- The Cup I Carryby Verna Cole Mitchell
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My life carried in a cup
The Cup I Carry by Verna Cole Mitchell
Free Verse Poem contest entry
Artwork by avmurray at

I carry a cup that is mine alone.
I would trade it for no other.

I sip upon a brew of childhood memories:
My mother's soft hand on my brow,
My father's smile and loving hugs,
My siblings gathered 'round me
For mealtimes, day after day,
My grandmother's ever cheerfulness.

I sample the joy of first love's nectar,
Filled to the brim across the years,
Of God's gifts - a son and daughter,
Lighting every corner of my heart,
With their mates and my grandchildren
To cover any empty spaces.

I taste the grace from a lifetime of inspiration:
Family devotions when Daddy read the Bible,
Encouragement from Christian friends,
Majestic old hymns to soar in my soul,
Sunday sermons by godly shepherd preachers,
The Lord to be my Constancy, my daily Guide.

I cradle the cup in my hands to warm me
Outside-in from dregs of pain and sorrow
From a myriad of disappointments
And betrayals and bumps in the road,
But worst of all, from loved ones' long goodbyes,
Till sounds the trumpet of heaven.

I take a long drink of remembrances:
Days of work and days of rest,
Family times of celebration,
Goals achieved and dreams fulfilled.
I savor most of all the blessings
That fill my cup to overflowing.

I carry a cup that is mine alone.
I would trade it for no other.



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