- Not another hit and run!by Wendy G
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Not another hit and run! by Wendy G
Flash Fiction contest entry

Jane was walking her dog, following their usual route. Suddenly the little dog stopped, staring at the road ahead. Something was different, and wrong. Jane stopped also, shielding her eyes against the early morning sun.

There in the middle of the traffic lane lay a small black twisted shape. Her heart sank. As they drew closer, she noticed the care of every single car driver, each one avoiding hitting the poor lifeless thing. They all slowed and either straddled it or swerved right around it. Not one wheel desecrated it further. Mentally she thanked them for their respect.

She waited for a break in the traffic, then walked into the middle of the lane, carefully picked up the limp, lifeless form and carried it back to the footpath.

She folded the crumpled black sweater and placed it on a fencepost; the owner would find it if he returned. She smiled. 



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