- Try as I may by Liliana Tricks
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His still not happy...
Try as I may by Liliana Tricks
A poem about a Man contest entry

My head is spinning from this cycle of never-ending doom, a repetition without true resolution in sight.
How is it that my actions and words constantly fall upon the depths of your impairments to hear and see? Can you not feel the reactions seep in from the pains you bestow upon me?
The words you speak are cruel and malicious, yet all you hear are words from my own eternal outbursts. As sorrow screeches aloud, echoing into the world.
Still, you won't see, you won't hear. So, I remain as you see me, as the villain, and you, the victim.
My heart will pour, alas, it shall beat, as my mind will fracture. Its shell remains, and self-doubt shall spread. Yet, your happiness still I cannot reach.


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