- Chapter 30by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Does Seth strand Emma at the July 4th celebration?
Guided by Faith
: Chapter 30 by barbara.wilkey

Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen?

Seth and Emma met 31 days ago.


He took a few deep breaths. "Last night holding you close for that long caused a desire I wasn't prepared for. I didn't trust myself, so I left."

Emma studied Molly on her lap and whispered, "I had feelings I've never experienced before."

Seth picked up Molly, moved her aside, and put his arms around Emma. "I suspected as much. That's why we needed to talk. We'll be careful from now on." He moved her chin so his eyes met hers. "It doesn't mean I won't hold or hug you."

She whispered, "Thank you."

"You're beautiful, but your modesty reveals your inner beauty."


Chapter 30

Inside the youth group room, early Monday morning, Theresa asked, "Ms. Emma, how many tables do you think we'll need?"

"Theresa, I'll have an answer in a minute." Emma released her breath. "Seth, I never asked if we could use your pickup to transport things to the city park."

"I thought it was a given. Of course, you can use it."

Standing beside Theresa, Emma said, "At first I didn't think any, but then I realized even though we're at Picnic Shelter Three, they'll need those tables for people eating and resting, so I'm guessing two." She glanced at Seth. "Maybe only one."

"I'd take two to be safe and what fourteen or fifteen chairs?"

Nodding, Emma said, "Sure." She continued addressing the teens, "Make sure we get all the posters."

At the city park, Seth told Ace to stay with Emma as she placed posters announcing their July 4th activities in numerous areas around the park but then she'd move them.

Jacob, one of the teens, watched as she moved one for the third time. "Seth, do all women change their mind that often or just Ms. Emma?"

Seth shook his head, "Jacob, I think it's fair to say all women, but Emma might hold the record." He cocked his head as she, again, moved a poster. "I think it's time I step in or we'll never be ready."

Taking the posters, Seth put up each one. After they all had a spot, he asked, "I think these places are perfect, don't you?"

As Jacob watched and laughed, Emma faced him and frowned. "I'm not sure about this."

Putting his arm around her, Seth grinned. "I am." He checked his watch for the time. "And just in time." He rounded up the boys.

While waiting for people to come to their activities, the youth challenged Seth to the basketball shoot and dart throwing. He scored fifteen shooting the three pointers, the maximum amount, and one hundred points shooting darts. The third dart hit the center, but with the other two already there it bounced out. He totaled one hundred fifteen points.

Emma watched and smiled.

He winked at her once he'd finished.

Around seven o'clock, Emma watched Carl walk up to Seth. They had a private conversation.

Seth came to her. "Sorry, but Ace needs to be a police dog." He nodded toward Carl. "His uniform's in the pickup."

Emma hugged Ace and kissed his muzzle. "Be safe."

He licked her cheek.

It was almost eight o'clock when Charlie Michaels arrived and stood beside Emma. "Ms. Winters, may I call you Emma?"

"Of course."

"Good. Emma, I'm wondering after we hand out the gift cards, could we watch the fireworks together?"

She glanced toward Seth. "I'm sorry, but I already have a date for the fireworks."

Seth walked over, put his arm around Emma's waist, and nodded toward the dartboard. "Once he's finished, we're ready to announce the winners."

"The girls are almost finished cleaning up the face painting area."

Seth walked slowly toward the boys.

Charlie sighed. "You and the police chief are dating?"

"We are."

"Is it casual?"

She shook her head. "I'm afraid not. It's serious."

When Emma said that Seth glanced at her and winked.

The girls finished and joined the boys. As Emma stood beside Seth, he leaned over and whispered, "I'm glad you think we're serious. I agree."

Her eyes twinkled.

People gathered around for the gift cards presentation. Emma stood in front and reminded everybody that Charlie Michaels had generously donated them from his sporting goods store in Cedarville. After she called out the names and their scores, the recipients came up and claimed their prizes from Charlie.

Everything was loaded on Seth's pickup to be returned to the church once the fireworks had ended.

Seth and Emma found a semi-private area by the stream to watch, and Emma said, "Can I share an idea with you?"

"Of course."

"In January, after I get caught up on my finances, I thought maybe I'd go back to school. To be a 'Community In Schools' worker a master's degree is required. That way I can work with troubled teens. It would take a while. Since I'd be teaching, I'd only take a few classes each semester. I think most of them can be on-line. The college in Cedarville offers that. What do you think?"

"You don't need my permission. Since you asked, I think it's a wonderful idea. I'll support you anyway I can."

Emma smiled and laid her head against Seth's shoulder. "Thank you."

The fireworks display started, and Emma's eyes sparkled. "Seth, did you see that one? It was beautiful."

He watched the enthusiasm radiate from her. "Yes, you are beautiful."

