- My Mother's Handsby Michelle D. Carr
This work has reached the exceptional level
A tribute to my mother.
: My Mother's Hands by Michelle D. Carr


I remember when they held me gently,

To stroke and rub, clasp and grasp, strive with love.

Constant movers, strong and unlined  beauty.

Restless in slumber, draped in servant’s glove.


I remember youthful grace and caring.

Embodying perfection in action.

Turned to little beasts with red knobs snarling.

Defied her will, withholding all compassion.  


I gratefully remember hopeful smiles.

Touching beloved hands that I knew best.

“I love you, they said.  I have walked my miles.

Time to let go. I want my sabbath rest.”


“Now we lay clasped and still. Our work is done.”

Her lovely hands now reach out for the Son.




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