eviction notice—
even the mice
seem unsettled
Author Notes
HAIKU is a Japanese very short unrhymed poem that uemses imattgistic language to expay sofress the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection between the top two lines and the last one, called the SATORI. HAIKU uses a dash to pause before the SATORI.. Haiku is about nature and it alludes to a season of the year. In Japan, haiku is written in 17 syllables and three lines ( 5/7/5) but in English is 17 syllables OR LESS because English syllables are longer than Japanese syllables. Avoid capitalization (except proper names) and punctuation; keep alliteration to a minimum. Lines should be connected grammatically to improve the flow of thought.
click here to read Haiku Society of America, HAIKU EXAMPLES
click here to read Haiku Society of America HAIKU RULES
click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule
Modern Haiku
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