She faced him. "I meant the fireworks."

Chuckling, he said, "And I meant you." He slipped his arm around her waist.

"Chief?" When they heard the voice, they turned. Carl walked up and said, "I'm returning Ace. He found more than we expected. We need you. Sorry, Emma."

"It's all right. It's a hazard of dating the police chief."

Seth's eyes met hers. "Sorry. I'll be back as soon as possible." He scanned the area. "Move closer to the crowd." He asked Carl, "Is Ace needed or can he stay with Emma?"

"He's done."

"Good." Seth removed Ace's uniform, petted him, and teased, "You're back to being a pampered pet."

Seth started to walk away, but returned and removed a key from the key ring. "Emma, I can't leave you without a way home. In case this takes a while, take my pickup and Ace home. I'll catch up with you later."

After she accepted the key, she put it on her ring. "I won't lose it this way."

They hugged.

The fireworks display had ended and almost everybody had left when Emma petted Ace. "I guess Seth isn't going to make it back. We'd better go home."

At home Emma waited about an hour and not hearing from Seth, got ready for bed. I guess whatever happened must be big. Well after midnight and numerous prayers, she fell into a restless sleep.

Around two-forty-five, Ace nuzzled Emma awake. She went to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Seth."

"I'm in my nightshirt."

He chuckled. "I figured you were. Put on a robe. It'll be all right. I'll only be here for a few minutes."

She ran to her room and slipped a pair of sweats under her nightshirt, before she unlocked the door.

Once she opened the door, Seth hugged her. "I needed to know you made it home. I'm sorry I stranded you."

"You didn't strand me. You left me with Ace and your pickup." She went to get her keyring. "I'll get your key."

"Keep it. I wish I could promise this won't happen again, but I can't. I always want you to be able to get safely home. I can easily get a ride." He hesitated. "I used my spare. I'll get an extra one made next week."

Emma tilted her head. "You used your spare? Why? When?"

"Carl and I came somewhere around two and took things back to the church and the basketball hoop to your dad's." He tapped a folded paper on the palm of his left hand.

"I guess I slept through it."

Seth pointed to the window. "Ace checked us out."

Petting the large dog, she said, "I'm sure he did."

He held up the paper. "I'm sure this can wait until morning, but since I'm here it was taped to the youth group door."

"What does it say?"

"I don't know. It's addressed to you."

Emma pulled off the tape, unfolded it, and read it out loud, "A science teacher's making meth and using students to sell it." Her eyes met Seth's. "What does this mean?"

Seth reached for the note. "This needs to go to the lab." He exhaled. "I can't go into details but after reading this, tonight makes a little more sense." He stood. "I need to let you get back to sleep. I just came by to apologize and make sure you're safe." He grinned. "When I realized how late it was, I called and left a message. Your phone wasn't accepting calls."

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"I'll be busy but will make time for you."

"Thank you." Emma followed Seth to the door. "Are you taking Ace?"

Watching Ace cuddle beside Molly, he said, "I hate to break that up, but I'd better. I might need him before you get up." Emma started to speak, but he interrupted, "I know. If you had a dog like Ace, you wouldn't need to borrow him."

She smiled. "Very true. You're catching on."

After a hug, Seth said, "I'll make time for us tomorrow."


I'm excited! My novel about Katherine and Gabriel was returned to me Friday by my publisher for my final review. It should be published in a few weeks. YEAH!!!!!! I'll keep you posted.

Character List:

Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief

Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.

Winters - the bakery/bookstore Emma's parents own.

Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man

Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore

Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian

Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9

Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather

Sheriff Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend

Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery

Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth

Linda Holton - the town librarian

Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton

George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot

Marc Elliot - troubled teenager

Ronald Calhoun - dated Emma her senior year of high school

Dr. Mason - veterinarian who took care of Molly

Mickey Casey - Man stalking Emma and she killed him

Elizabeth Higgins - 'Lizzy' pregnant teenage girl

Calvin and Gretchen Higgins - Parents of Elizabeth Higgins

Charlie Michaels - Sports store manager, donated gift certificates


Author Notes
Today's quote from what I've learned from my research. "You deserve someone who will guard your heart and destroy anything meant to harm you, with loyalty running so deep in their veins that they get physically ill at the mere thought of betrayal.
You deserve to be seen.
You deserve to be heard.
You deserve to be wanted.
And most importantly.....
you deserve to be loved."
Cody Brett

Thank you, Google Images, for the photo of July 4th fireworks.

This is Chapter 30 in its entirety. It's little under 1500 words. There are 37 total chapters, so Seth and Emma's story is close to the end. Of course, when I continue to break the chapters into two part it's still plenty of weeks away.

I appreciate the time you took to read this post. I appreciate the help editing. Thank you.


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