- Why I writeby Jesse James Doty
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A thoughtful; commentary
Why I write by Jesse James Doty

Recently I read a post on Fanstory by the author, Dawn Munro. The essay made me think. And that is an excellent quality I look for, in anything I choose to read. It encouraged me to think about why I write, and for whom.


There is a burning in my belly asking the hard questions. Am I satisfied with why I write anymore? Am I writing now for the same reasons as when I started to write? Good questions with no easy answers.


I started to write poetry when I was thirteen years old. In a manner of speaking, I haven’t stopped yet.


Last night, I got a call that awakened me to why I write.


At the beginning of my time on Fanstory, I posted some of my poems on the issue of homelessness how they feel, and what we can do to help them. At the time I was getting published weekly in a local newspaper called The Humboldt Edge.


Being published there, let me know I made a difference.


Yesterday evening, that same group that now calls themselves AHHA, which stands for Affordable Housing Homeless Alternatives, asked me to read my poetry to celebrate their ten year existence as a local advocacy group for the homeless and their allies.


Wow, what a wonderful feeling. To be asked to read my poetry from back in the years 2015 to 2019 is a thrill.


I then reflected on my early time on Fanstory, and how this same poetry was received. So many folks were less than impressed by my advocacy for the homeless. After a few unsavory reviews, I chose to write for Fanstory what they seemed to want to read instead.


Lately, I feel that most people on this site just want to know how I am doing rather than read what is meaningful to me.


Well, that is not the main reason why I write.


I write to make a difference, not to impress other writers. If no one wants to read what is important to me on this site, then why do I do it here?


Please, do some soul-searching and ask yourselves this important question.


Why do you write?


Think about it and share your thoughts.


You might be surprised what your answer will be.






Author Notes
Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts on this subject.


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