record of his payments."

"Are you always this tough or just out for this man?"

She smiled. "Always."

After the papers were signed and filed with the court, they prepared to leave. As Alexandra said good-bye to the ladies, Lisa received a phone call. She yelled, "No!" and dropped to the floor.

Alexandra knelt to her, checked her as she picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Alexandra Black. Lisa just fell."

"Ms. Black, this is Dr. Barnes. Get Ms. Johnson here as fast as you can."

"Can Cord carry her?"


Jorge and Alexandra followed as Cordero carried Lisa across the street and a few buildings to the left.

At the doctor's office Cordero laid her on an examination table and left the room as the doctor entered.

Alexandra held her hand as Lisa said, "This isn't necessary. I'm fine. I was shocked to learn I'm pregnant."

Dr. Barnes' eyes widened. "I doubt you were that surprised. You set up the appointment and knew I did the test."

She swallowed. "You're right. I..."

"You're pregnant?" interrupted Alexandra. "Is...?"

Nodding Lisa said, "I haven't had sex since my husband died three years ago." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I have health insurance, but I didn't pay the extra for maternity insurance. I didn't need it."

Alexandra exhaled. "You have options."

"Not really. It's against my beliefs to abort the baby." Lisa studied the wall as tears escaped. "I can't afford to raise another child."

"First things first. I do understand the abortion issue. I need to ask again before I continue. Are you absolutely positive Pat Rogers is the father of this baby?"


"I'll file a suit that'll force him to pay your doctor's bills."

"He won't agree to that."

"You're right. He'll also deny he's the father."

Dr. Barnes added, "When you get a little farther along, I can do a DNA test and prove he's the father."

Alexandra shook her head. "I'm against that. Those types of DNA tests are invasive. We'll wait until the baby's born." She faced the doctor. "Is there any way we can work out some way where the payment's due after the baby's born?"

"If I'm guaranteed, I'll get paid."

"You'll get paid even if I have to pay you myself." She offered her hand. "Can we shake on it?"

He accepted her hand. "It's a deal."

"Good." Alexandra faced Lisa. "That's one thing you don't need to worry about. You still have options. You can keep the baby or put the baby up for adoption. You have about eight months to decide. If you choose to keep the baby, I'll see to it Pat Rogers pays child support. You'll get about ten percent of his annual salary or approximately $1,600 a month."

"He won't like that."

"He won't, but I'll make sure he's held accountable." Alexandra squeezed Lisa's hand. "I'm here to help."

Dr. Barnes said, "Let me examine my patient. I'm sure she'll be able to go home."

Opening the door, Alexandra said, "I'll wait outside, and we'll make sure you get home safely."

Cordero walked up to Alexandra in the lobby. "Is Lisa all right?"

Alexandra glanced at the door. "I guess you'll find out soon enough but keep it between us. Lisa's pregnant."

Jorge's eyes widened. "It's not..."

"It is," interrupted Alexandra.

Cordero ran his hand through his short hair. "It just gets worse and worse. Are you going to be able to help her?"

"She doesn't have maternity insurance. I'll file for him to pay her medical expenses and then child support if she keeps the baby. She hasn't decided yet. She may put the baby up for adoption."

Before long Dr. Barnes opened the door. "Mrs. Johnson's ready to leave."

Alexandra addressed Jorge and Cordero. "I told her we'd make sure she safely makes it home."

Jorge said, "Of course."

When Lisa came into the lobby, she attempted a smile. "They know?"

"Yes. I told them, but they won't tell anybody. It's just between us."

"Thank you. Although, there's no way to hide it for long, is there?"

"Not really."

"I guess I'd better tell my parents right away."

Alexandra nodded. "Do you want me to be with you when you do?"

"It's not necessary. My parents are very supportive. So are my in-laws."

"Good. I'm here for whatever you need."

Lisa hugged Alexandra. "I know and thank you."

I intentionally left off the accents on fiance and fiancee because Evil Eddie would put all sorts of strange characters in my post. Thank you for understanding.

Hola is Spanish for hello

Mi hijo & Mijo are Spanish for son. Jorge uses them often.

Bendecido is Spanish for blessed.


Cordero Ortiz: 'Cord' runs his parents' Texas ranch

Alexandra Black: 'Ali' is a New York City corporate lawyer, is a junior partner in huge family law firm

Jorge and Rosa Ortiz: Cordero's parents who own a large West Texas Ranch

Jim: One of the ranch foremen and best friend of Cordero. He takes care of the main house and surrounding ranch area.

Bob: One of the ranch foremen and good friend of Cordero. He works the entire ranch.

Pat Rogers: Bank owner, not a good person

Lester Brown: Pat Rogers lawyer

Sam Bailey: Lobo's Sheriff.

Dr. Bart Barnes: Town doctor

Judge Sean Pickett: County Judge

Tonia and Brent Black: Alexandra's parents

George Black Alexandra's grandpa

Gary Hart: A young ranch hand

Luke: All around bad guy

Amy Harding: A lady who Pat Rogers raped during High School Prom, her son, Matthew

Alan Griffin Alexandra's ex-fiance

Joseph and Ruth Aaronson One of the first clients, family friends, owner of a prestige jewelry shop


Author Notes
My business did care over to this week. I am hoping this is the end of the project and life can get back to normal, in time for the Holiday's to start. Again, I'm not sure I'll be able to review as often as I have previously. I hope I don't miss any of your posts, but if I do, I'm sorry.

Thank you google images for a photograph of a possible conference room. Since Alexandra is still trying to make a deal with Pat Rogers, I used the same image. This time I made numerous changes as I posted. I hope I didn't make it worse. This post is a little over 1700 words. Thank you for your kind reviews and the support you've given me.


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